Pet The World

Chapter 217

Pet The World Chapter 217

These people are similar to those who appeared in the Bai Yang Lu Shuzu incident, who exuded demon power, but these people are weaker, and the people in Bai Yang Lu were stronger.

Fang Ziyu has never understood who these are and why they exude demonic power. They can fight against pets by themselves. Although they seem to be weaker than pets of the same level, they are Much stronger than summoner.

Their bodies are as hard as iron, impervious to sword and spear, all kinds of defensive power are amazing, they are filled with demon power that humans can hardly perceive, and they can control the demon power to form various powerful attacks , which is almost impossible.

It should be known that humans are completely unable to use demon power, let alone control demon power to perform various skills. In the human perception, the demon power is extremely weak, and it can only be sensed barely. Once it is two or three meters away, it is completely impossible to sense the fluctuation of the demon power.

While pets and trolls are the opposite of humans, they are more extreme, in their perception between Heaven and Earth there is a magical power without spiritual power, they can't sense the power of spiritual power at all, but They can smell this special smell of humans who can absorb spiritual power.

Both monsters and pets like this smell very much. The difference is that trolls only want to devour humans. For trolls, if they devour humans, they can obtain this spiritual power in the human body. Evolve to become smarter and stronger.

And pets cannot obtain spiritual power by devouring humans. They can only obtain a certain spiritual power through contractual relationships for a long time. Spiritual power can not only make pets smarter, but also advance faster It will also be much faster.

This is also the reason why pets are docile and generally do not attack humans, because they are symbiotic with humans.

spiritual power This special power is like a unique power bestowed upon mankind by God.

And these people don't have any spiritual power fluctuations. Some of them are full of intense demon power fluctuations. They are not like people, but more like trolls or pets.

Fang Ziyu don't know what they are called, but in fact they have a unique title - troll infestation.

"Quick, grab this woman quickly, we retreat." a troll infester loudly said.

They looked horrified, there was only a third rank pet in front of them in their perception, but there was a human being talking, which was incredible.

"Please save me! I will definitely have a big reward." Li Huiting shouted, she felt a deep sense of powerlessness in the face of these third rank existences as a Second Rank summoner.

Fang Ziyu didn't respond to her call, still silently thinking that I couldn't see my passive skill triggering me, so I hid it carefully.

"Aren't you going to tell me? Well, let's all go to hell! Curse fire!" An indifferent voice sounded in the darkness.

This is Fang Ziyu's voice after being transformed into Yao by Daiyu's versatile skills, full of cold and ruthless taste.

As his voice fell, Da Huang activated the spell fire skill he borrowed from the little orange cat, and in the next instant, the faces of the three chaotic trolls on the opposite side showed twisted and painful expressions.


"aaahhhh...Let's go..."

Sudden burning pain in the body caused the three The hands holding the weapons were trembling, and fiery-red burning lines appeared on their skin and faces. If they hadn't resisted with demon power, they would have been burned to death by now.

The three of them didn't want to hit Li Huiting's attention at all, and now they just wanted to run away. This hidden enemy was so terrifying that they almost got seriously injured before they appeared.

"You should still die here." A voice as cold as Death God sounded again.

puci! puci! puci!

The three of them haven't reacted yet, only to hear the sound of three sharp blades tearing flesh and blood, followed by blood splattering, and the three of them fell to the ground and died.

The splashed blood evaporated into a blood mist under the action of the curse fire. Without the resistance of the three monsters, the three bodies turned black again and again under the power of the curse fire, and finally turned into gray embers .

A whirlwind of demonic power blew past, and the embers turned into flying and dissipated between Heaven and Earth.

They didn't see a beautiful shorthair kitten hidden not far in front of them until they died, and it was this cat that took their lives.

There was another loud bang, and the dim-blue big snake that wanted to escape was smashed back by the invisible Xiaoice, and it spit out a scarlet snake letter at where Xiaoice was. emits a dim-blue ray in the direction of .

Little Ice fluttered her wings to dodge in advance, constantly attracting the dim-blue snake's attention.

XiaoIce only has stealth skills. For snakes with infrared vision, it can easily perceive the location of XiaoIce.

Just when it focused on Xiaobing, a cold light swept across its neck, its head separated, blood splashed, and the dim-blue snake body and head were twisted unwillingly. write.

Xiao Bing flew over and dug up its crystal core and stuffed it into his mouth to eat it. Rhubarb launched the curse fire again to smash its bones into ashes, and finally even the ashes were blown away.

Li Huiting fell into a daze when she saw this strange scene. The opponent smashed the enemy to ashes without even showing his body from beginning to end, which refreshed her understanding.

"Why did they kill you?" came the indifferent voice belonging to Yao.

Li Huiting heard it, and looked around quickly, and after finding no results, she looked straight ahead and said, "It may be because of my pet, or some other summoner skills, etc. Specifically, I am also I don't know."

Calligraphy? summoner skills?

By the way, Fang Ziyu found that he didn't seem to have seen Li Huiting's summoner skill. What is her summoner skill?

"Thanks Senior for saving my life, and also asking senior to fall in love, let me thank senior for their life-saving grace." Li Huiting said to the air cup one fist in the other hand.

"ao wu ~ Ziyu has pets and humans coming quickly, we should get away!" Daiyu reminded.

"No need, it just happened to sense the fluctuation of the magic power, it's fine." Fang Ziyu was ready to leave after saying that.

Li Huiting heard that the mysterious senior who saved her was going to leave, and quickly said: "Please leave a name for the senior, and the junior will definitely repay the senior's great kindness and virtue if there is a chance."

"My name is Yao, I don't need to repay my kindness, the weak is no different from a chicken, it is impossible to help me." In the sky came the ethereal voice belonging to Yao.

Li Huiting stood on the spot and fell silent for a long time without speaking.

While Fang Ziyu had already picked up the little orange cat and returned to the pet shop pretending to be normal, it didn't take him five minutes to deal with the three and one chaotic troll.

But this forced Fang Ziyu is very comfortable, especially Li Huiting's eyes that have never been seen before make people feel comfortable.

The only pity is that there is no time to ask what her summoner skills are, she is quite hidden.

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