Pet The World

Chapter 174

Pet The World Chapter 174

A group of Second Rank summoners led by Fang Ziyu traveled to pick up students in the wilderness.

Fang Ziyu naturally picks up the students closest to him first. He is waiting for the Second Rank summoner near the hill where he is to transport students. The person closest to him suddenly became Zhao Youran.

Zhao Youran saw Fang Ziyu brought a group of people to pick him up, knowing that the assessment was finally over, took a deep breath: "Finally, it's over. This time I must go back and take a good bath, take a bath Hours, not three hours, and then sleep one day and one night, so that you can be yourself."

She spent every day in fear of being attacked for the seven days of the assessment, for fear of being attacked by something. It's not good, it's not good, I can't even take a shower.

She turned her head to wake up the orange cat Ranran who was sleeping on the grass bed in the shelter and the one-meter-long rabbit hozen she named Angel.

Fang Ziyu came down with a Second Rank summoner to look at Zhao Youran and said, "The assessment is over, bring your things and take you back to the assessment center."

"All taken. , the troll crystal cores that were hunted are also brought." Zhao Youran nodded and said.

The Second Rank summoner next to Fang Ziyu brought a three-meter-long bird to pick up Zhao Youran, and Zhao Youran, along with a one-meter-six rabbit hozen and an orange cat, could not carry him. , Fang Ziyu called another Second Rank summoner to transport Zhao Youran's pet.

This is done, Fang Ziyu goes to the next place.

Zhao Youran sat on the bird's back and overlooked the earth, feeling the slightly suffocating wind blowing in front of her. Her long messy hair was combed straight by the wind.

Looking back, she found that the seven-day difficult survival seemed to be like that. Although she suffered a lot, a lot of pain, and wanted to quit many times, she persevered. Looking back at this time, the sun was shining. Exactly, the scenery is beautiful.

She never thought that it would be so difficult to survive in the wilderness before. The seemingly simple survival was actually so difficult. After this seemingly simple assessment, she found that she became much stronger. I have matured a lot, and I have some understanding of the meaning of this assessment set up by the summerer school.

Looking at the passing scenery, the verdant green ridges, the galloping blue water river, the warm sun, Zhao Youran's dirty face showed a smile and a hint of joy.

The second person Fang Ziyu received was a student he was not very familiar with. Fang Ziyu could see the joy on the student's face when he saw him bring someone to pick him up.

There is joy in passing the exam, joy in being able to enter the summerer school, and joy in becoming more mature.

It took three hours for Fang Ziyu to send all the students back to the White Stone Village gathering place, and the seven-day wilderness survival assessment was finally over.

Because these trainees were all disrupted when they were first brought into the wilderness, the training center that brought them back to the gathering place did not make any further distinctions.

The students were picked up directly according to the advanced assessment area. Fang Ziyu, the examiners who originally belonged to the White Stone Village Training Center, were all sent to the White Stone Village Assessment Center. Other assessment areas are also divided according to the area where the examiner is located.

Students like Xiao Bai who did not belong to the White Stone Village Training Center were taken directly to the White Stone Village Training Center.

Then the assessment results of each student will be counted, and they will be sent directly to the train. The results of the assessment will be announced three days later. The specific school each student belongs to and which class when the time comes will also be announced.

Fang Ziyu took Xiaobing to his small cave, Daiyu, the others, and the pets that he had harvested these days. The most precious thing was the female stray. Frogs and a bucket of frog eggs.

In these seven days, Fang Ziyu changed the water for his precious frog eggs every day, for fear of raising them to death.

On the way back to the small cave, there was a loud roar from the ground below, Fang Ziyu saw that a third rank monster was provoking him.

"Hey, this troll seems to be one of the materials that Rhubarb needs to advance?" Fang Ziyu lightly exclaimed.

Fang Ziyu hurriedly called up the rhubarb information and carefully checked some pictures, yes, this is the chaotic troll nether shadow fox that rhubarb advanced needs, just the core rhubarb advanced material That's it.

"Go, go down and kill this nether shadow fox." Fang Ziyu said with a pat on the back of Xiaobing.

