Pet The World

Chapter 131

Pet The World Chapter 131

Fang Ziyu knows that Qingling is mainly divided into four areas, from the inside to the outside, the danger is getting lower and lower, namely the terror area, the middle-level area, the low-level area, and the Safety Sector.

Fang Ziyu and the others are going to the Safety Sector, and the assessment place is in the low-level area.

As the name suggests, the Safety Sector is a very clean area that is cleaned up, with only a few First Rank trolls.

The low-level area naturally refers to the area where the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trolls live, and the middle tier area is the area where the 3rd, 4th, and 5th trolls live. As for Li Hao in the horror area, they don't know what's in it. It is said that there are trolls with sixth rank and even seventh rank, but no one has seen it with their own eyes.

Of course, this area is not fixed, and high-level monsters may also appear in low-level areas, but usually there are fewer.

But no matter which area, pets will not be cleaned up, so you are likely to encounter pets with higher levels in low-level areas.

Of course, the general probability is relatively small, and high-level pets have a high probability of surviving in the middle-level area and the horror area.

This is also a good place for pet upgrades, because there are many different plants, and troll cores can also be hunted.

The best way to improve a pet's battle strength is to fight, as long as you bring your pet to fight here, eat troll flesh cores and various alien plants, after a long period of tempering, the pet will enter the Steps are also much faster than natural progressions.

Especially the low-level pets under the third rank, with constant fighting and tempering, they can advance to Level 1 in two or three months.

Of course, after surpassing the third rank, although combat training is also useful, the advancement is not as simple as before, requiring many factors and special materials.

As long as a low-level summoner with a little dream is willing to come to fight and temper, plus a little luck, he can still reach the third rank very quickly.

Nowadays, trolls are all hunted by pets. Trolls are not afraid of ordinary firearms and bullets. For ordinary animals, a single bullet can seriously injure them.

But trolls, as long as the bullets don't hit the core, just the head and the heart, one or two shots won't kill you.

And their defensive power is terrifying, and it is difficult for ordinary firearms and bullets to penetrate their defenses.

Of course, a dozen more shots can still kill you, but the premise is that it can now let you hit dozens of shots from the same point. Some third-rank monsters with pure defensive power, you may not be able to beat them wherever they stand.

And the radiation from weapons of mass destruction, such as the atomic bomb, is too great, and it can also mutate trolls, which is not worth the harm.

It is useful for some small missiles like rockets, but when you take these things out, it is easy to attract the terrifying trolls in Qingling. Those trolls with the fifth sixth rank are too fast, Small missiles are difficult to target.

So the current situation in Qingling mostly relies on pets to hunt giant monsters.

Fang Ziyu who knew the general situation

killed the deputies, and wrote down the signs of each area that Li Hao and the others said, lest they accidentally run into the inner area when taking Xiaobing and the others to hunt giant monsters.

The car was on a concrete road, and it was not bumpy. Fang Ziyu was bored with the rhubarb while watching the wilderness outside.

Now the wilderness is more interesting than before, just like the African grasslands, many animals can be seen from a distance.

Fang Ziyu's attention was attracted by a big yellow bull, ten meters long and three meters high, grazing quietly on a hill, with muscular body.

Fang Ziyu couldn't help swallowed saliva and said, don't know if this big Yellow Ox's beef tenderloin is delicious?

Suddenly I want to eat meat!

There are some trolls that don't have long eyes, but under the guarantee and protection of a group of third rank pets, there is not much problem.

On the contrary, the skeletons of trolls can be seen from time to time on both sides of the road, which are all left by the death of trolls without long eyes. The purpose of this is to deter some trolls from destroying highways.

Holding two cats, Rhubarb and Daiyu, one big and one small, watching the scenery all around, and occasionally chatting with a few other people, more than an hour passed quickly.

Fang Ziyu and the others arrived at their destination. From a distance, they could see the towering Qingling mountain range in the distance. Not far from them, there was a huge gathering place of human beings. This was originally a village. Now it has been expanded into a huge gathering place.

These gathering places are within the scope of the Safety Sector.

There are many such gathering places along Qingling Mountain. Except for some service personnel who are just inside the gathering place, they are all people who are able to go to the wild to hunt giant monsters in the nearby cities.

Of course the army is not here, and is guarding the surrounding cities in a more inner and more dangerous place.

Fang Ziyu Their destination is not the military camp, but a training base in the gathering place called Bai Stone Village, which is one of the camps of the high level summoner school in Qingling.

Although the people in Fang Ziyu are still wearing military uniforms, they are all from the high level summoner school, and they are all going to the training base to prepare for the upcoming seven-day assessment. Prepare.

As Fang Ziyu and their car drove into the White Stone Village gathering place, Fang Ziyu was attracted by the different style here. First of all, the most characteristic point of this gathering place is that the road is super wide.

Although each road is only a two-lane lane, the distance left on both sides adds up to seventy or eighty meters wide, which is not counting the space occupied by the stalls.

Why so wide?

Naturally, it is for pets. The pets used by people have evolved a lot in the direction of getting bigger, and as a gathering place, most of them are third rank second rank pets.

They are all elites from nearby cities.

The largest size of third rank pets can even reach 20 meters in length, so the road is left so wide, so that those pets of Second Rank that are a few meters long and third rank pets that are more than ten meters long can pass through .

Xiaobing, who is more than ten meters tall, can barely pass.

This gathering place is really the same as the kind of market in the game where everyone brings pets. For example, Fang Ziyu noticed a person with a three-meter-high two-year-old shopping at a glance.

Don't ask why Fang Ziyu saw Erha at a glance, that Erha was dragging its owner away, otherwise it wouldn't be so conspicuous.

The poor man can't pull back a heartless Erha.

Seeing Fang Ziyu's car, the pedestrians and pets on the road cast curious glances. Many people know that this car is going to the training base of the high level summoner school, and they talk about it with envy. .

Especially a group of third rank pets in the sky, with a giant dragon following them, is the envy of many people. Hearing them talking about Xiaobing, Fang Ziyu raised his head proudly, this is his dragon.

Fang Ziyu, who is not wearing a military uniform, is like a crane in a flock of chickens. Many people whispered about what he was doing.

Even though Fang Ziyu is sitting upright, he still lacks the temperament of a soldier, and is likened by many people to a Hughes who got into a pack of wolves.

The Li Hao next to them couldn't help laughing. Fang Ziyu licked rhubarb expressionlessly, with a lot of mmp in his heart.

Soon to arrive at the training base, which is bigger than a university campus, with tens of thousands of square meters. It is a two- or three-story house, and there are no tall buildings.

Walking all the way, I also saw a lot of special pet training grounds, and some people are still training pets.

Those should be the examiners who came early. There are many people in this assessment, and there are also many examiners. Fang Ziyu and the others are just one of them.

When they got there, Fang Ziyu and the others got out of the car. The Master Chief asked someone to assign a dormitory, two people in a dormitory. Fang Ziyu chose to live with the more familiar Li Hao.

Then there is more than an hour of free time. At one o'clock, there will be a meeting to explain what the examiners need to pay attention to in the seven-day field assessment session that will start tomorrow, as well as the use of some instruments.

Fang Ziyu spread his quilt and took out the giant dung beetle Xiao Hei who had been stuffy in his backpack for hours.

Xiao Hei was able to see the sun again, and his mouth moved: "Fang Ziyu, didn't you say go to the wild? Why are you still in the house?"

"Don't worry, Xiao Hei, this In the wild, I will take you out in the afternoon to find cow dung to eat." Fang Ziyu touched its black carapace and said.

"Okay then." Xiao Hei said in a disappointed tone.

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