Pet Pokemon’s Poor Chapter 95

"Okay, after explaining the dusting tactics, let's talk about what to do next?"


"Moo Moo~"

Seeing the nodded Bellsprout and Pidgey again and again, Taiji has the feeling of being born again.

"In fact, the next step is very simple. After they fall asleep, Bellsprout, you quickly roll them up with vines and pull the two Metapods to us.

When the time comes let's go further, so these two Metapods are not in our bag, haha!"

He continued to tell his plan with a proud face.


"啵啵✪ω✪" The two little dogs cooperated and gave adoring eyes.

"Okay, I understand, then let's act!" Taiji waved his hand and started hunting!

"Swish~" Bellsprout immediately began to spawn a large number of Sleep Powder groups

"Hu~hu hu" Pidgey quickly flapped his wings and blew the powder towards the trees on the tree. Two Metapods.

"Do~do~唷~" soon became drowsy and fell asleep when Metapod, who had been in contact with a lot of Sleep Powder, began to feel sleepy.

However, there was an accident when the powder was implemented. Maybe Bellsprout had too many powders. After hypnotizing two Metapods, the extra powder was still floating out.

Fortunately, the distance is relatively far, so in Taiji's telescope, only two of them fell asleep. After absorbing the other Metapods, they just hit Yawn. As for Kakuna, there is basically no response. .

"It seems that the amount of powder should be explained every time before taking action with Bellsprout."

Taiji added another mentally to his tactics. Item preposition, as expected, talking on paper is far inferior to actual combat.

"xiu! 咻!" Bellsprout didn't think too much after dusting the powder, it firmly remembered Taiji's order, and directly rolled two vines, and ran out with two Metapods go.

"Boom~Boom" Pidgey was quickly looking outside, searching for a safe place, and this Growl said it had found it.

"Shasha~Sha" Bellsprout ran quickly towards Pidgey's position with two Metapods.

Soon, it reached Pidgey's position, and threw the Metapod gently on the ground with a "boom". Although it was as light as possible, the thick shell of the Metapod still emitted when it was in contact with the Ground. The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"Bang Bang Bang!" Taiji stepped forward and tapped the Metapod's shell with his hand, and found that it was worthy of the name Iron Armor, and it felt very solid before using Harden.

"Pidgey, try a flash peck, Bellsprout, you control it first!"

Taiji decided to let Pidgey try it first, in order to avoid, the Metapod awakened by pain Yelling was causing unnecessary trouble, so he had Bellsprout tied first, then covered his mouth.

"Boom! (ง•̀_•́)ง" Pidgey heard Taiji's beating just now, and understood that the insect's shell was very hard.

So it used all its strength, only to see its body flashed, and the sharp waste bird's beak rushed over with Flying Type energy.

"puchi!" Pidgey pierced a small hole in the unreinforced iron armor, and some blood flowed out of the flesh inside.

"Do! Woo ~ Woo" has punctured the hardest shell of itself, and hurt the body that is being nurtured. Metapod must have woken up. Unfortunately, just as he was about to scream, it was used by Bellsprout, who was quick-witted and quick-witted. Vine Whip covered.

"Bellsprout, you use Sleep Powder again, hypnotize it!"

"Swish~" A large amount of Sleep Powder shrouded again.

"Well, Bellsprout, I'm using Poison Powder, and then Absorb. It's a little slower, but it's less labor-intensive"

After letting Pidgey try it, Taiji still thinks it's disintegrating from the inside Simple after all.

Flying Type's flash peck just broke a hole. Although Pidgey is only a freshman, he has double the damage bonus.

He reckons that even Bellsprout's Whip of Thorns does at worst.

It's better to slowly disintegrate from the inside.

However, in order to allow the Poison Powder to enter more, it also occurs faster.

He had Pidgey cut a hole in the other Metapod as well.

Then Bellsprout started consciously throwing more Poison Powder into the hole, and then Absorb followed, double-piping it.

After feeling the loss of energy in the body, the two Metapods woke up no matter how deep a deep sleep "Du~" was.

"Wu~wu wu" woke up and understood their situation. They immediately wanted to send out a distress signal, but Bellsprout immediately blocked their mouths.

"Clang clang!" I saw a metallic luster beginning to emerge from the two Metapods.

The Metapod turned out to have no choice but to use the Harden move to stall the time.

"Hehe, it's a pity that you are poisoned from the inside, not attacking your shell."

Taiji glanced at the head and sneered.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Metapod found that the rate of energy loss in the body did not seem to decrease at all.

"Do~唷! (ToT)" can only cry out in despair in the end.

It didn't take long for the two Metapods to lose the combat capability.

"Well, yes, the time is acceptable, and it's not laborious at all!"

Taiji glanced at the electronic watch and found that the two Metapods lost their combat capability from being poisoned. It's been over half an hour.

He stepped forward to give the two Metapods an antidote first, otherwise the worm meat would not be sold.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Taiji used a dagger to pierce the shell of the Metapod after the toxin had been removed. Although it was more laborious, it could still be seen that the hardness of the shell of the Metapod still depended on most of it. Powered by the Pokémon itself.

The Pidgey next to him was also under the command of Taiji. He only used a peck to kill the Metapod, which had lost the combat capability.

"Boom? Boom?" Pidgey was surprised when he killed him. Did I break through with such a short strength?

"Haha, Pidgey, Metapod has no energy attached to the shell, so the hardness has dropped a lot."

Seeing Pidgey with a doubtful face, Taiji explained with a smile a moment.

"The shell of Metapod is about 10 jins, 200 jins per jins, and there are about 5 jins of inedible worms inside, the selling price is 110 jins per jins, and it is also 100 jins when sold to Wu Er Boss. The price!

In addition to the 1000 Ordinary Level wire bag, I will earn 3500 for a Metapod! ✪ω✪, two per hour, 7000 to hand!!!”

Taiji gets more and more excited, no wonder even the Ordinary Level Trainer, a commoner in the town, has seen the final form of Pokémon using evolutionary stones in recent years.

It turns out that making money at Ordinary Level is quite simple!

A low-grade evolutionary stone with common attributes is only 200,000. For a Trainer who has given up on promotion to the elite level, it seems that there are not many.

But if those Ordinary Levels knew what Taiji was thinking, they would probably kill him. Not everyone has a field controller who knows three fans and a scout who can fly.

How can they be so relaxed when they go hunting? Even if they hunt Metapod, they will often be chased by a group of butterflies because of the noise!

"Bellsprout, Pidgey, let's try again!" Taiji, having tasted the sweetness, decided to hunt a few more, it was still early anyway.

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