Xiaobing let out a loud cry, swung her tail and dived down, ready to use the power of the dive to punch the nether shadow fox, who knew that when it was about to hit, the nether shadow fox The nether shadow flickered, dodging the fist like a teleportation.

With a loud bang, the ground was dug out by Xiaobing's fist and a large pit with a diameter of five meters was smashed.

Just when Xiaobing's old power was exhausted and new power was not born, the nether shadow fox that flashed aside before appeared on the left side of Xiaobing like a teleportation, and his bloodthirsty eyes cast a glance. Fang Ziyu, one paw tore Xiaobing's front scapula, the scales flew over, and blood spattered.


The severe pain caused Xiaobing to roar in the sky and turn around and smashed it with a paw, but the nether shadow fox who succeeded in one hit did not fight and retreated directly. .

Fang Ziyu was confused even though he stayed in the shield of Xiaobing's condensed demon power. He glanced at the nether shadow fox who was ready to go in the distance, Fang Ziyu said: "Xiaobing directly confronted him. The ground performs a frost attack, condensing the entire 100 meters into a Snow and Ice World, first reduce its speed, and start to attack it.”

Judging from the two blows just now, this nether shadow fox is obviously skilled In speed, as long as the speed is slowed down, there is definitely not much pressure to deal with Xiaobing's battle strength.

Actually, Fang Ziyu was sitting on Xiaobing's back to affect its attack, but there was no way, he might be attacked by nether shadow fox, this guy's speed is too fast.

After receiving Fang Ziyu's order, Xiaobing roared and spit out a mouthful of frost on the ground, and then controlled the frost to move towards all around, and in an instant it became a piece of Snow and Ice in a radius of 100 meters. World .

Using the Frost Form to be displayed in the all around environment actually tests Xiaobing's mastery of the skill. Fortunately, this skill has been used many times, and it is very proficient.

"Go straight up and beat it." Fang Ziyu said immediately.


Xiao Bing roared, and slammed his paws back towards the nether shadow fox. As a frost giant dragon, it walked in the ice and snow like instinct. Again, such an icy environment will only speed up its speed and ice attribute attack power.

Seeing Xiaobing rushing over, the nether shadow fox instinctively activated the teleport-like skill again to dodge to the side. Head-on collision is not its style.

Different from the previous two times, the nether shadow fox's movement speed is much slower this time, and the ice and snow environment really affects its speed. Its skill is not teleportation, but a high-speed movement.

nether shadow fox retreats to a farther position, some don't want to fight Xiaoice in this environment.

"Xiaobing, fly up and dive to reveal the weak spot as before, but don't use up all your strength, then I'll let you attack wherever you want, don't hesitate, just throw your claws out, the strongest Just send the attack." Fang Ziyu didn't want to let the nether shadow fox escape.

Little Ice received Fang Ziyu's order, flew up and aimed at the nether shadow fox's position and plunged down, punching the nether shadow fox's place.

With a loud bang, ice slag and dirt flew, and the nether shadow fox dodged the attack again. Fang Ziyu stared at it, and sure enough, after dodging Xiaobing's attack again, it wanted to take the opportunity to attack Xiaobing again, but this time it was not on the left, but on the right.

"It's the right side, Xiaoice full strength attack." Fang Ziyu immediately gave the order with a mind sound transmission.

Fang Ziyu is a pre-judgment. Almost as soon as he finished the command, the nether shadow fox appeared on the right side of Xiaobing again. The sharp claw directly claws at Xiaobing's wings, trying to make it lose flight ability.

But to its surprise, XiaoIce actually held back this time. When it attacked XiaoIce, XiaoIce also turned its head and smashed it with a paw.

In desperation, it hurriedly launched a high-speed movement to prepare to slip away, but the ice and snow environment caused its speed to drop, and with a bang, it was smashed by Xiaobing and flew upside down.

Without Fang Ziyu's command, Xiaobing spit out a mouthful of frost without the slightest hesitation. The confused nether shadow fox that was just smashed didn't have time to move at high speed, and was hit in the second half The body was frozen directly.

This has declared it dead.

Under the threat of death, the nether shadow fox waved its claws frantically with the last strength, forming a defense of one after another, but its fate was already doomed, Xiaoice didn't get close to it at all, and then another bite of frost completely ended its life, dug out its crystal nucleus.

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