Pet The World

Chapter 230

Pet The World Chapter 230

The second floor of the pet shop.

Fang Ziyu took out his mobile phone and fiddled with it, preparing to give Jiusei Liu Xiaojiu an advanced level and let it grow into a third rank pet.

On the table next to it, there is not only an Earth Element energy cube, but also ten Second Rank and thirty-two First Rank Water Attribute crystal cores.

These crystal nuclei were specially bought by Fang Ziyu to cultivate frog eggs before, and now he has swelled up and doesn't care about Second Rank and First Rank nuclei.

Open the broken game, click into the personal center, find my pet, find out the information of the nine-color willow, and pull to the bottom to select the illustrated point to advance.

[Game Tips]: The evolution direction you choose is Nine-Colored Willow.

[Game Tip]: You have selected the evolution of the illustrated point. Since this sprite is a special nine-attribute sprite, please select the third enabled attribute, which has enabled Wood Attribute and Water Attribute.

Fang Ziyu: "..." I only have Earth Element energy cubes, do I still need to choose?

[Game Tip]: You have selected the Earth Attribute, the advanced third rank requires 100 illustration points and Earth Element energy cubes, the Earth Element energy cubes have been detected, and the advance begins.

[Game Tips]: You cannot advance, please strengthen the wizard to the strongest state of Second Rank.

Fang Ziyu: "..."

I know this is the case, the only thing I'm not sure about is whether the Second Rank enhancement for Xiaojiu needs the First Rank Core or the Second Rank Crystal nucleus?

Fang Ziyu also clicked into the strongest path to choose to strengthen the nine-color Liu Xiaojiu.

[Game Tip]: You have chosen to strengthen the whole body, whether to consume 50 Pokédex points and a Water Attribute crystal core to complete the strengthening.

Seeing this prompt, Fang Ziyu's heart relaxed, fortunately, he didn't need the Second Rank Water Attribute crystal core, otherwise he would feel distressed.

[Game Tips]: When the enhancement is completed 110, Water Element's attack power increases by 3%, body strength increases by 2%, and Water Element resistance increases by 5%.

Fang Ziyu opted to continue strengthening his entire body.

[Game Tips]:......


Fang Ziyu completed three more enhancements in the blink of an eye, and the First Rank Water Attribute crystal core was exhausted. Only the Water Attribute nucleus of Second Rank remains.

It takes seven more enhancements to complete the Second Rank enhancement.

Without hesitation, he flew out with Xiaobing and ran to the Crystal Nucleus Supermarket. Although the Second Rank Water Attribute crystal nucleus can also be used, it is too wasteful. Fang Ziyu has always been a thrifty person.

Carrying one hundred and fifty First Rank Water Attribute crystal cores on his back, Fang Ziyu slid around the alleys around the supermarket twice, and even showed off the crystal cores he was carrying, But there was no movement.

A few people saw that it was Fang Ziyu, the complexion changed and turned around and left.

"It's boring..." Fang Ziyu glanced at these people, turned his head and rode Xiaobing back to the pet shop.

Then continue to strengthen Xiaojiu


[Game Tip]: Whether to consume 50 Pokédex Points and 40 First Rank Water Attribute Crystal Nuclei to complete Nine Selyu's whole body is strengthened.

Fang Ziyu's choice is, this is the tenth strengthening, and after completion, it should become the strongest form of Second Rank.

[Game Tip]: When the enhancement is completed to 1010, the attack power of the Water Attribute increases by 5%, the body strength increases by 2%, and the resistance of the Water Element increases by 9%.

[Game Tip]: After the enhancement is completed, the wizard will reach the strongest second rank state, which will completely fix its Water Attribute element.

[Game Tip]: This spirit sense awakens a new skill, water absorption: Water Element active skill, launching this skill can absorb the water and Water Attribute demon power in the target body, and has a miraculous effect on existences of the same rank and below. Note: This skill can be used to absorb the magic power between Heaven and Earth Water Element to restore itself.

It's no wonder that completing the enhancement will activate the new skill Fang Ziyu. As far as this skill is concerned, Fang Ziyu is still very satisfied.

Little Willow Tree rubbed Fang Ziyu with a willow branch when he became stronger again, like a puppy.

