Pet The World

Chapter 301

Pet The World Chapter 301

Fang Ziyu rode Xiaobing to the depths of the canyon along the starting point.

Soon passed over Chen Youlan who was walking on the ground, and stopped after flying about 30 kilometers.

"Okay, let's go here, let's find a place to make the logo."

Fang Ziyu said while standing on Xiaobing's back.

Below is a huge wetland swamp with lush vegetation.

Xiaobing hovered in the air, Fang Ziyu looked up to find a better position.

Although it is only 30 kilometers away from the starting point, it is already the area where the third rank trolls are located, and further inside is the territory of the third rank peak trolls and the fourth rank trolls.

Thirty kilometers does not seem to be long, but if it is a flat road, a normal person can walk it in a day.

But it's different in this fissure canyon. Even if there are no giant monsters, it takes at least two days for normal people to come here. The environment is too complicated, and all kinds of sinister Danger Land are constantly present.

In addition to the interference of trolls, it is difficult for ordinary Second Rank summoner to arrive within three days, especially the last few kilometers are already located in the living area of third rank troll pets.

"Just the small water pool."

Fang Ziyu pointed to a small water pool with a diameter of about thirty meters below.

"ao wu ~"

Xiao Bing shouted, her huge mouth opened and condensed countless dim-blue rays of light, and then spit it down.

A huge column of faint blue light spewed towards the pool below, and some toads, frogs, snakes, etc. living in the all around swamp all spread out towards all around.

What Xiaobing casts is the frost formed by the blue demon power, and the terrifying aura makes these beings want to grow wings and fly away.

But it's too late.

As the huge frost beam fell, the entire pool turned into a frozen pool in a fraction of a second.

One after another, the blue breath spreads rapidly all around with the pool as the center. Whether it is weeds or big trees, toads or frogs, all of them are frozen in an instant.

It's like wearing a piece of ice armor.

A minute later, Xiaobing stopped.

A giant icicle rising from the ground appeared above the water pool. It was two or three hundred meters high and seven or eight meters thick.

With this giant icicle as the center, the surrounding area of 500 meters has completely turned into a Snow and Ice World.

In this world, there are all kinds of lifelike ice sculptures, like ice and snow life.

In order to achieve such a great effect, Xiaobing's blow directly consumed nearly half of her demon power.

But the effect is significant. Snow and Ice World, where a lot of ice elements are condensed, normally takes at least five or six months to melt.

It is enough as an appraisal mark.

"ao wu ~Fang Ziyu am I amazing?" Xiaobing looked very satisfied with her masterpiece.

Fang Ziyu threw five third rank nuclei, nodded and said: "Not bad, very beautiful."

"ao wu ~ what are we going to do next?" Xiaobing excited called.

Fang Ziyu looked deeper into the ground fissure canyon, which was already more than a kilometer deep from the ground, almost in the middle of the ground fissure canyon.

If you go deeper, you will reach the area where the fourth-rank trolls are located. It is said that there are still terrifying fifth-rank trolls in the deepest places that are shrouded in mist all the year round.

"Be careful, Xiaobing, let's explore deeper places to see if there are any fourth rank trolls worth hunting, or a good fourth rank xenophyte."

Fang Ziyu looked at the deeper canyon and said, and then looked at the parrot Hongye next to him, who was frightened by Xiaobing's terrorist attack: "Use your Eyes of Truth, show me where there are good things, If the treasure rewards you with a fourth rank crystal core, it is not impossible."

"ga ga, no, there is a terrible fourth rank atmosphere in there, I don't want to go in, the parrot will die!"

Although Xiaoice's terrifying attack power shocked it, but the fear of the fourth rank was even greater than this. It had seen the horror of the fourth rank and knew how impossible it was to withstand a third rank in front of them. single blow.

"Don't worry, I will let Xiaobing protect you and won't let you die."

Fang Ziyu rolled the eyes, these parrots are really cowardly. .

"ga ga, no, no, the parrot will die, I won't go, I won't go..."

Parrot Hongye shook his head desperately, and had the posture of flying back .

The reason why it can live for so long in the wild, and even advance to the third rank, is entirely based on one word-coward.

Anything that may threaten your life will never be done. It is the best policy to turn your head and run.

"Xiaobing show it how strong you are!"

Fang Ziyu said, he is too lazy to talk nonsense, if this parrot is not obedient, he will directly use the strong.

"ao wu ~"

Xiao Bing roared, and a terrifying aura emanated from it, powerful, ancient, hideous, and terrifying.


The fourth rank parrot, Hongye, felt the horror, so frightened its wings softened, and fell several dozen meters at once, but luckily it reacted in time and flew up , or maybe it will become the first flying pet to be killed.


Parrot Hongye looked at Xiaobing, unable to speak, she really couldn't understand how this was done, fourth rank exists, so Xiaoice has always been It is a fourth rank giant dragon.

This is unscientific. It deeply understands how difficult it is for the third rank to break through the fourth rank, not to mention that the giant dragon wants to break through.

What happened to the pet shop after it left? Why are pets so much stronger than they are?

"Can you go in now?" Fang Ziyu glanced at the stunned parrot Hongye said.

"As I said before, your Eyes of Truth can also be advanced to a higher level Treasure Eye, which is countless times more powerful than your current eyes.

As long as you are obedient Obedient, I can help you advance. Do you know why XiaoIce is so strong? It's because of me, not anything else."

"ga ga, really?"

Parrot Hongye heard from Fang Ziyu that it still doesn't believe it, because it knows that its eyes are mutated. Fang Ziyu said that it can be advanced and it naturally doesn't believe it.

But at this time, Xiaobing's situation made him have to believe it.

"ao wu ~Fang Ziyu is telling the truth. If you don't walk away, you'll be killed!"

Xiaobing exclaimed impatiently , the terrifying aura of the fourth rank moved towards the red leaves.

"ga ga, go go go, parrot go..."

Red leaves quickly spread out her wings and flew forward, but she was thinking about the eye of treasure that Fang Ziyu said , thinking about how to please Fang Ziyu and let him help to advance.

It doesn't think Xiaoice, who is Dragon Clan, will lie about progression.

The whole body was full of demon power, and quickly opened Eyes of Truth to check the situation below.

Under its eyes, the fog can't cover it, and it can see some exotic flowers and rare herbs that disguise itself.

"ga ga! Fang Ziyu, there is an xenophyte on top of that hill."

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