Pet The World

Chapter 281

Pet The World Chapter 281

"Can your perception skills still sense the quality of pets?"

Zhou Ruo curiously asked.

"That's right, I can probably tell if pets are suitable for me." Fang Ziyu said casually.

"How about the perception result?"

"It's not very good, but it's advanced material is perceived."

Fang Ziyu shook the head , walked to another ghost-colored butterfly, reached into the cage and touched it, and turned on the broken game detection function again.

[Elf Type] Nether Heart Butterfly

[Gender]: Female

[Rank]: First Rank

[Demon Power]: 8

[attribute]: mysterious, psychic, ghostly


mysterious endowment (spiritual active skill, activate this skill to Parasitic in the host's mind for a long time, while increasing the spiritual power of the host's heart, it can make the mind clearer and purer, not affected by foreign objects, and achieve the role of guardian.)

[Restrain]: Physical attack pets, charming pets...

[Evolutionary potential]: third rank

[Evolutionary direction]: Netherworld Pure Heart Butterfly, Pluto Confused Heart Butterfly, Netherworld Silkworm Heart Butterfly ...

Fang Ziyu just wanted to say that this skill is good, so he chose this one, and suddenly another line of game prompts appeared in front of him.

[Game Tip]: The Nether Heart Butterfly is a special spiritual pet, which can merge and mutate with the Afterimage Soul Butterfly, and evolve into a pet with the fifth-order potential - the Nether Soul Refining Butterfly.

Seeing this prompt, Fang Ziyu's eyes widened slightly, fusion mutation? Fifth-order potential?

"What's the matter? Is this butterfly very suitable for you?"

Zhou Ruo asked suspiciously. The potential of these pets has been measured long ago, and she naturally did not expect that fusion and mutation could occur.

"Yes, in my perception, the fit between this butterfly and me is second only to frost giant dragon, which is rare."

I realize that I have lost self -control, Fang Ziyu hurriedly followed Zhou Ruo's words.

"It looks like you should choose this ghostly butterfly, right?" Zhou Ruo asked.

"Yes, I chose this one." Fang Ziyu did not hesitate, said nodded.

"Besides, do you think it's suitable for a colorful butterfly to follow me?"

Zhou Ruo looked at Fang Ziyu up and down, nodded and said: "It's suitable. "

In fact, she also prefers ghostly colored butterflies, and always thinks that this colorful one is too fancy.

Fang Ziyu: "..."

Do you still want the advanced material formula?

"Is the spiritual power in your body enough to contract a pet again?" Zhou Ruo asked.

"Sure enough, First Rank pets are still fine." Fang Ziyu looked towards Zhou Ruo, "Do you want to contract here?"

"Yes." Zhou Ruotui Pushing his eyes, "These two pets are very rare psychic pets. It's useless to use ordinary hypnosis skills or potions for auxiliary contracts, although they are only First Rank."

Slow down. For two seconds, Zhou Ruo continued: "They look like they are sleeping now, but they are not.

This is a fantasy created by a more powerful psychic pet, and they are immersed in the fantasy. , I still don't know that I have been arrested.

What we have to do is to contract them as soon as possible, they have no defense when they fall into the illusion.

After the contract is over, The illusion will automatically evolve to let them remember our breath, coupled with the contractual relationship, when they wake up, they will hardly reject us. As for whether to tell the pet the truth or not, it is up to you.”

"I understand." Fang Ziyu said, gently raising the cage of Nether Heart Butterfly to keep up, "Then let's start."


Zhou Ruo nodded.

The two put their hands on the bodies of the two butterflies and began to slowly inject spiritual power.

3 minutes later, Zhou Ruo opened her eyes first, and she successfully contracted the colorful heart butterfly.

Seeing that Fang Ziyu was still unsuccessful, she looked up at Fang Ziyu, wondering what she was thinking.

Two minutes later, Fang Ziyu also opened his eyes, and then he saw a pair of bright big eyes, which belonged to Zhou Ruo.

"Did you succeed?" Zhou Ruo asked without looking back.

"Sure, is there a reason for this to fail?" Fang Ziyu nods.

"It's not that there have been failures." Zhou Ruo said,

After speaking, Zhou Ruo turned around and called in the direction of the second floor: "Hei Tong, where are you? Come down."

Seeing that there was no response for a long time, Zhou Ruo called out softly again: "Hei Chupang, come down."


An angry cat meow came from the second floor, a shadow appeared in front of Zhou Ruo in a few flashes, and looked at Zhou Ruo angrily.

It seems that I can no longer call the old paper black and fat, the old paper is not fat, not fat!

"Hei Tong, of course you are not fat anymore, you are very handsome." Zhou Ruo licked the black cat.

Although the black cat was very upset, it ignored it under the apology of the hostess and the comfort of the extra meal for dinner.

Xiao Bing, sitting on Fang Ziyu's shoulder, secretly nodded. Compared with the ugly name of Hei Chupang, Fang Ziyu's name is quite deliberate.

"Hei Tong, can you help deepen the hypnosis on these two pets?" Zhou Ruo touched Hei Tong and said again.

Black pupil glanced at the two butterflies, the black demon power on his body was ups and downs, deepening the hypnosis on the two pets.

"Although I don't think it is necessary to do this, the illusion must be completed, otherwise the magical power of the psychic pet that applies the illusion will remain in their bodies, which will affect their growth and evolution. "

Zhou Ruo explained.

"I see." Fang Ziyu nods.

After finishing this, Zhou Ruo got up and brought Fang Ziyu a cup of tea, put it in front of him, and smiled: "Let me feel the advanced materials, please."

Fang Ziyu took out his mobile phone and sent the advanced materials of Colorful Heart Butterfly to Zhou Ruo.

"Okay, I've sent it to you, I'll pay off your favor, and I'll pay you if I want to perceive it next time."

"many thanks, I Got it." Zhou Ruo said with a smile, "You haven't eaten yet, I'll invite you out to dinner, thank you for advancing my pet for me twice."

"No need." Fang Ziyu hurriedly Shaking his head.

Zhou Ruo was a little stunned: "Why?"

"I have something to do at home, a pet is sick." Fang Ziyu said.

Since the last time I ate with Zhao Youran and was suddenly confessed, Fang Ziyu felt that if he could not eat alone with a woman, he should not go alone.

At least, don't do it until you've made up your mind to find a girlfriend.

Unless it's serious business.

"Alright then." Zhou Ruo didn't force it.

"I'll say goodbye first, many thanks." Fang Ziyu got up and said.

"Slow walk and no delivery."

Zhou Ruo said, sitting on the sofa without getting up.

Halfway gone, Fang Ziyu suddenly turned around and asked, "These two mind butterflies seem to be a male and a female, shouldn't they be partners?"

Hearing this Then, Zhou Ruo said: "Yes, is there any problem? This was found by someone else. If you don't want it, you can return it."

Fang Ziyu: "..."

Me and him Meows are all contracted, take the hammer back.

"It's fine, it's fine, I just ask, and leave." Fang Ziyu shook his head.

"The recent action against troll infectors is about to start, so be prepared.

The advanced materials for psychic pets may not be easy to find, you can find them through school channels , but the cost of materials will be deducted from your salary." Zhou Ruo said again.

"No problem, I got it."

Fang Ziyu waved his hand and didn't look back.

The school deducts the salary, and the second purpose is not to let him pay, and another purpose is to hope that he and the school have more fetters, which Fang Ziyu knows.

Zhou Ruo sat on the sofa, looked at Fang Ziyu's back, pushed his glasses, and his eyes brightened.

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