"Don't worry, I will continue to give you the advanced level." Fang Ziyu touched it and said with a smile.

After so many enhancements, the Water Element's attack power has increased by 47%, the tree body's strength has increased to 72%, and the Water Element's resistance has increased by 80%.

Among them, Wood Element's resistance increased the least. It increased by 50 when the First Rank was strengthened last time. This time, it was 72%, which means that it only increased by 22%.

As the number of enhancements increases, the pet's body has developed resistance, which is the same as drug resistance.

But these Fang Ziyu can't do anything, and increasing these values to this level is already against the sky. If the game is not broken, it is impossible for an ordinary summer to achieve this level for a few years. .

Anything else, Fang Ziyu began to prepare for Xiaojiu's Advanced Level 3.

Glancing at the Earth Element energy block on the table, Fang Ziyu advanced.

[Game Tips]: Whether to consume 100 Pokédex Points and an Earth Element Energy Cube to advance to the Nine-Colored Willow.

Fang Ziyu did not hesitate and chose yes.

[Game Tip]: Advancement begins...

As the advance begins, as last time, the earth- The rays of light of yellow switchgrass are released, and after a while, the soft earth-yellow rays of light will cover the whole nine-colored willow.

As these soft earth-yellow rays of light lit up, the Earth Element energy cube on the table next to it seemed to melt into the nine-color Willow Tree as a liquid.

rays of light was released, and more than a dozen earth-yellow switch branches quickly completed the process of budding and growth, and in a flash, they grew into earth-yellow switch branches that were no different from other switch branches. .

With the completion of the advanced stage, the rays of light on the nine-color willow gradually subsided. You can see that except for the six six-color willow branches growing together in the center, jade green, water blue, and natural yellow are on the periphery. The three-colored willow branches complement each other, cross each other, and are colorful.

Upgrading the nine-colored willow to the third rank again, Fang Ziyu couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, thinking that one day he will cultivate the nine-colored willow to the ninth rank, all the nine lines will be immune, I have to see the world Who else is the enemy.

Being trained by Fang Ziyu from a serious injury state all the way to the third rank, Jiuse Liu's favor and intimacy with Fang Ziyu has reached a very high level.

The nine-color willow, like a puppy, stretched out the blue willow branches and condensed a small water balloon and handed it to Fang Ziyu: "Ziyu...please...please drink water..."


"Haha, I don't drink, I'm not thirsty." Fang Ziyu waved said with a smile, although he knew that the water was cleaner than the so-called mineral water.

Hearing Fang Ziyu said not to drink water, Xiaojiu stretched out another green willow branch and cast a light green magic power into a small seed, and then the seed miraculously took root and sprouted quickly .

After the seeds germinate, the tips of the branches of Xiaojiu willow become very thin and stretch into the buds. It grafts the buds onto itself, and then Fang Ziyu witnessed another miracle.

This young bud grafted by Xiaojiu actually bloomed and fruited in a short period of time. In more than 30 seconds, a bright red apple hung on its willow branch.

Xiao Jiu stretched out the branch bent by the big apple in front of Fang Ziyu and shook it gently: "Zi... Zi Yu... Xiao Jiu will give you... fruit..."

The seeds of this apple come from the core of the apple that Fang Ziyu threw into the trash before eating apples. It may be that Xiaojiu prepared a surprise for him when he heard Fang Ziyu saying that Apple was too expensive.

Fang Ziyu stunned the apple, the scene just now was so amazing, it was like watching the fast-moving camera in people and nature.

"Ziyu...don't...don't like it..." Xiaojiu conveyed the feeling of loss.

"I like it, I like it, of course I like it. I like apples the most, thank you Xiaojiu!" Fang Ziyu picked the apple and took a bite. It was crisp and refreshing and delicious.

My heart is full of emotion. Although Xiaojiu is not very intelligent, he is too sensible to cultivate it in vain.

So much so that Fang Ziyu didn't bother to think about how the theoretically impossible germination polyploid seeds were induced to germinate by Xiao Jiu, and the result was the result.

He just happily nibbled at the apple while stroking Xiao Jiu who was rubbing his arm.

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