Pet The World

Chapter 335

Pet The World Chapter 335

The time limit for the game is very tight and only five hours, which means you can't travel very far to hunt trolls, because it is too time consuming, and you may not be able to get back in time.

After everyone dispersed, the screams of trolls rang out one after another. At first, they were busy hunting and killing trolls, and no one had chosen to form a team.

Under a thick and sturdy giant pine tree, a frost giant dragon is fighting with a group of rabbits.

There are three third rank rabbits in this group of rabbits, and more than ten rabbits are also First Rank Second Rank.

Unlike other trolls, these rabbits actually have a weapon in their hands - a piece of hay.

This withered grass is terrifying. It is sharper than a sharp blade. With just a slight wave, both trees and rocks will be cut.

Even Xiaoice's defensive power can be injured, which shows how extraordinary this withered grass is.

I saw a gray skinless rabbit with pimples all over its body, rushing up at one end, golden rays of light streaking across the void between the withered grass in its claws, moved towards Xiaobing's tail cut and pierced. Come.

At the same time, several other rabbits rushed over, with the dead grass in their claws attacking Xiaobing.

With a bang, Xiaobing stomped on the ground with one paw, and an ice blue Monster Qi spread out like a shock wave, and all of these Second Rank bunny monsters were shaken and flew out. , and was frozen by this ice blue magic power.

Only the three third rank bunny trolls stood firm, their tails raised, and they kept waving the dead grass in their hands.

Xiaobing's cold dim-blue vertical pupils showed no emotion at all. She gave the three third rank rabbits a cold glance, and swept her tail in the face of the rushing attack.

With a bang, these attacks were swept away on the spot, and even a rabbit was swept away with its tail, only to hear the sound of ka-cha's bones breaking, the rabbit fell to the ground, The entire waist has been shriveled, and a large amount of bright red blood gurgled out, like spring water.

The two remaining giants, the Vajra muscle rabbits, didn't expect this third rank giant dragon to be so terrifying. Seeing the tragic appearance of his companions completely lost his desire to fight, he turned his head and prepared to run away.

There was a trace of disdain in Xiaobing's vertical pupils, and a flash appeared in front of a rabbit. Before it could react, the sharp claw flashing with cold light pierced Vajra's muscles with one paw. Rabbit's body.

pu' sound, the little crampons squeezed the heart of the Vajra Muscle Rabbit, and the bright red blood scattered and splashed on its body, and it slipped down drop by drop, and there was no way to dye the little ice red body of.

Sensing that another companion died, the remaining Vajra Muscular Rabbit ran faster.

With a puci sound, Xiaobing pulled the paw out of the Vajra Muscle Rabbit's body, and blood splattered on it again. Xiaobing looked at the steaming core of the claw and stuck out the scarlet tongue. He licked his lips, showing a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, without turning his head, he flicked the other paw, and a slender ice blue shuttle-shaped ice condensed out.

A streak of blue rays of light crossed the void, followed by a puci sound that pierced through flesh, and the fleeing Vajra muscle rabbit fell to the ground with a bang, motionless, and only bright red blood came from it. It gurgled out from its heart, dyeing the earth red.

There is still unwillingness and fear in its eyes.

"Let's go, let's continue to the next place."

Fang Ziyu said, standing on top of Xiaobing's head, looking at the dozen or so nuclei that were still emitting heat.

It had been sitting cross-legged on Xiaobing's head just now, and was fixed on the top of his head by Xiaobing with ice. With the Battle Armor, he was not afraid of any attack below the fourth rank. , just now he participated in everything by sharing his senses with Xiaobing's life and death contract.

In fact, he is mainly for fun, and he doesn't need to command the opponents below the fourth rank.

"ao wu ~"

Xiaobing roared, fluttered her wings, and continued to look for the next target.

Fang Ziyu sits cross-legged on top of Xiaobing's head, holding a piece of dead grass in his hand, which is the dead grass in Vajra's Muscle Rabbit's hand that can hurt Xiaobing.

However, although this withered grass is sharp, it can only hurt Xiaobing's fur, and its physical strength is not covered.

Fang Ziyu checked it, this thing is called blade grass, it is a natural weapon, as thin as a hair but sharp and tenacious...

There are many more that can be used to make The weapon, Fang Ziyu looked at it and put it away, he also found one in the rabbit hole, and the number was slightly small.

"ao wu ~Fang Ziyu I saw another monster..."

Xiao Bing roared and flew over.

Shortly after Fang Ziyu left, a ten-man squad showed up where he had just hunted the Vajra Muscle Rabbit.

Looking at the battlefield, this group of people fell into silence.

really strong, although the battlefield has been cleaned up and the breath has been smoothed out, the horror of the frost giant dragon can still be seen from the wounds of these rabbits.

“Faced with three third rank trolls and a dozen second rank trolls, the Vajra Muscular Rabbit, who is known to be difficult to stalk, was so easy to kill, and it was completely useless. The suspenseful instant kill, I can guarantee that the entire battle process will not even be used for 3 minutes."

One person looked at the battlefield with an extremely solemn gaze.

"Has this frost giant dragon been promoted to the fourth rank? If so, I think those of us who are in the third rank will die." Another person said a little worriedly.

"Don't worry, that frost giant dragon definitely doesn't have a fourth rank, this is for sure, it's just because the dragon pets and the third rank Peak are so scary.

Our goal is not to kill him, but to make him unable to advance to the competition. Even more how he would not dare to kill us. If we die, he will not only be disqualified from the competition, but also pay a heavier price. .

And most importantly, did he kill him?"

A man at the head of the team stood on a giant ape more than 40 meters high. said.

“even more how, with me, even if he is the fourth rank, he will still be robbed of the crystal core by us, what are you afraid of.

We are just a normal means to collect the crystal core It's just that, as long as we see trolls along the way, we kill them, and if we see crystal cores, we grab them, and these tournament judges can't say anything about us."

"Yes, Big Brother Li is right, we just It's just a normal game, what's wrong with grabbing his core? And we don't have to be afraid of anything with Big Brother Li."

Seeing this giant ape that is more than 40 meters high, the hearts of a group of people are heartbroken. All settled down.

“Hehe, we can also let him hunt more monsters, which will not only consume some of his demon power, but also get an extra batch of crystal cores in the end. It’s like two birds.”


Someone laughed.

"Let's go, let's go, hunt more monsters, don't be so obvious." Li Heng said, and the giant ape under his feet rushed out, and everyone else followed suit. out.

Not long after several people left, another ten-person squad appeared here...

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