Pet The World

Chapter 105

Pet The World Chapter 105

The battle method of this big black bull is the most savage. It has not used elemental attacks, allowing ten troll infesters to attack.

The various elemental attacks or physical attacks of the troll infector can't cause any damage to it, but it only makes some elemental sparks and slashes appear on its black fur.

Its defensive power is too terrifying, even if the troll infester attacks are not as terrifying as pets, but the formidable power is also at the fourth rank peak level, combined with the tricky attacks of these infestors, it's actually not enough. No damage was done to it.

This defense is desperate.

On the other hand, Big Black Ox's attack is called a savage. When he sees an opportunity, he rushes forward, with a posture that he will kill someone, or he will swing his long tail from time to time while being severely beaten. For some hapless troll infester.

The terrifying power can make a troll infester half-dead.

The troll infector who fights with this Big Black Ox is simply miserable. He beats and breaks its defense. He will be beaten half to death if he hits it. I want to rely on intelligence to trick it. The masters behind others are not fools, so naturally they won't let them succeed.

The fight continued, Big Black Ox did nothing, and the troll invaders were getting weaker and weaker. First, the consumption of demon power was too serious. High intensity combat.

Looking at their bodies carefully, Fang Ziyu found that the purple black meridian exploded on their four or five-meter-high bodies, which seemed to be in danger of bursting at any time.

Fang Ziyu doesn't know what these people think. If it were himself, he would rather live an ordinary life than have such power.

The battlefield leader seems to be in a stalemate, but Fang Ziyu knows that there are people who are secretly observing the battle situation like him, and all he knows are the purple scorpion and the instant noodle organization.


An angry roar spread across the battlefield, and I saw the flame lion fighting Basilisk in the distance with several huge wounds all over his body. Bright red blood flowed from the place, and some parts had been petrified into stone, and it was seriously injured.

As for Basilisk on the opposite side, three legs were torn off by him, and a huge hole was opened in his neck, but under the blessing of the earth, he began to recover at a speed visible to naked eyes.

The only result of the flame lion's fight with it was that it restored its recovery speed from an instant recovery to a speed visible to naked eyes, only reducing the opponent's recovery speed.

It's not that the flaming lion isn't bad, it's powerful enough to destroy the troll Basilisk by itself, and even it has already figured out its weaknesses, but it alone has five There is no way for the existence of the order to directly destroy the core of the Basilisk at one time.

If the core can't be destroyed, this guy can always rely on the gift of the earth to recover, and the other pets in the Pet Administration are also restrained and unable to move.

The situation of the flame lion at this time, if no one comes to help, it will become the first fifth-order existence to die tonight.

People from the Pet Management Bureau naturally discovered this problem, and in the end they divided the flame bird for Shuzu to help. With the help of the flame bird, the flame lion can finally relieve the demon power temporarily.

The person hiding in the dark seemed to be waiting for this opportunity, only to hear a roar, a fifth-order purple black poisonous scorpion suddenly grew bigger and rushed straight towards the one-horned white horse that was still dealing with the tree ancestors. The scorpion tail, which was flickering with dim light, was unceremoniously facing the one-horned white horse and was ready to come.

At present, pets are divided into two directions in terms of body size: one is constantly growing in size, and the other is that the size does not change or does not change much.

Nowadays, the fifth-order pets on the battlefield belong to the direction of growing in size, and Fang Ziyu's frost giant dragon also belongs to this evolutionary direction.

There are many benefits of getting bigger in size, life force defensive power will increase more, and the most important thing is that larger size means more demon power, which is more suitable for battle.

The yin and yang cats like Daiyu and Li Huiting belong to the evolutionary direction of the same size. Generally, the attributes of such pets tend to be mysterious. Although their size is small, it does not mean that there is less demon power. Some other factors, such as the way the skills are released, they don't need to be huge.

But at present, it seems to people that the evolution direction of large size is better, and the domineering side leaks a full sense of security. And after the fifth rank, the pets can be controlled by themselves, and they are not afraid of being too big to live in the city.

And often, smaller pets are more difficult to advance.

This huge amethyst sand scorpion also belongs to the evolutionary direction of growing in size, so it has been hidden until now.

The attack of the amethyst sand scorpion directly caused the one-horned white horse to be sealed for a long time and completely ruined. The ball hit the Amethyst Sand Scorpion.

Although the amethyst sand scorpion can't fly, its speed is not slow. The desire is to contain it so that it can't go back to take care of Shuzu's side.

The tree ancestor was no longer restrained by the pet, and instantly began to grow wildly, and the breath became stronger and stronger, and suddenly the tree ancestor shook violently from side to side, just like a person eating a disgusting insect, and then the tree ancestor unexpectedly He directly pulled out all the roots that were stuck in the ground, and prepared to slip away in the direction of the wilderness.

Fang Ziyu could see from a distance that its roots were covered with a layer of green mucus, and it was this thing that was disgusting to the tree ancestor, and made it have the idea of running.

And then how is this possible, I saw a huge slime monster solidified into a golden dinosaur, this golden dinosaur waved its front claws and several golden cutting lines flashed in the air, as if Split the space into two halves.

The next moment, I saw that the huge tree ancestor was directly dismembered, and the whole big tree was turned into wooden blocks of different sizes.

metal restrain wood, the tree ancestor with the power of tenacious Extreme Realm encountered this slime whose whole body was made of metal and contained a trace of the power of extreme gold, and was instantly dismembered.

But the tree ancestor with tenacious Extreme Realm is terrifying. After being divided into countless small pieces of wood, they will send out countless roots and plunge into the ground, and in the blink of an eye, they will become countless identical pieces. The small tree spreads in all directions, making it difficult to tell which one is its body.

This is still the state of Shuzu who has been sealed for many days and is seriously injured, which shows how terrifying it is at the peak period.

But the tree ancestor seems to be unwilling to give up the dead mice. There is still a small hole in the trunk of a small tree, in which a dead mice is sleeping.

I saw that the slime, who was a golden-skinned dinosaur just now, also instantly turned into a large pool of transparent mucus, covering all the small trees that the tree ancestors turned into.

The troll analysis organization who has been hiding in the dark did not let other branches go because the tree ancestor showed a huge weak spot, and the liquid slime directly turned all the tree ancestors into small trees All imprisoned.

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