Pet The World

Chapter 375

Pet The World Chapter 375

Fang Ziyu touched the fat boy. At this time, Xiaoice had recovered. Fang Ziyu gave him several ice attribute xenografts to restore his injury and demon power.

"Ziyu, I'm sorry, this time I was careless and didn't listen to you, I almost killed everyone."

Almost recovered, Xiaobing whispered Apologize to Fang Ziyu, the mood is rarely low.

"It's okay, isn't this a solution? Just be careful in the future. We hunted fifth-order trolls for the first time, and we didn't know these guys were so cunning. I don't blame you, I blame me for being careless. ."

Fang Ziyu shook the head, and then said: "This is an experience, just pay attention next time.

We wait for a while and watch the blood flames disappear. Is there anything else after that? If not, we will go hunting for the colorful beetle. This time, don't be as reckless as before

But this time, you have to thank the fat boy, it is it Solved the blood-colored thorn vine and solved your crisis."

"ao wu ~ Ziyu, don't worry, I will never be reckless again, and I will definitely listen to you."

Little Bing solemnly assured.

"Fat boy, don't worry, I won't bully you in the future, I can help you catch whatever you want to eat in the future!"

Xiaobing solemnly said the fat man.

"Gu gu, really?"

I heard this fat boy's eyes shined, it's nothing to pursue, it's just delicious.

"Of course, I, Xiaobing, stand by one's word."

Xiaobing raised her head.

"Okay, I believe you."

Fatboy nodded happily.

I am happy to see the pets in harmony with Fang Ziyu. As they spoke, the blood-colored flames of the blood-colored thorn vines had gradually disappeared.

"Meow wu~ Ziyu, look, the blood-colored thorn vine still doesn't seem to be dead!"

Fang Ziyu's shoulders Daiyu suddenly pointed at the blood-colored thorn vine said.

In fact, it has always wanted to help Fang Ziyu, but its strength is very low and has not spoken.

You can only observe all around carefully, so as not to let the danger that may hurt Fang Ziyu appear, so I immediately saw the blood-colored thorn vine that was not dead.

Fang Ziyu and other pets looked around, but saw a green thorn vine one or two meters high where the blood-colored thorn vine had died.

"ao wu ~ It's no longer a threat now, and its aura has decayed to the point where it doesn't enter the class. Do you want me to kill Ziyu?"

Xiaobing called out.

"No, let's go down and have a look."

Fang Ziyu looked at the blood-colored thorn vine and said, the blood-colored thorn vine was more powerful than he expected, making him Very interested to study it.

Xiao Bing flapped his wings and flew down quickly. At this time, the blood-colored flames had been extinguished, and the entire radius of a hundred miles had been turned into a dead zone, except for this blood-colored thorn vine.

Fang Ziyu jumped off Xiaobing's back, reached out and touched the blood-colored thorn vine to check its information.

He can now kill third-rank monsters with his physical strength, and he is not afraid of a blood-colored thorn vine that has not entered the rank.

This blood-colored thorn vine was modeled by Fang Ziyu, and even removed the vine, like a mimosa.

But Fang Ziyu has got its information.

[Some hints]: A semi-mutated thorn vine, harmless, the growth direction is unknown, it may become a troll again, or it can be turned into a conscious pet.

Its predecessor was the blood-colored thorn vine, which washed away all its attributes including consciousness through the blood flame of life, but retained its original potential.

So the growth rate of this thorn vine will far surpasses normal trolls and pets.


"That's it." Fang Ziyu murmured and fell into deep thought, the hidden information revealed in it is whether there are trolls and pets that actually have the same origin, can it be converted into each other by itself?

shook the head, Fang Ziyu didn't think about it anymore, took a few steps closer, grabbed the blood-colored thorn vine and pulled it out of the ground.

Even though this is a thorny vine, it cannot destroy his fleshy body.

"Huh? There's another jade piece here?"

Fang Ziyu pulled out the thorn vine, and suddenly found that there was a jade piece wrapped around its roots.

"Xiao Jiu, this thorn vine will be handed over to you, look after it."

Fang Ziyu threw the thorn vine to Xiao Jiu and picked up the thorn vine from the root of the thorn vine. The jade pieces obtained were looked at.

This jade piece is very unique and different from other jade pieces that Fang Ziyu got.

Most of the other jade pieces have been broken, badly worn, and dirty, and many of the silver seal characters on them have disappeared.

And this piece of jade is very complete, flawless, shining with jade light, and the lines on it are elegant and full of Immortal Qi's silver seal script is very clear, without any damage, as if it was just written. the same.

After thinking about it, Fang Ziyu used the broken game to monitor it, and his intuition told him that this thing is not simple. The blood-colored thorn vine originally grew in the ruined city. This thing is probably where it came from. from.

[Game Tips]: Silver seal script translation:

(Congratulations. You have got a very big opportunity for the younger generation who got this piece of jade.

This jade piece records the old man's lifelong perception of Heaven and Earth before he died during meditation, including a Spiritual Qi Breathing Technique and contract law created and improved by old man Insights Heaven and Earth.

old man is an eighth rank Wood Element summoner 30, this jade piece was thrown into his storage space by the old man, and the person who got it must be a friendly person even if he is not the descendant of the old man. I don't ask you to protect my descendants. , but please look at the Breathing Technique and the law of contract, don't embarrass them.

According to the old man's lifelong perception of Heaven and Earth, as well as the experience of dozens of failures to impact ninth rank summoner, I found that I came up with a possibly very sad answer. Later, the old man confirmed it in many ways and found that not only the old man, but also many summoners above eighth rank felt it.

This piece of Heaven and Earth we live in is very likely Innate is not enough, it belongs to a broken world.

This is why, we humans can absorb Spiritual Qi, but cannot absorb Monster Qi, while pets can absorb Monster Qi, but cannot absorb it. The reason for perceiving Spiritual Qi.

This is also probably why all our pets above the fifth rank are all single attributes, and our human summoners above the fifth rank cannot contract a variety of different attribute pets, all of which are of a single line. The reason for the summoner.

Why we summoners can't get immortality and even immortality, the reason may be here.

It is probably because the Heaven and Earth Innate we live in are not enough , broken.

And Monster Qi and Spiritual Qi are probably just a small part of a higher level energy split, although I don't know why, but I have to say it's a sadness things.

But you don't Be sad, the way we humans move forward is to constantly climb mountains, this is just another difficult mountain, please step on our shoulders to climb over, forgive us ancestors for leaving such difficult problems to you .

The following is the breathing technique and contract law that old man comprehends and improves, these are the secrets that only summoners above eighth rank know.

The Great Life Breathing Technique allows you to adjust and mobilize the spiritual power in your body and the demon spirit force formed by the fusion of yourself and your pet demon power.

Although spiritual power has no attack power, it can fill you with infinite wisdom and vitality, and you can obtain longevity by persevering in cultivation.

old man lived for 3,800 years by relying on this great vitality Breathing Technique, which is regarded as the longest living in the summoner. I believe that after being cultivated by the old man's improved Dashengji Breathing Technique, it will not be a problem for you to live five-six thousand years old, work hard, younger generation;

Dashengji Breathing Technique: mortals have meridian, The pulse, the straight line is called the meridian, and the side branch is called the collateral. Jingfan Twelve: The three yin and three yang of the hand, and the three yin and three yang of the foot.

The fifteenth of the network: each of the twelve meridians has a different network, and the spleen has a large network, and the two channels of Ren and Supervision are the fifteenth...)

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