Pet The World

Chapter 324

Pet The World Chapter 324

Half an hour later, Chen Youlan put down the bowls and chopsticks a little sorry, she ate a lot.

But it's not her fault, it's because these troll meats are so delicious, plus she's been hungry for a long time, she can't help it at all.

"haha, you are too thin and petite, eat more."

Fang Ziyu glanced at Chen Youlan said with a smile, Chen Youlan had already eaten everything while he was eating. Packed up, it's time to go back after three days in this ground crack canyon.

"Master, what are we going to do next?"

Chen Youlan wiped the corner of her mouth, looked at Fang Ziyu and said.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll upgrade the descendant bat to the third rank and I'm ready to go back. My business is done."

Fang Ziyu said.

Glancing at Chen Youlan, Fang Ziyu took an ice box from the ice table next to her and handed it to her: "A reward for you."

"Thank you, master."

Chen Youlan was not pretentious either and happily took it over. Looking at the blue crystal-like box of ice blue, I was very curious about what was inside.

Opening the box, what you see is a radiant orchid that looks quiet and pure.

A quiet and elegant fragrance overflows with the opening of the box.

"This is... a kind of ghost orchid, and is it a third rank alien plant?"

Chen Youlan looked at the alien plant lying quietly in the ice box, exuding a faint aura First stunned, then slowly said.

With the orchid in her name, she is very fond of orchids and has a lot of research, and she is even more incredible when she sees this ghost orchid in the box.

Because ghost orchids are too rare, and Spiritual Qi is forbidden to pick wild ghost orchids before recovery, she has only seen pictures and never had a chance to see the true face of ghost orchids.

"Thank you master, I like this orchid very much."

Chen Youlan looked at Fang Ziyu and said happily, she really likes this ghost orchid.

"This is the ghost orchid. Eating it will allow you to permanently increase the recovery speed by 20%, get the fragrant and fragrant body fragrance like an orchid, and the body fragrance will also inherit the ghost ghost orchid's purification and tranquility. The effect."

Fang Ziyu looked at the ghost orchid introduced, in fact, if the ghost orchid hadn't made the eater get body fragrance, he would have eaten it.

"Orchid-like body fragrance..."

Chen Youlan's face blushed when she heard this, she didn't expect this orchid to have this effect, and also Understand the preciousness of this ghost ghost orchid.

After thinking for a while, she picked up the ghost orchid and put it in her mouth, chewed it carefully, and swallowed it.

Not to mention that this ghost orchid is delicious.

She was going to keep this ghost orchid in her collection, but she couldn't help it when she heard Fang Ziyu's introduction. She will permanently obtain a body fragrance, or the fragrance she likes. She believes that there are not many of them. girl can't stand it.

As she ate the whole ghost orchid, Chen Youlan felt a surge of energy rushing towards her limbs, warm and drowsy.

At the same time, she also felt that the spirit in her body had greatly increased.

"After eating, let's go out and give your descendant bat an advanced level."

Fang Ziyu glanced at Chen Youlan, he knew that Chen Youlan would definitely not be able to resist this temptation.


Chen Youlan quickly said resolutely.

Following Fang Ziyu, Chen Youlan put her hand to her nose and smelled it, and there was a faint orchid fragrance, elegant and pleasant.

At the same time, she found that her skin became much whiter and more delicate and smooth.

With a happy smile like a little girl getting a favorite toy, she followed Fang Ziyu.

"ga ga, Fang Ziyu, I was wrong, don't leave a parrot here..."

Seeing Fang Ziyu leaving with his pet, he was still tied up in the The red leaves of the parrot on the icicle are anxious.

"I'll come back to untie you when you're ready to reflect."

Fang Ziyu turned his head and glanced at the parrot red leaves, along with the ice on the ground that he didn't take away. Those Water Element energy fish in the tank.

Faced with six chaotic trolls, it slipped away Fang Ziyu, of course, don't blame it, but it shouldn't swell up and cut off Fang Ziyu when Fang Ziyu went to find it.

