Pet The World

Chapter 199

Pet The World Chapter 199

Second day early in the morning, after packing everything up, Fang Ziyu woke up the fat boy and said, "It's time to go, today I'm going to participate in the Pet Gorgeous Tournament."

"Ah, my great master, you The cute fat boy will definitely try his best to win a place and come back." The fat boy assuredly assured.

"The master is optimistic about you." Fang Ziyu smiled and patted the fat boy's head.

"You all eat the crystal core, we'll set off later." Fang Ziyu looked at the pet egg.


Little Willow Tree Xiaojiu had a faint idea.

"You don't have to go there, Xiaojiu, you just have to look after your home." Fang Ziyu touched the branches of the Willow Tree and said.

Xiaojiu shook the branches and agreed.

Fang Ziyu took out from the locker a few Second Rank Xenografts that replenished his magical power, a few Second Rank Xenografts for healing, and a third rank Xenograft.

Just in case something happened to the tournament.

"Meow~" Da Huang called out, looking at Fang Ziyu.

“You can take Ranran with you,” Fang Ziyu said.

"You go downstairs after eating the crystal core. I will wait for you downstairs." Fang Ziyu went downstairs with a small backpack.

The pets downstairs have already been fed, Fang Ziyu went into the storage room and looked at the frog eggs and toad eggs.

In the frog tank, the frog eggs in the small tanks 1 to 7 clearly showed signs of development, and the fertilized eggs of black became larger. If you look closely, you can see a reduced version of the tadpole, which is obviously developing Understand.

This is very normal. In fact, frog eggs will develop into tadpoles in only three days. Because Fang Ziyu made the water temperature too low before, which affected its development, now the water temperature in these seven is normal. of frogs in the tank, their developmental rate returned to normal.

Except for the frog tank No. 8, because the water temperature is only 11 or 2 degrees, the development is slow.

Similarly, in the toad tank, all the toad eggs in tanks No. 1 to No. 7 with the same water temperature also began to develop, but because the water temperature is only fourteen or five degrees, the development is also very slow, but it can still be seen. The fertilized egg got bigger.

Fang Ziyu found that the nuclei fragments in the water were also less, and he understood that some of them should have been absorbed by such fertilized eggs.

As for the ⑧ toad tank with only ten degrees, it cannot be seen that it is developing.

After making sure they were all in good condition, Fang Ziyu closed the door of the storage room and came out.

"Who are you?"

Fang Ziyu looked at the takeaway little brother in front of him. He didn't understand what he was doing. He didn't order takeaway.

"Are you the manager Fang Ziyu?" The delivery little brother asked Fang Ziyu, looking at him.

"Yes, I am!" Fang Ziyu said.

"Oh, this is your flower, please sign for it."

"I don't want any flower, right?" Fang Ziyu asked suspiciously.

"You have already paid for it." The delivery little brother said with a smile.

Fang Ziyu signed the receipt blankly, opened the box blankly, a rose and a note were quietly placed inside: I gave it to you, am I surprised or surprised?

Fang Ziyu: "???"

Zhao Youran sent it? ? ?

At this moment, Fang Ziyu's prestige rang, he took it out and saw a message from Zhao Youran: "Have you received it? The roses I gave you? [Happy] Surprise?"

Fang Ziyu: "..."

I am a man, you give me roses? ? ?

But this is the first time that Fang Ziyu has been given flowers.

"Meow wu~ Ziyu, we're done eating, we can go." Daiyu said as she walked downstairs.

"ao wu ~Fang Ziyu what's in your hand?" Xiaobing asked curiously, looking at Fang Ziyu, who was staring at the box.

"It's nothing, it's just a flower. You can freeze it and put it in the storage room." Fang Ziyu shook the head and said indifferently.

He's not going to find a girlfriend now, but he's not going to just throw this flower away, just leave it there as a souvenir.

"ao wu ~ that's fine."

Xiaobing spit out a white mist, and the bright red roses in the box turned into ice sculpture, which Xiaobing threw into it Storage Room.

