Phantom Skeleton Painting

Chapter 84: | Ghost Market (9)

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Guo said that before Lin Banxia, ​​although he recovered his consciousness, he was still in a state of confusion. So Song Qingluo's three words "open me", like thunder, exploded in Lin Banxia's ears, he was completely sober, he looked at Song Qingluo strangely, his lips trembling slightly: "You ... what are you talking about?"

"This is the best opportunity." Song Qingluo's voice was still so soft, as if to say something trivial, "Time is pressing ..."

Lin Banxia: "... Do you know what you are talking about?"

Song Qingluo said: "It doesn't matter, I don't hurt."

"Shut up !!" Lin Banxia was suddenly angry, almost wanting to clench his fists, give Song Qingluo a sigh, his whole body shivered, "I don't care if you hurt or not."

Song Qingluo: "..."

"But I **** hurt." Lin Banxia gritted his teeth, "I hurt!"

Song Qingluo was silent.

"Is there no other way?" Lin Banxia said, "What about the boxes? What about the black boxes? Are you all carrying them? Can't you use that one?"

Song Qingluo said: "The kind of box can only seal some heretics with fixed forms, such as the stones we saw before ... If the form of heretics is not normal, or the size is too large, there is no way to use that kind of thing. Method to archive. "

Lin Banxia: "There is no other way?"

Song Qingluo shook his head.

Lin Banxia stretched his hand and wiped his face heavily. He wanted to show a cloud-like appearance, but he couldn't make any effort, and even came out of the base. Song Qingluo was lying on the bed, Everyone is a human being who has been ripped apart. How can it not hurt if he is treated like this? He is not a fool.

"Okay, okay." Lin Banxia also knew that time was running short, and he said, "Tell me, what to do."

Song Qingluo slightly lowered his eyes and walked in front of Lin Banxia. He reached out and hugged him. Lin Banxia initially thought Song Qingluo wanted to comfort himself, and wanted to say that he was already acceptable, so Song Qingluo Don't waste time, quick battle, but who knew Song Qingluo put the dagger he carried on his hand, and then took his hand.

"Can you see him?" Song Qingluo said.

"Yes, I can see it." Lin Banxia answered.

Song Qingluo said: "What does it look like?"

Lin Banxia said: "It's very big, very white ... like a big ant with wings on it." He stared at the thing and described, "The wings can make a sound, you can't hear it, can I? Hear ... a very clear sound, like a musical instrument, and ... like a worm. "He was talking, feeling Song Qingluo's hand gripping his hand like a downstroke, the feeling of opening □□ It suddenly reached Lin Banxia's hand, and he finally understood why Song Qingluo was holding his hand--because at the moment when this touch came, he wanted to let go of his conditioned reflex.

"It's okay." Song Qingluo's voice was lighter, and he said, "Continue to describe its appearance."

Lin Banxia licked his dry lips. He knew that since it had already begun, it would be better to give it up. He finished earlier. He said: "It ... it has many green eyes, like the color of a firefly, which is always blinking, very beautiful……"

Song Qingluo held Lin Banxia's hand and continued down, deepening the wound: "Continue."

Lin Banxia ’s body shivered slightly. The person who was injured was Song Qingluo, but now the person who could n’t hurt it became himself, and even his voice brought an uncontrollable choked voice: "It The skin is very smooth, pure white, feels like jade ... cold and hard, wings ... "

He just said that the giant that hadn't been moving in front of him suddenly began to twist the body, and the trembling wings suddenly accelerated the rhythm. The sound that was originally like a musical sound gradually deformed with the agitation of the wings, and finally twisted into sharp Howling.

The people who had been standing still around were also active, and even approached them as they were originally.

Song Qingluo seemed worried about Lin Banxia being affected, holding Lin Banxia's hand tightly: "Don't worry about them."

Lin Banxia took a deep breath and said, "The wings are transparent, like the wings of flying insects-just on the sides of the body-" When he said this, he suddenly found that his body was surrounded by abrupt A shadow appeared. The shadow absorbed all the light and turned into a black hole-like existence, as if it would be completely swallowed by just a little contamination.

The source of the black shadow is Song Qingluo standing in front of Lin Banxia.

