Pet The World

Chapter 485

Pet The World Chapter 485

Second day Early in the morning, Fang Ziyu opened the curtains in the Second Layer of Ziyu Building. The cold wind was blowing on the face. Between Heaven and Earth was white and silent, only big snowflakes were falling.


Fang Ziyu is deeply exhaled and has a feeling of intoxication. What a perfect snow, whether it is the misty forest below the mountain or the hilly plain in the distance, all It is a piece of snow-white, only the meandering white water river is different.

"Meow, so pretty."

Daiyu walked out of the Pet Space and stared at the snowy scene with wide eyes. This was the first time she saw a real heavy snow.

"The world in the snow is so quiet and beautiful."

"It's very beautiful."

Fang Ziyu nods, especially the buildings in Chinese classical style The Fuyao Gym is more detached and dreamy in the snow scene. It doesn't seem like a mortal thing.

Going downstairs, Chen Youlan and the others just came out. After two handfuls of snow, they went to the cafeteria to have a meal. Fang Ziyu started today's task.

He originally wanted to go to An Da and the Pet Administration to discuss this matter in person, but because he was worried about the troll attack, Zhou Ruo went first, Fang Ziyu had to wait for the troll attack. Only when the tide is over can you leave the Fuyao Gym.

But it's not long, it looks like it's just two days. According to the latest news, all kinds of monsters in the Qingling mountain range have gathered in groups, and it seems that they will launch an attack in the next two days.

Fang Ziyu is ready to go outside to check the situation, and now he has two other things to do.

First, Fang Ziyu came to the east of the gym. There is a solitary three-storey shop-like house with a plaque on the gate covered by a red cloth.

What is written on the plaque of Fang Ziyu's Way of Nature? Naturally, it is the big characters of the strange pet store. This is a new pet store that has been built a long time ago, but none of them have been opened. This time More because of the hunting hall, the business hours of the pet shop have been pushed back again.

Open the door, walk into the pet shop, cross the hall full of empty shelves, Fang Ziyu drives to a side room on the left, then opens the Pet Space and releases the fat boy: "This is it, fat Boy, you can start, just come and find me when you're done."

What he asked Fat Boy to do is the space channel, which is directly connected to the free-range pets side of the Little Wood World. The pet store has a space channel, and in the future, pets can be selected directly from there, and the new business model is not only about pets, but pets can also choose people.

In addition to selling pets, Fang Ziyu also plans to sell skill jade plates in pet stores.

Of course, it's not a simple direct sale, so it would be meaningless to build a hunting hall. He was random and had to pass a special assessment, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to enter the pet store.

And he doesn't sell low-level goods in the pet store, mainly for high-level powerhouses, and the skill jade plates sold are also Epic Grade or above, the main purpose is to win over high-level powerhouses and harvest them Powerful pet skills in hand.

"Fatboy obeys, my great master."

"You can, you can deal with this matter first, and I will see other things."

Fang Ziyu nods.

In fact, it is a feeling to open a pet store now, and it is not necessary.

But things are already halfway through, so I can't just let it go. And through the exchange of skills, you can indeed obtain the powerful skills of the pets in the hands of the powerful summerer.

Finding a means of transportation, Fang Ziyu quickly came to a training hall. There were nearly 200 teenagers and girls in the hall. These were the remaining teenagers and girls after three rounds of screening. The chakra is the mental test and the most important one.

The initiator of this test is the astrological white deer lying next to the rostrum. It activates the psychic fascination skill, which will evolve different psychic features according to each person's memory. The longer he persists in the delusional state of mind, the stronger his mind will be.

And the requirements for passing the assessment are also very simple, that is, the longer the better, only the 100 who have persisted the longest will be admitted. Those who do not pass the third round test can temporarily become a substitute Disciple, and have a chance to become an official gym Disciple in the future if they perform well.

They have passed the first two rounds of tests, indicating that the innate talent is good,


Fang Ziyu came over to recruit Chen Youlan, who is in charge of assessing disciples Come over and say hi.

“How long has it been here?”

Fang Ziyu

"It just started, about ten minutes." Chen Youlan replied, "Because of the heavy snow, it was originally planned to be carried out in the foggy forest, but now it can only be carried out here, fortunately, this assessment is suitable for the venue. It's not too restrictive."

Okay, I know it." Fang Ziyu nodded slightly. He walked to the rostrum again, and Xingxiang Bailu came over and tried it on him. Fang Ziyu took out one. The Wood Element alien plant fed it to it: "Can you see what kind of psychedelic realm they all experienced?" Fantasy skills.

"Yoyo, of course."

Xingxiang White Deer Mind sound transmission replied, and then its ceramic-like antlers burst into Fang Ziyu's body.

When Fang Ziyu looked at the past again, he found that every time he saw a person, he could directly see the psychedelic state he was experiencing. This kind of seeing was not through the picture, but the equivalent. to enter the other person's mind and watch, but there is no picture in reality.

Fang Ziyu lost interest after watching a few psychedelics, because these are all very simple psychedelics, mainly aimed at the ones left in their memory that make them afraid Fearful things, but these adults who were beaten in a rich society seem to be completely paediatrics, not even a little bit of wind and frost.

Of course, there are still some difficulties for them in this age group.

But also some forward thinking, Fang Ziyu found a girl with a large area of burns on her face. Her memory is full of all kinds of pictures of being laughed at, ridiculed, teased, disliked, and disgusted by others. Even her parents expressed this sentiment.

After these are magnified in the fascinated state, in Fang Ziyu's view, many adults are unbearable, and they will easily embark on the road of suicide, but this little girl does not, she is like a weed Generally tenacious, grow up against the wind desperately.

And there is only one belief that supports all of her, and that is to be beautiful, and to be more beautiful to death.

Because this idea was planted when she was subjected to these unfair treatment when she was a child. In that case, the world view she formed was that only by being beautiful can she enjoy all the beautiful things in peace.

This world view is of course distorted and incomplete, but she has already formed an obsession in her heart, and all her efforts are centered on being beautiful, and this obsession makes her heart. In the fascinated realm, she was walking on the ground, and those things couldn't overwhelm her at all.

"Follow up this girl and try to give her a more correct view of the world. She is a pitiful person."

Fang Ziyu looked at Chen Youlan and said.

"I know, she performed very well in the previous assessments, but unfortunately she suffered too many hardships when she was a child." Chen Youlan shook her head, this world seems peaceful and beautiful, but for many people is very unfair.

Look at the blind lanes in the city that are casually occupied, and even guide dogs are not allowed to enter some public places, not to mention the discrimination and so on.

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