Locking the door of the store, Fang Ziyu rode the enlarged Xiaobing and flew into the sky with a group of pets. After picking him up at Fang Xiaojie's house, he flew to Chengnan No. 2 High School soon.

Far away, while still in the sky, Fang Ziyu found that the playground of Chengnan No. 2 High School had been expanded. At this time, the playground was as big as four or five football fields.

And there are already many staff at the venue making the final preparations and installing a lot of cameras.

"Brother Fang, riding a dragon is so cool, I must try my best to evolve Xiaolu into a dragon." Fang Xiaojie said while clenching his fists.

"Come on, this green caterpillar has the ability to evolve into a dragon with this skill." Fang Ziyu patted Fang Xiaojie's shoulder.

Just now, he re-examined Fang Xiaojie's green caterpillar. This green caterpillar actually awakened an invisible innate talent. Dragon Devour: Devouring Dragon Treasure has a chance to extract the elements to promote its dragon transformation.

The reason why this skill was not noticed before seems to be the skill that emerged after the green caterpillar ate the first treasure that contained dragon power.

While the two were chatting, Xiaobing landed in front of the gate of Chengnan No. 2 High School. Fang Ziyu and a few pets came down. The huge Xiaobing attracted the attention of many people. Many who came to the competition remembered Fang Ziyu as a tough opponent.

"There should be the registration place for the contestants, let's queue up." Fang Ziyu pointed to the registration point on the right side of the gate and said, ignoring the gazes of those people.

Fang Xiaojie nodded, followed Fang Ziyu and walked to the queue. There were seven or eight people in front of them. One pet belonged to the third rank, and the others belonged to Second Rank. This third rank pet was a , it is eight meters long, and the whole body is green. Only the mantis knives are golden. If it wasn't built here, it would not be able to fit it.

While queuing, Fang Ziyu took a look at the environment here. It seems that the school gate has been specially modified and made larger to accommodate pets.

It has also been transformed into a summerer school, but it is an intermediate school and has not yet opened.

Soon the person in front finished the registration, and it was Fang Ziyu's turn. The staff looked at Fang Ziyu and said, "Please show your summoner ID."

Fang Ziyu took out the ID and handed it over , the staff swept the certificate on a device, and Fang Ziyu's registration information appeared on the computer. After checking it, he said, "You can go in, and report to the playground."

Fang Ziyu nodded." I looked back at Fang Xiaojie and said, "I'll be waiting for you."

"Okay, Brother Fang, you go first, Fang Xiaojie will come over immediately.

Walking into the playground, Fang Ziyu found that the remodeled playground is really big, there is a big arena in the middle of the playground, and there are several small arenas next to it, and a specially prepared one for Water Element pets Huge pool. The auditoriums are all far away, and it looks like an imposing manner of a gladiatorial arena.

Because the audience seats are far away, there are also six huge electronic screens erected in front of the audience seats, which can transmit all the pictures of the arena.

But because this is the preliminary round, Fang Ziyu belongs to a Level 2 arena, and there are no spectators. There are too many people participating in the entire An City, more than one million people. Every venue has to be held grandly, so a preliminary round may be half a month longer than ten days.

Therefore, in the five divisions of An City in the preliminary round, only the main stadium of each division will have spectators and broadcasts.

The contestants in the main competition area are all pre-screened. Fang Ziyu has received an invitation before, and his frost giant dragon has enough strength to go to the main competition area.

But because he was an examiner in the wilderness, he didn't know, he didn't answer, the organizer thought he didn't want this opportunity and voluntarily abstained, so now he can only come to the level of An City Second High School 2 arenas.

Of course, it's not that the pass rate in the main arena is higher. On the contrary, the competition there is more intense. However, because of the TV broadcast, there is an advantage for pets in the beauty group who need to gain popularity.

Fang Ziyu came to the report place and found that there were already seventy or eighty contestants waiting here, and he only saw two third rank pets. I don't know if there will be more. The third rank pet comes over.

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