Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 91

"Moo~moo moo moo ✪ω✪" As soon as he got home, Bellsprout asked Taiji for energy crystals.

In the shop just now, in order to prevent Bellsprout and Pidgey from disturbing the old man, he locked both Bellsprout and Pidgey in the Poké Ball.

As soon as I got home, I put them all out.

"Okay, okay, I'll show you, but don't absorb it. Use this when you feel like you can't advance!"

Taiji from the backpack He took out two energy crystals and put them in Bellsprout's hands, very serious warned repeatedly.

"Moo ✪ω✪" Bellsprout nods, this is still a bit of an inch, this kind of ordinary Poke Ball is not soundproof, he heard it in the store.

The two energy crystals have almost spent all the money they have earned during this period of time. It would be too wasteful to use them to absorb and enhance their strength. There is no extra money to buy one in a short time.

"Moo~moo" Bellsprout looked at the crystals with green luster and purple luster on his hands, he felt so beautiful, and he could also feel the huge energy in this little gem. .

"啵~啵啵|ω・)" Pidgey also stared at the energy crystal in Bellsprout's hand, and he also felt the huge energy in it! Expressed envy.

"Okay, I've seen it, I'll give it to you, I'll keep it for you."

"Moo(ಥ_ಥ)" Bellsprout reluctantly crystallized his energy handed it back.

"Don't worry, Bellsprout, it's all yours, I'm afraid you'll accidentally absorb it while you're at Rest, so it's safer to leave it to me"

Taiji said The energy crystals were put back in the sealed box, and then packed in the space backpack.

"Moo Ծ‸Ծ" Bellsprout, who sensed the disappearance of the energy response, was a little lost, it really wanted to absorb it!

“pa! pa! We will work hard to make money next! Pidgey’s estimate also requires two energy crystals. I originally thought that 300,000 should be enough for you to evolve, didn’t expect not enough. !

Especially Bellsprout, you must work hard tomorrow! We will enter the inner circle tomorrow, test the water, and complete the last task. You must know that the money from Poison Type's crystallization could have been given to Pidgey. Buy Flying Type energy crystals!"

Taiji clapped, let the two little ones concentrate, and then talked about tomorrow's plans.

“Moo! |ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ” Bellsprout immediately said that he is absolutely superb!

"Moo~moo" It also patted Pidgey next to it, saying brother, don't worry! I will definitely help you earn enough money to buy energy crystals.

“啵~啵啵(ง•̀_•́)ง” is about his future, and Pidgey also returned with twelve points of confidence!

"Okay, let's have a good rest now, we'll leave early tomorrow morning. Good night!"


"MOO~"< /p>

Taiji and the two boys said good night to each other, then turned off the lights and rested.

"dīng líng líng! Bell, bell!" The loud sound of the alarm clock woke Taiji. He actually didn't sleep well last night. He yearned for the inner circle, and also feared the inner circle.

I yearn for a wide variety of Pokémon with better Aptitude in the inner circle. What I fear is that the strength of Pokémon in the inner circle is too large. From freshmen to elites, they will appear in the inner circle, and there are too many uncertain factors.

In fact, what he was thinking about last night was whether to continue to abuse vegetables for a while on the outside, wait for Bellsprout or even wait for Pidgey to evolve before entering the inner circle.

Finally, it's Alliance's Rookie Upgrading Mission, let him make up his mind, let's go to the inner circle! Greater risk also means greater benefit!


"Boom~" Suddenly he heard Bellsprout and Pidgey's voice, they were wondering, why didn't Taiji get up?

"cough cough! I'm sorry, I'm drowsy, I'll get up right away."

"Now that I've made a decision, there's nothing to hesitate, then let's go! Taiji !"

Sighing to himself, Taiji got up quickly to eat, and arranged breakfast for the two little dogs. After eating, the three of them went out.

Out of the city gate, Taiji has been thinking about who the opponent will be in the first battle of his inner circle.

"Compared with the outer circle, the inner circle seems to have more Sentret, Pidgey, Strong Sparrow, Zubat, Venonat, Pinsir, Ekans, Poliwag..."

He looked at the guards in his hand. The information gathered from the members shows that there are really a lot of Pokémon in the inner circle, and there are also some in the Johto Region.

This is not surprising to him. After all, Kanto Region and Johto Region are not just in name only, but also in reality's brother Alliance. Pokémon are basically the same.

After entering the forest, they quickly passed through the perimeter, but they cleared a few waves of insect along the way, and also harvested 7 Catterpies and 4 Weedles.

After all, Bellsprout and Pidgey's dusting tactics won't waste much time. Since they are free to pick up, why not pick them up.

He doesn't have the dignity of an Ordinary Level Trainer, even if a little, it's still better than nothing!

"Inner circle, non-Ordinary Level Trainers are not allowed to enter, otherwise take responsibility for the consequences!!!" Taiji glanced at the stone tablet on the ground, laughed.

“pull yourself together! The real battle starts now!”


“Moo |ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ” The two boys made a charge, charge, charge gesture, and the imposing manner was obviously high!

"Okay, let's go in, Pidgey, don't get too far away from us!" Taiji laughed and started walking towards the inner circle according to the camp.

Pidgey was flying in the air, about 10 meters ahead of Taiji and the others as scouts, while Bellsprout and Taiji followed.

The trio probed cautiously around the inner circle boundary, making Bellsprout feel as if he was back in the same way that Taiji took him to the forest for the first time hunting.

"啵~啵啵" Suddenly Pidgey in front of him seemed to have found something, and flew back to Taiji's shoulder quickly.

"ka-cha!" Taiji opened his protective helmet.

"Boom~" Pidgey whispered his discovery in Taiji's ear, while Bellsprout took up the profession of vigilance and began to look all around.

"啵~啵啵" Pidgey said that he saw a purple and yellow snake tail in a bush, just 10 meters ahead.

"Ekans, I remember that it also evolves around the ordinary Lower Section. Since the inner circle should be the Ordinary Level, maybe it's the one I encountered last time! It's not too far from the periphery."


Taiji didn't expect to find the target so quickly, and it's probably the one that sneak attacked them before.

"Okay, Bellsprout, let's get closer together with Pidgey!" He greeted Bellsprout, and led by Pidgey, slowly closing the distance with Ekans.

After all, Ekans is a Poison Type Pokemon. If you use Stun Spore around the limit, it is estimated that it will have no effect.

I don't know if Ekans is looking at the other side. Anyway, their three people moved towards Ekans' tail.

So it was quite smooth to touch the position about 13 meters away from Ekans. This distance estimation can also be regarded as a benefit brought to Taiji by daily training.

After all, in their daily training, they measure the Ability range of 1 meter and 1 meter, so he still has some experience in distance control.

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