Since it's broken in two, Fang Ziyu won't keep it if he cleans it up.

Fang Ziyu wanted to upgrade Eyes of Truth into Treasure Eye to hunt for treasure, so naturally he wouldn't just let it go.

"ga ga, I was really wrong..."

The parrot red leaves yellowed.


Out outside, the descendant bats and more than 2,000 bats that were transformed into descendants by the descendant bat are here.

descendant bat was originally with Chen Youlan, but there were too many terrifying aura around, so it sneaked out halfway.

"Xiao Xue, come here."

Chen Youlan called out, and a little bat with a blood-colored pattern flew over.

Fang Ziyu came over and reached out and touched the head of the descendant bat. The descendant bat recognized Fang Ziyu and did not dare to resist.

After checking the advanced materials of descendant bats, Fang Ziyu found that he happened to have them here, so he took out the storage bag and found it.

"Master, is this the legendary storage bag?"

Chen Youlan asked curiously after watching Fang Ziyu take out several things from the bag.

"Yes, it's fine if you know it, don't say it out." Fang Ziyu nodded. He and Chen Youlan had a contract, even if she wanted to say it, she couldn't say it.

Chen Youlan nodded, and felt more and more that her master was mysterious, always giving people endless surprises.

"Give the descendant bats to eat these alien plants, and it should be able to advance to the third rank."

Fang Ziyu looked at Chen Youlan and said.

"Thank you, master!" Chen Youlan said with a smile, feeding the advanced materials to the descendant bat.

She doesn't express her gratitude too much now. Fang Ziyu's kindness to her is equivalent to remaking her parents. She can't pay it back. What she can do now is to become stronger as soon as possible, so as to give the master more much help.

Fang Ziyu touched his nose, thinking that the fragrance of this ghost orchid is really good. He has a much more sensitive sense of smell now, and Chen Youlan can smell the fragrance just a little closer.

After a while, the descendant bat who ate the advanced materials successfully advanced to the third rank.

Fang Ziyu touched it and checked its information again.

[Elf Type]descendant Bat King

[Gender]: Female

[Rank]: third rank

[Demon Power]: 100

[attribute]: mysterious type, goblin type (blood demon), poison

[skill]: descendant (blood demon type active skill, activate the skill to bite similar bats to destroy It is transformed into descendant, and descendant is controlled by descendant bat.

Note: descendant can also transform other bats into descendant.)

Vampiric (Blood Demon is an active skill, which can be used by blood-sucking skills. Let the descendant bat absorb a part of the blood demon essence of the descendant bat to promote its own evolution.

Note: The descendant bat can condense the blood demon essence into blood crystal, and the blood crystal can increase the evolution and mutation of the fairy pet. ),

Blood Rage (Blood Demon is an active skill, launching Blood Rage can increase the attack power of all descendants by 50% for 3 minutes. After the effect, the descendant bats will lose 50% of their life force.

The lost life force can be made up through blood-sucking skills and blood crystals.)

[Restrain]: Dragon...

[Evolutionary Potential]: third rank

[Evolution direction]: descendant Bat King

"Your descendant bat has now been sent to the third rank, reaching its potential limit, the next breakthrough depends on you and the pet itself, I It's not very helpful.

You have to make good use of the descendant bat's blood-sucking skills, which is the key to its breakthrough limit."

Fang Ziyu looked at Chen Youlan and said.

descendant bats are completely group attacking and explosive pets from the perspective of skill form. Fang Ziyu is still very interested in the cultivation of such pets.

In the future, he will also prepare a similar pet, which is very useful in the battle with trolls.

descendant bats are a bit limited, their reproduction is not fast enough, and their potential ranks are also a bit low.

"I know the master, thank you master."

Chen Youlan nodded, she was not used to it, she became a third rank summoner in such a short period of time. As if dreaming.

Glancing at Fang Ziyu, she knew that all this was given by this mysterious man in front of her.

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