Pet The World

Chapter 333

Pet The World Chapter 333

Second day Early in the morning, Fang Ziyu went to the school sword technique class to learn sword technique, and asked for a set of basic sword technique learning materials from the teacher.

Practice for a morning and noon before going back to the pet shop at noon.

After lunch, Fang Ziyu simply packed up, carried the long sword Mo Yu on his back, Dai Yu on his shoulders, and Chen Youlan rode Xiaobing towards the surrounding of An City to defend against trolls departure from the gathering place.

The pets they bring along include Rhubarb, Chubby and Xiaojiu.

As the number of pets increases, Fang Ziyu is more and more eager to become a fifth-order summoner.

He desperately wants to always have a Pet Space of his own.

Breaking the Five Elements spar collection task released by the game, at present he only collected two element spar, water and earth.

However, he has three Earth Element spar stones in his hand. If there is a chance, he should be able to exchange for the three attributes of gold, wood and fire that he does not have.

There is also Xiaobing, its element stripping degree is getting closer and closer to 30%, and it is not far from the fifth order, so it must be prepared early.

Tomorrow's Pet Gorgeous Tournament Seongnam Finals will be held at the gathering place called Johor Bahru Gathering Place.

The hotels in the Johor Bahru gathering place have been booked out before half a month, and even some private houses have been rented out.

But even so, there are still many people who have no place to live and need to spend the night in the wild.

You must know that there are a total of 5,000 people participating in the semi-finals, and where did one gathering place come from so many empty houses for so many people to live in.

"Master, are we going to sleep in the rough for one night?"

Chen Youlan looked at Fang Ziyu and asked, Fang Ziyu said yesterday that she would take her with her, so she checked for a day In the situation of the Johor Bahru gathering place, there are no rooms that can be booked.

Fang Ziyu sat on Xiaobing's back, took a bite of an apple and said, "Of course not, we have a house to live in."

Xiaobing flew smoothly, plus there was a magic power to protect it. The hood envelops Fang Ziyu and the others, and this is a perfect 360-degree viewing platform with no dead ends.

Fang Ziyu was so happy watching the scenery while eating.

"Have a house? Could it be that master, did you book half a month ago?"

Chen Youlan turned her head and looked at Fang Ziyu in surprise. According to her understanding, Fang Ziyu It shouldn't be so careful.

"Of course not, I got the house through other channels." Fang Ziyu said casually.

The channel he mentioned is naturally Zhou Ruo. Compared with his contribution, these things are completely insignificant. Fang Ziyu said it, and Zhou Ruo immediately arranged it for him.

Especially Fang Ziyu is already fourth rank now, and the salary given to him by the school is energy cubes, there is no change.

Zhou Ruo naturally knows that this treatment is not as good as some ordinary fourth rank summoners outside, and she basically fully satisfies Fang Ziyu's requirements.

At present, Fang Ziyu has not mentioned the issue of salary and treatment. He is going to wait for Xiaobing's fifth rank to take out two Earth Element energy spar and ask for exchange, and then talk about other treatment issues.

"I just said that with your personality as a master, it's unlikely that you would have reserved a room half a month ago."

Chen Youlan's face became clear and she picked up a white Pear took a bite.

With the mentality of half hurrying and half enjoying the scenery, the two arrived at the gathering place in Johor Bahru at dusk in the afternoon.

This gathering place is very characteristic. It is built on a low flat-topped hill.

The overall construction still follows that spacious and atmospheric style, allowing fourth rank pets to pass easily on the street.

Fang Ziyu and two people came over. You can see from the sky that the streets of this gathering place are very crowded with people and pets.

"Come on, let's go to register." Fang Ziyu said.

To enter these gathering places, you need to register with the summoner card at the door.

After the registration, Fang Ziyu began to look for the house that Zhou Ruo arranged for him.

It took a while to find the place, and soon I got the key and found the house.

This house is a small two-story building on the outskirts of the gathering place, and living here has a wide view outside.

"Ah, today we are staying here temporarily. There are many bedrooms, all of which are clean. You can choose any orchids." Fang Ziyu opened the door and went straight to the second floor.

"Then I want this one." Chen Youlan said, pointing to a bedroom with a small balcony.

"Okay, I'll order a takeaway. We'll have a big meal in the evening. These gathering places have troll specialties, which are very good."

Fang Ziyu took out his mobile phone. said.

"Listen to the master, I'll clean up the house." Chen Youlan said, although the house is clean, but if you want to live in, you need to disturb it a little.

Fang Ziyu ordered the meal, and then looked at the treatment squatting on the table and the big yellow road on the bench: "What do you two want to eat? Do you want to eat sashimi?"

"Meow wu~ Daiyu wants to eat."

Daiyu looked at Fang Ziyu and jumped.


Rhubarb turned over and stretched out four claws, signaling that he wanted four servings.


Fang Ziyu is no-no. As for Fat Boy or Ice, they prefer to eat high-energy flesh and blood, and they don’t have much requirements for the taste of meat.

Fang Ziyu's storage bag also contains the flesh and blood of many fourth rank trolls. The storage bag is in a vacuum state. In addition, these are the flesh and blood of powerful trolls, which can be stored for several years without any problems.

Ordering takeaway, Fang Ziyu went to the balcony to sit and drink tea and chat.

From the place where he is, it can be seen that the number of giant monsters in the field far outside the gathering place is obviously several times higher than before.

Although now is not the time for trolls to launch attacks and hordes of beasts, some trolls are still seen from time to time in the fields near the gathering place.

Be aware that even the First Rank trolls have been emptied within a few kilometers of the previous gathering place.

Even while Fang Ziyu was drinking tea, he also saw densely packed flying trolls flying over in the sky over Qingling, trying to attack it.

However, missiles were soon thrown out of the gathering place, killing a lot of these trolls, and then a group of summoners in military uniforms rushed up with flying pets.

Human missiles are only useful to these low-level monsters, and high-level ones are useless. Not to mention other things, the speed and missiles are too slow.

"It seems that the trolls are really ready to launch an all-out attack on humans."

Fang Ziyu sighed said, although there are so many trolls here, there is also a reason for the need to A gorgeous tournament was held for pets, and there was no massive cleanup for a few days, but it also shows how many trolls.

Nowadays, not to mention the unfathomable and terrifying ocean, the trolls on land alone are at least several times larger than humans, and the number is still increasing.

The number of pets is completely incomparable with trolls. After all, trolls are a very good species in some ways.

The breeding speed is fast, the advancement is fast, and it can devour anything, and if it devours the opponent, it can also obtain a certain attribute bloodline and skills, and as the level increases, wisdom will begin to be born.

If they can devour some human beings to obtain enough spiritual power, their wisdom will be even more terrifying, even surpassing human beings.

Humans are too weak compared to them.

Just after watching the summoners in military uniforms kill this group of human monsters trying to attack the gathering place, Chen Youlan suddenly opened her mouth and pointed in another direction: "Master, look this way."

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