Pet The World

Chapter 347

Pet The World Chapter 347

"For you, the pros outweigh the cons." Zhou Ruo said looking at Fang Ziyu.

"But I never said that I wanted to be famous, did I? Originally, I had no risk at all.

And it's all because of the school. It's not me, and don't you think my contributions are totally disproportionate to my gains?

I don't say it doesn't mean I don't care, and it doesn't mean I'm a fool."

Fang Ziyu stood up and looked at Zhou Ruo. Originally, he was preparing to talk about Xiaobing Fifth Order. But it doesn't matter now, because Xiaoice already has a fifth-order battle strength.

"Are you angry?" Zhou Ruo looked at Fang Ziyu with a softer voice, walked over and took a glass of water and handed it to Fang Ziyu.

Fang Ziyu took the water, but didn't drink it.

"Naturally we don't have this kind of idea, and we are very aware of your importance, otherwise my father wouldn't tell me to make boyfriend and girlfriend with you from time to time.

About In fact, the reward for you has been in preparation all the time. I will tell you after you have officially become a fifth-order summoner, so as to convince the public.

You must know that each city is equivalent because of the troll. to be quarantined, and political matters are also very complicated.

But don’t worry, no one dares to treat you badly even if you don’t say anything. You are now the biggest treasure in An City, as long as you call the wind And summon the rain is no problem.

Naturally, you have already been preparing for your treatment, but now you are facing the transformation of the social form, and you have not reached the fifth rank, so you are betting It will take a while.

If you have anything in particular, tell me, and I will come over for you as soon as possible."

Zhou Ruo walked over as she spoke. In front of Fang Ziyu, a pair of big watery eyes looked at him sincerely.

"Don't do this, be careful, I can't control what I eat and clean it up and I'm not responsible."

Fang Ziyu moved the bench back, this damn woman wanted to press Where fiercely spanked.

"Then eat it as an apology, I don't want you to be responsible."

Zhou Ruo blinked and looked at Fang Ziyu condescendingly.

From Fang Ziyu's point of view, it is a beautiful scenery.

"Don't think about me." Fang Ziyu stood up and said with a straight face: "What the hell is the social change you just said?"

Damn, who said women don't Craving for a man's body? Zhou Ruo had already sent it to himself with no regard for it.

But he knew that she might like her, but she wanted to restrain herself by getting closer to him.

After all, from a certain point of view, the lifeblood of the entire Ancheng is in his hands.

They can take it slow if they haven't reached the fifth rank, but now that he has revealed the fifth rank battle strength, he can no longer take it slowly.

There is nothing more reliable than this.

And if it was given to herself in vain, Zhou Ruo would definitely not lose.

Damn it!

Seeing Fang Ziyu retreating, Zhou Ruo rolled her eyes and returned to her dignified and serious look, folded her arms in front of her chest and looked at Fang Ziyu: "Can't you see the social change?

The world has undergone great changes. Except for cities and a few villages and towns, the entire world has been occupied by monsters and crazy plants, and all kinds of mineral resources, including oil, originally located in the wilderness have been cut off.

The crops are also cut off, and the food we eat today is all the fields that were forcibly opened up later, and quickly harvested by the ability of pets.

You didn't find the monsters in the supermarket now There are more and more meat and troll products, and some common things in the past are still slowly disappearing?"

"I really didn't pay attention to this, but it seems to be the case." Fang Ziyu slowly nodded after listening to it, and suddenly lifted the head to look at Zhou Ruo and said, "You mean that there will be more changes soon?"

"Almost, it should be based on technology. Civilization has transitioned to a civilization dominated by Spiritual Qi demon power and supplemented by technology.

Just like the common cars may disappear now, all kinds of pets should be running on the city roads. Because The oil reserves are getting less and less, and even if there are cars, it is estimated that the energy is based on the monster crystal core.

The crystal core energy may replace electricity as a new energy source. Creations that use crystal nucleus as energy may soon be on the market, and those research institutes have been studying these things for a long time.”

Hearing Zhou Ruo’s explanation, Fang Ziyu felt a little surprised, but also As expected.

This is normal.

The traditional human power needs to be transported by line, which is too easy to be damaged, and the crystal nucleus does not have this defect.

And trolls

But the transformation is not so simple, but there is a relic of the ancient Spiritual Qi civilization in Ancient Ruins as a reference, plus modern science and technology It shouldn't 't be too hard.

"Since you have said so, I will wait for the treatment you gave me when I reach the fifth rank."

Digested what I got, Fang Ziyu looked at it. Zhou Ruo glanced at it and said.

"Okay, then, remember to come and see me tomorrow, when the time comes to visit."

Zhou Ruo said with a sip of water.

"Okay, I'm leaving, I have something else to do."

Fang Ziyu stood up and left with Xiaobing, who was stunned.

After Fang Ziyu left, Zhou Ruo took another sip of water, sat down on the bench, looked up at the ceiling, and was deeply exhaled.

A fat black cat jumped on the table, squatted in front of her, and looked at her: "Why did you give up again? Such a good man is hard to find, and he seems to be There are still some secrets."

"No, I just think it's too despicable."

Zhou Ruo is still looking at the ceiling, a man and a cat are communicating in spirit.

She had never done this to a man before, and her feelings for Fang Ziyu were too complicated.

She lowered her body twice to tempt Fang Ziyu, which was impossible before. She naturally understood what the black cat said. If she was more active just now, Fang Ziyu might not be able to hold it.

But she didn't want to. If Fang Ziyu took the initiative just now, she wouldn't resist.

She has a strong father and an excellent family, but she also has helplessness that others do not have.

On her desk, there was also a small pink bottle that her father had prepared, but she didn't use it.

"Actually, you're also hurting him, you know."

The black cat blinked, and the eyes with heavy pupils looked very beautiful.

"Let me be quiet."

Zhou Ruo leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes.

Of course she knew what the black cat said. How can a politician as powerful as his father see a person who is out of his control grow up.

What he wanted was a son-in-law who would help him without worrying him.

This is the most important task assigned to her by her father.


Fang Ziyu and Xiaobing came out of the school administration building and flew to the pet store.

"ao wu ~Fang Ziyu, why didn't you take that woman down just now?"

Xiaobing asked incomprehensibly while flying.

"Am I such a vulgar person?" Fang Ziyu said with his head held high.

Actually, he could see that Zhou Ruo's eyes were different from before, and he could get a general idea after thinking about it carefully.

It's okay not to advance to Tier 5, but it's time for the team to pervert.

And at some point, trust is bullshit, and only real kinship is the most reassuring.

But it's too late to limit him now. With that living tree ancestor limb, as long as you find a suitable time to go to the wild, you can advance Xiaobing to the fifth rank.

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