Pet The World

Chapter 292

Pet The World Chapter 292

"Master, you're back."

Seeing Fang Ziyu coming back with a white bamboo rat, Chen Youlan, who was sitting behind the cashier and reading a book, said in surprise.

I hurried over to greet me.

Fang Ziyu handed the cage containing the white bamboo rat to Chen Youlan and said with a smile: "Yeah, I have been out for half a month in a row. Take good care of this bamboo rat, it is a rare clean Rat, after having it, you don't have to bother to disturb the hygiene of the store."

"Yes." After hearing this, Chen Youlan's eyes shined, and she carefully observed the bamboo rat, but it was quite fat.

But this is a cleaning rat, so no one will eat it, after all, it needs to be cleaned.

No human being likes cleaning.

Putting the bamboo rat aside, Chen Youlan gave Fang Ziyu another glass of water.

Fang Ziyu took a sip of water and asked, "Is there nothing wrong in this little half a month store?"

"Nothing happened, everything is normal." Chen Youlan smiled and shook her head.

Fang Ziyu knew that there were eight more pets sold in the store.

apart from this, the biggest change is the stray tadpoles. According to Chen Youlan, many of them have grown their front legs and their tails have begun to degenerate. It won't be long before there will be mature little stray frogs.

This made Fang Ziyu enter the storage room impatiently to observe.

In ordinary frog tanks and toad tanks, there are many tadpoles that have grown front legs and have not degenerated tails.

Fang Ziyu grabbed one and tried to detect it, but it still couldn't be detected.

It seems that this is still not fully mature, and there is no crystal nucleus born in the body.

Sprinkled some more crystal core fragments to ensure their nutrition before leaving the storage room.

"Youlan, if you are ready, just the day after tomorrow, I will take you to the wild. At the same time as the assessment, help you catch enough bats, advance to the third rank as soon as possible, and form battle strength."


Back in the hall, Fang Ziyu sat down and looked at Chen Youlan and said.

"I see, Master, I will prepare well." Chen Youlan said quickly, nodded, her pretty face showing joy.

She has been preparing for the wilderness for a long time, waiting for Fang Ziyu to take her there.

After saying this, Chen Youlan asked Fang Ziyu to take a look at the sales data. She wrote clearly on the form, obvious at a glance.

Fang Ziyu took a look and gave it back to Chen Youlan, no problem.

"By the way, have you sent a giant troll egg recently? And a troll skeleton and other things."

"Oh, the troll egg has been delivered, I put it in the room over there, and I haven't seen the skeleton for a while."

Chen Youlan suddenly remembered.

Fang Ziyu walked over and took a look at the one-meter-high egg. This is a rare egg with double attributes of space and wind. Unfortunately, it hatched a giant monster, not a pet.

"What do you do with this egg? Have you eaten it?" Chen Youlan asked, she also knew that it was a monster egg.

"Let's leave it here first, maybe there are other functions." Fang Ziyu said.

Actually, he kind of wanted to hatch this monster egg, then help the monster to advance, and finally slap a core with Space Attribute.

"Oh ⊙∀⊙!"

Chen Youlan was dumbfounded.

At this time? Suddenly there were a few bird calls from outside: "ga, Fang Ziyu, you come out, I Hongye came back to seek revenge for you!"

"Vengeance? Master, what's going on? Do you need to call the police?" Chen Youlan said inexplicably.

Fang Ziyu waved his hand and looked thoughtful: "No, it's probably a parrot, probably the one I let go more than a month ago."

"Xiaobing, go, Let's go out and see how this parrot can take revenge."

Fang Ziyu glanced at Xiaobing who was lying on the table watching cartoons.

"ao wu ~ I'll be right here."

Xiao Bing let out a cry, used her demon power to grab a blue white little kitty, and paused the animation with a cat pad. .

It doesn't have any soft flesh on its paws to touch the screen.

The little kitty who was caught looked at Xiaobing who dared not speak, with a cowardly but unconvinced look in his eyes.

After being released by Xiaobing, Ma Liu ran back to the cage and sulked with a pestle there.

Fang Ziyu walked out of the store with Xiaobing, and Dahuang Daiyu also came out.

Chen Youlan walked beside Fang Ziyu.

Out of the pet store, Fang Ziyu saw the existence screaming for revenge, and sure enough it was a parrot.

It was the parrot Hongye who was released by Fang Ziyu more than a month ago and fell over before leaving.

But doesn't it mean that if you kill it, you won't go back to this pet store?

"ga ga, Fang Ziyu, I Hongye came to seek revenge for you, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, my red leaves have become a great third rank elf, waiting to die, human beings

Today I want to take you as a pet, and give back all the torture you gave me back then.

Scream as much as you like! Gaga, didn't you? I don't expect Hongye to become a third rank elf in such a short period of time, hum, wait for my endless torment."

The parrot quacks after seeing Fang Ziyu There was no end, the whole body exuded an undisguised third rank breath, as if waiting for Fang Ziyu's face to change dramatically, and he knelt down to admit his mistake.

"Wow, you're actually third rank, you're so awesome, you deserve to be the pet that Fang Ziyu released."

Fang Ziyu looked at the huge parrot The nod said, if I remember correctly, this parrot only has the potential of First Rank.

But at this time, it was actually promoted to the third rank, so it either broke through its own limit, or the mutation potential increased, no matter what, it is indeed very good.

It is truly remarkable that ordinary pets can become third rank in such a short period of time without the help of humans.

It is only a few tens of centimeters in length from before. At this time, it stands on the top of the tree with a length of thirteen-fourteen meters, and its wings are estimated to be fifteen or sixteen meters long.

He has blue and red feathers all over his body, and he looks extraordinary, not an ordinary parrot, especially at this time, his speech is much more fluent than before.

"ga ga, flattery shooting is useless, I, Hongye, today must take you Fang Ziyu as a pet, and put you in a cage without giving you food or water."

"ga ga, flattery shooting is useless. p>

The parrot Hongye quaked, looking arrogant and arrogant.

"Forget it, I did put you in a small cage because of my lack of knowledge, and made you suffer. When you come down, I can give you a chance to follow me, which can be regarded as making up for my fault at that time. ."

Fang Ziyu shook the head, sighed said, now that there is dung beetle Xiao Hei, he doesn't have to worry about parrot feces anymore, and he is curious about the situation of the parrot now.

"Hey!" Hearing this, the parrot immediately froze, "How dare a little human dare to speak madly, asking me to dignified a third rank elf to follow you? I won't give it to you today. If you teach me a lesson, you really don't know how powerful the third rank elves are.

When they catch you, they will definitely put you in a cage and won't be given water for ten days!"

This parrot chirp chirp twitter twitter, the words are full of resentment towards Fang Ziyu.

It knew that Fang Ziyu had two Second Rank pets before he left, but he never thought how much progress they would make in just one month.

Fang Ziyu looked at the parrot and sighed: "You really must clean me up, don't you regret it?"

"Yes, my red leaves have decided to take revenge today." Parrot Fiercely said.

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