Pet The World

Chapter 316

Pet The World Chapter 316

Outside the cliff, four trolls on the ground more than a hundred meters away from each other lay on the ground staring at the place where Fang Ziyu disappeared before.

They have time, and they don't want to retreat for a while. The only thing that makes them uncomfortable is the breath of these trolls.

The trolls of the same rank are so close that they are very vigilant. As experienced devoured countless trolls of the same rank, they become the fourth rank trolls, and they are well aware of the danger of the same kind.

The bird that left in the sky just couldn't bear this oppressive environment and left.

And the five of them were all very interested in the fourth rank alien plant and the giant dragon bloodline, and they agreed to stay here for a while and not invade each other.

Although there are these conventions, none of them have put down their vigilance against their companions.

One of the most powerful monsters is a blue and red ice and fire demon deer in the middle.

This ice and fire deer is more than forty meters long, and its body is divided into two from its spine, exuding the coldest breath for the ice blue and the hot flame aura for the fiery-red.

It doesn't look like the original deer at all, it looks weird and terrifying.

It is already the fourth rank Peak, and its aura is much stronger than the other four-headed monsters, only a little worse than the fifth-order monsters.

It can be seen that several other trolls have distanced themselves from it, and are afraid of it.

This ice and fire deer is also the main force in the siege of Fang Ziyu. It is not far from the fifth rank. It is most eager for the fourth rank alien plant and the frost giant dragon bloodline. If it is swallowed, it may advance to the fifth rank. Stage monster.

For trolls, the fifth rank is a turning point, so it is almost impossible to retreat, unless there is a cherished fourth rank xenograft somewhere else.

Except for this Ice and Fire Demon Deer, other trolls are not much different in strength. At the level of Rank 4 Middle Level, they can't fight Xiaobing alone for a few rounds.

The Ice and Fire Demon Deer lay on the ground, looked at the place where Fang Ziyu fled, and fell down again.

It was at this time that the earth within a hundred meters in diameter with it as the center suddenly began to soften, and countless earth-yellow demonic powers radiated out and drilled into its body.

At the moment when the earth changed, the ice and fire demon deer immediately felt it, and the violent ice and fire demonic force all over its body resisted these demonic forces that were trying to disturb the demonic energy in its body.

Then it was about to lift its feet to leave here, but because the ground that had turned into a swamp had nowhere to focus, it couldn't even jump up for a while.

This made him startled, and more powerful ice and fire demon power erupted from his body. While freezing the ground to be softened, he used the demon power to forcibly move outside.

The powerful ice attribute demon force just froze the ground. Seeing that the Ice Fire Demon Deer was about to leap away with the help of the demon force, the entire ground suddenly cracked again, and with a bang, the Ice Fire Demon Deer fell into it. .

The earth within 100 meters has also turned into a bottomless swamp, and only one head of the Ice and Fire Demon Deer is exposed.


It roared angrily, and the terrifying ice and fire demon power exploded all around it.

The swamp all around exploded under the action of the ice and fire demon power, but all flowed back in an instant, and there were still many earth-yellow demon powers eroding its body.

The Ice Fire Demon Deer found that he couldn't break free in a short time, and this terrifying control skill not only restricted its movement, but even the skills could not be released. break free.

In fact, if it's just an ordinary swamp, it can break free in less than a second. The swamp that Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground turns into is not as simple as a swamp.

And as time goes by, it will become more and more sticky, so that the beings that fall in will never come out.


The eyes of the Ice Fire Demon Deer, one red and one blue, showed a look of horror, which reminded of Spiritual Qi's companion who fell into the swamp before he recovered. its fear.

Actually, the reason why it didn't escape from Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground is because it didn't expect Fang Ziyu to have a pet with Earth Element control skills. .

Otherwise, it is still possible to escape with its reaction speed.

It was too late for the other four trolls to react, and none of the trolls chose to save the Ice and Fire Demon Deer. They all stood up and looked at the cliff in front of them vigilantly.

Suddenly, the temperature all around instantly dropped to a terrifying level, and dim-blue rays of light rushed out of the broken stone pile and attacked the location where the Ice Fire Demon Deer was located.

Faced with this attack, the remaining four trolls without the slightest hesitation open their mouths one after another elemental attack and charge towards the dim-blue attack.

The attack of the four trolls instantly destroyed this frost attack, and together it punched a deep pit of nearly 100 meters on the ground.

Just as this attack had just ended, the chains of one after another water blue were bound to the four-headed trolls out of thin air.

The dense water vapor in the underground canyon makes the water chain's control effect very strong. In addition, these four giant monsters have a certain Water Element demon power. suck it out.

This is exactly the Water Element skill of Jiu-color Liu, water-bound dragon suction.

Faced with this sudden control skill, the four chaotic trolls were a little caught off guard, but the water-bound dragon suction skill only limited their movement, and the skill could still be released.

Not as scary as Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground.

Just when they released their skills and were about to break free, Xiaobing took Fang Ziyu and Jiuse Liufei to the sky and ran away.

The four trolls broke free and wanted to chase, but Xiaoice had already disappeared.

The terrifying trolls roared from the gorge within the valley. The five trolls went crazy and attacked from the ground. The anger was difficult to quell.

And Fang Ziyu was riding Xiaobing and landed in a mountain pass in the third rank troll living area.

The reason why he chose to escape was because Jiuse Liu used two consecutive skills to run out of demon power.

It has only been promoted to the fourth rank and has little demon power, and it uses the strong control skill Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground to control a fourth rank Peak monster, which is too terrifying.

After releasing the water-bound dragon suction skill, the demon power has bottomed out, and the best way at this time is naturally to escape.

Actually, if Xiao Jiu's demon power is enough, in the situation just now, with Xiao Bing, it is possible to kill the four giant monsters.

"Stop right here, Xiaobing, go and be alert all around, the fat boy is about to break through!"

Fang Ziyu jumped off Xiaobing's back and hurriedly packed the cat The fat boy inside was placed on the ground, and a terrifying aura emanated from it.

"ao wu ~"

Xiao Bing glanced at the fat boy and flew to the top of the mountain to be alert.

Fang Ziyu took Xiao Jiu back while taking out a pair of Earth Element energy cubes and handed them to Xiao Jiu: "Xiao Jiu, hurry up and replenish your demon power, maybe there will be a fight in a while."


Xiao Ice complied, sticking out many roots and sticking into the Earth Element energy block.

As Fang Ziyu stepped back a little, the aura on the fat boy also accumulated to the extreme, and the demon power of one after another silver black radiated from it.

The sleeping fat boy suddenly opened his eyes, and two bright glow shot out from it...

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