Pet The World

Chapter 288

Pet The World Chapter 288

In the giant azure marshmallow-like bird's nest, Fang Ziyu and Zhou Ruo looked a little surprised at what was in front of them.

There are actually two azure Wind Attribute energy cubes in it, and two bird eggs apart from this, with silver white and wind azure patterns, exuding light rays of light.

Fang Ziyu touched it and found out that the egg has not hatched through the broken game detection.

"It seems that this bird has been to places where Wind Element is rich, but unfortunately I don't know where, otherwise it would have developed."

Fang Ziyu sighed and handed an energy cube to the For Zhou Ruo, put a piece in your pocket.

as everyone knows, energy cubes can only be produced by single-element trolls. This double-headed troll has space and wind double attributes, and it is impossible to produce energy cubes. There is a high probability that it has found a strong Wind Element. place.

"The eggs are too big, so let's put them here. Let's hurry up, things can't be delayed over there."

Zhou Ruo looked at the two giant eggs and said.

"No problem, remember to send this egg to me from the pet store. I want to eat fried eggs."

Fang Ziyu said.

Zhou Ruo: "..."

Fang Ziyu also specially sent a message to Chen Youlan, asking her to pay attention to receiving it.

After finishing the treatment here, Fang Ziyu fed Xiaobing two xenografts with therapeutic effect.

Zhou Ruo's six-winged black crow is even worse. A broken wing is not something that can be cured by ordinary treatment.

I can only ask Fang Ziyu to temporarily freeze the broken wings and try to find a way when I go back.

Zhou Ruo is just waiting for the moment to go to the destination in Xiaobing with Fang Ziyu.

After walking for more than 20 kilometers, I finally reached the destination - a gathering place.

This is one of the outermost gathering places in An City, and it's a wilderness outside.

Zhou Ruo made a phone call and then pointed to Fang Ziyu a place to drop.

After falling, Fang Ziyu looked around, it should be a place similar to a training center.

When the two of them landed, a staff member came to receive them. Zhou Ruo came forward to show his ID and explain the reason.

Soon, the two were taken to a house, and there were special personnel to tell them what to do and how to do it.

Fang Ziyu suddenly didn't care after learning about the specifics.

I thought it was a mission, but it turned out to be a student who came to An City's No.

There are special pets here to change the appearance of him and his pets, and there is no need to be able to act.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to show your stuff in the face of acquaintances.

They will cast a special skill on him, coupled with a special thing, to increase their sense of magic power for a period of time.

"Do you think you can do this?"

After the introduction, the staff asked.

Fang Ziyu touched his nose and said, "If it's just what I said, I can do it, no problem."

Just kidding, he doesn't want to play with things like changing vests I've played it, and I'm very proficient, especially since no one has set requirements, I can play it how I want.

The staff were satisfied after hearing this: "Very good, do you have any other questions?"

Fang Ziyu thought for a while and asked: "Meeting a troll Can you attack the attack?"

"You can do what a normal person does? But you are playing a third rank summoner, so you should be careful about your identity, only when you encounter death threats or major information. Expose." The staff warned.

"Okay, I understand." Fang Ziyu nodded.

After the explanation, the staff took Fang Ziyu to change his identity.

"Xiaobing, pay attention to those demon powers appearing on us, be careful that we are also being tracked and other skills." Fang Ziyu sent a mental sound transmission to Xiaobing, the precautions that should be taken must be there, This is the foundation of survival.

"ao wu ~ I know Fang Ziyu." Xiaobing's soul sound transmission responded.

"As for Daiyu, you stay here to eavesdrop and see what the staff said to others and what they said to me. This is very important, Daiyu, you have to do it well. "Fang Ziyu sent a mental sound transmission to Daiyu again.

It's very important to hear it, Daiyu's eyes shined: "Meow wu~ Ziyu rest assured, hand it over to Daiyu."

Follow the staff Fang Ziyu to another place again, Two pets cast a skill on him and Xiaoice respectively.

The two pets are a thirty centimeter long chameleon and a groundhog that seems to be very ordinary.

Fang Ziyu turned into a young man with yellow hair, and Xiaobing turned into an ice bird.

While the groundhog's skill was cast on Fang Ziyu, he suddenly felt a lot of clear energy perception between Heaven and Earth.

Being a summoner can feel the Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth, a translucent energy that is gentle and calm. It is this power that gives humans the power of contract pets.

And Monster Qi feels like nine colors, and the number is much more than spiritual power, and the berserk is full of vitality.

Although the perception is a lot clearer, these Monster Qi are not too far away from Fang Ziyu.

He saw a large amount of ice blue gas gathered all around Xiaobing's body, undulating with Xiaobing's breathing.

Fang Ziyu knows that this is called demon affinity.

Even if he had this pet skill blessing, he could barely perceive Monster Qi. The numerical value was only a few tenths at most, and it was barely close to one. The pet's monster affinity was at least twenty or thirty.

Xiaobing, the affinity of the ice attribute's magic power has almost reached 100.

Most of the ordinary person's demon affinity is only 0.01, which is at least ten thousand times worse than that of pet trolls.

There are still many people who have zero affinity. It is conceivable how terrifying the gap is.

It is terrifying to think that troll invaders can actually make humans mobilize demon power.

I really don't know how they did it.

"How is it? Is it amazing to perceive Monster Qi?" The staff next to him asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's amazing."

Fang Ziyu nods

"Your identity is an exchange student from the Elf University in City B next door. Your name is Yu Jian. You are an ice attribute summoner of Peak." The staff handed Fang Ziyu a document.

"You just need to know about these things, you don't need to memorize them." The staff said.

"That's fine." Fang Ziyu nods.

After Fang Ziyu finished reading, the staff said: "Now I will take you to the lounge, remember that you have arrived at this gathering place this afternoon."

"No problem." Fang Ziyu nodded.

Although there are people from the same university in City B as him in the plan, but they don't know each other. He has no acquaintances and came here alone to seek advanced pets.

This is much easier.

Arriving at the student dormitory, Fang Ziyu's new identity is established, and the next step is to see his own.

But Fang Ziyu believed that this side must have grasped his movements and was watching secretly.

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