Pet The World

Chapter 162

Pet The World Chapter 162

Faced with so many Second Rank pets and humans, the purple-tailed queen bee sent thousands of semi-mutated purple-tailed bees and hundreds of First Rank worker bees to fly over at one time.

These semi-mutated purple-tailed wasps range in length from five or six centimeters to thirty centimeters, while First Rank purple-tailed wasps are fifty-sixty centimeters in length. They are covered with purple and yellow stripes, and the tail section has sharp purple poisonous needles.

Purple-tailed wasps are highly poisonous, and the poisonous needles in the tail section contain terrifying neurotoxins and hemolytic toxins. Even if a low-level summoner is stung, it is difficult to survive without detoxification and timely detoxification or treatment of pets. .

Of course, except for those who have poison resistance.

A pet of the same tier will also be stunted when stung, and its body will be damaged.

A single purple-tailed wasp is not terrifying, but terrifying is rushing up in groups that are not afraid of death.

Looking at the purple-tailed wasp rushing towards him, Li Xiuzhu ordered his pet Alaska to store up the demon power while letting the students riding the sheep behind him use control skills.

After the trainee who rode the sheep gave the order to his electric sheep, the pet sheep blew, and the white arc flashed near its mouth, and soon a power grid was released.

These semi-mutated purple-tailed bees and several First Rank purple-tailed bees did not escape the control of the grid, and were shaken by the electricity, falling into a state of rigidity and falling to the ground.

At this time, Li Xiuzhu jumped down and let Alaska rush over to kill some of the purple-tailed wasps with his claws, while the remaining part was solved by the giant dragonfly that was cooperating in the air.

In the face of the first wave of ordinary purple-tailed wasps mixed with some First Rank purple-tailed bees' attacks, everyone chose the most energy-saving way. There are tens of thousands of these ordinary semi-mutated purple-tailed wasps in this hive, and they are not afraid to consume them.

Their main purpose is to decapitate and kill the queen bee. Without the queen bee's control, these chaotic trolls who instinctively kill and like to devour will start to devour themselves until the next queen bee is born.

Liu Xiangnan's team did not dispatch the blue and white Yingshuo with enhanced skills and acceleration skills at all, but solved these First Rank by relying on the golden beak and the common elemental attacks of the Fire Element Hutches. and semi-mutated purple-tailed wasps.

Guo Yao and Zhao Youran directly relied on the speed advantage of the pet bird, and quickly killed many purple-tailed wasps. At this time, Guo Yao and Yang Lu had already descended to the ground to command the pets to fight.

You can also ride a pet as a mount at ordinary times. Doing so during battle is courting death.

Xiao Bai's side, he was guarded by a man and a woman in the middle, the pet dog sprayed a Fireball from time to time to burn a few purple-tailed wasps, the iron pincer mantis flew in the air, and the iron pincers harvested each purple-tailed bee bee life.

The vine of magic words is not around. As a weak nurse, Xiao Bai is very self-aware and hides well. From time to time, he glanced at the battlefield situation, and at the vine of magic words growing not far from the purple-tailed hive.

The vine of magic words did not receive his orders, and looked like a normal vine growing under the hive. Before, Xiao Bai wanted to plant the vine of magic words by the river, but Tiangong did not make it beautiful, and it rained heavily, so he could only move it away.

And then he happened to discover this huge purple-tailed beehive, and as soon as his mind turned around, he felt that the vine of magic words was planted here.

The quality of the students of the other two squares was not bad either, and they cooperated in an orderly manner in the face of these common purple-tailed bee colonies.

Tai Yuhan, who has two Second Rank pets by himself, led their team to a particularly eye-catching performance.

The white Pegasus emitted a fan-shaped white light that directly controlled all the purple-tailed wasps within 10 meters in front, while the other two team members behind Yuhan in the background commanded the pet to eliminate seven pets at once. Eighty purple-tailed wasps.

ka-cha! ka-cha!

Fang Ziyu took a few pictures to document the scene.

"Fang Ziyu, now every team has made a move, which team do you bet on to be the final winner?" Ren Liang also took a few pictures of his moves, and was the first to speak.

He is not afraid of Fang Ziyu betting first. If two people bet the same, then it is equivalent to not betting. Is there a rule that they are not allowed to bet on the same one?

Fang Ziyu looked down and saw the woman with a white Pegasus. He remembered that he seemed to have seen the double sucker bug on the way to Xing'an Park.

It didn't expect that this Pegasus is good at control skills, it seems that it should not be underestimated.

"I choose that team over there, I bet they will win big in the end." Fang Ziyu said, pointing to Xiao Bai's team.

Fang Ziyu's choice was beyond Ren Liang's expectations. He took a closer look at Xiao Bai's team. There was nothing outstanding. That tall man seemed to be a nurse or some kind of assistant. Being protected in the middle, is Fang Ziyu because of the team he chose?

"Are you sure? These are five Second Rank variants." Ren Liang asked with a smile.

"Yes, the choice is made." Fang Ziyu nods, thinking that you will be happy, I will give you a big surprise later.

"Since you insist so much, then I'll choose the team of the woman with two Second Rank pets per person. If you're going to regret it, it's too late."

Ren Liang Said, although Second Rank metamorphosis is not difficult for them to obtain, five are also worth 100,000 yuan, and losing is enough to make people feel distressed for a while.

He felt that Fang Ziyu still didn't understand the situation. There were tens of thousands of ordinary purple-tailed wasps in this hive, and they were not afraid of consumption at all. Even if there was a nanny, it was impossible to win the purple-tailed bee.

The only way is to behead the queen bee.

Although it is speculated that Fang Ziyu Fang Ziyu may have a special reason for choosing that team, he still chose the team of Tai Yuhan, which is definitely the strongest team.

"It's okay, it's just five Second Rank xenografts, I can still afford to lose." Fang Ziyu said.

Following Fang Ziyu and their conversation, the battle below became more intense.

After preliminary testing, the purple-tailed queen bee no longer wants to spend it with this group of humans. Now it just wants to quickly destroy these damn pets, and then grab these humans and drain the spiritual power in their bodies alive. Used to recover from his injury and advance to third rank.

With its order, more than 10,000 common purple-tailed bees and seven or eight hundred First Rank purple-tailed bees all poured out of the hive, and the densely packed purple-tailed bees seemed to block the sky. Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!'s wing flapping sound is even more disturbing.

The students below showed a solemn look when they saw so many purple-tailed bees, and felt that they had underestimated the difficulty of this purple-tailed bee hive.

But the arrow is on the string, so I have to send it. At this time, I can only brace oneself and look for an opportunity to solve the purple-tailed queen bee, in order to alleviate this situation.

Otherwise, they would not be stung to death, but would also have been drained of their demon power and spiritual power.

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