Song Qingluo's body was cut into a huge hole with a sharp blade. The black shadow Lin Banxia saw was overflowing from his body, spreading like a wave of tide around, forming a picture The huge net gradually wrapped up the huge heresy in front of Lin Banxia.

After working with Song Qingluo so many times, Lin Banxia saw this for the first time. Obviously, only when he had physical contact with Song Qingluo could he see the shadow.

The shadow continued to expand, eroding the body of the heretics from the bottom. The screaming sound became louder, and the spiny Lin Banxia eardrum hurt. The green brilliance began to flash in Lin Banxia's eyes, and the countless accompanying people who tried to surround him showed a fearful expression, and they dispersed towards the distance. They didn't know whether they were afraid of Song Qingluo or afraid. Lin Pinxia.

"Continue." Song Qingluo's soft voice called back Lin Banxia's consciousness, "Banxia, ​​continue to describe it."

Lin Banxia said: "Ok ... its voice becomes a bit harsh, I can understand its meaning, it is howling ... I beg you to stop ..."

Song Qingluo said: "Very good." He closed his eyes, the black shadow overflowing from his body, as if stimulated, the speed of wrapping the heresy was instantaneously faster, but the blink of an eye, the milky white color just now The giant has been completely wrapped in the shadow, and the shadow wriggled like a chewed mouth, digesting the wrapped things hard.

"Ah !!!" Lin Banxia's body suddenly felt a sharp pain, he could not describe this feeling, as if a part of the body was torn apart. Fortunately, Song Qingluo was right in front of him, reaching out to hug him directly without letting him fall to the ground.

Black Shadow finally digested what was swallowed in it, and slowly contracted towards Song Qingluo's body.

The severe pain in Lin Banxia's body gradually slowed down, and he was a little breathless, leaning weakly on Song Qingluo's shoulder before he could fall. He lowered his head and saw Song Qingluo's abdomen cut open, showing scarlet organs inside, and it seemed so painful just to look at it.

However, Song Qingluo still stood straight, except that his face was a bit pale, as if he had not been affected at all, and he even had the power to support him.

Lin Banxia smiled bitterly, he thought, how could it not be affected, about, just got used to it.

Used to endure pain-how many times do you have to get used to this kind of thing, Lin Banxia, ​​dare not think again.

At a slow speed, Heiying finally re-runs along with Song Qingluo's wound and retracts into his body. The cries that made Lin Banxia's headache finally disappeared completely.

The sound of the body falling to the ground sounded one after another, and Yu Guang of Lin Banxia noticed that those who had originally tried to attack them were all unconscious and fell to the ground.

Lin Banxia's chest slightly suffocated. Fortunately, this matter seemed to be over, but Song Qingluo reached out and grabbed his chin, lifting his face slightly.

If it were n’t for Song Qingluo ’s expression, Lin Banxia thought he wanted to kiss himself, but Song Qingluo did n’t kiss him, but stretched out his hand and gently pressed his eyes with his thumb, like Confirming what.

Lin Banxia whispered: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Song Qingluo said slowly, "I'll go out and contact Li Su later, you don't want to contact them directly, just go home."

Lin Banxia: "Huh? Why?" He realized what he was asking and rubbed his eyes with his hands. "What's in my eyes?"

Song Qingluo said: "It's okay, it's just a small problem." He paused, "Go."

Lin Banxia said: "Okay ..." The severe pain subsided from his body, and he had strength again, so this time, it became him carefully supporting Song Qingluo, he thought about Song Qingluo's weight Anyway, it was very light, so he proposed to carry him up, but Song Qingluo refused.

"No." Song Qingluo said, "My current weight is not the same as usual."

Lin Pinxia: "Ah?"

Seeing his face with unbelief, Song Qingluo raised an eyebrow: "Are you trying?"

Try it out, Lin Banxia said to do it, and stretched out his arms around Song Qingluo's waist, a strong force, trying to hug him. Who knew that Song Qingluo didn't move at all, Lin Banxia almost flashed his waist: "Is the reason for that thing in your body?"

Song Qingluo: "Um ..."

Lin Banxia: "It's so heavy."

Song Qingluo: "After all, people are there."

Lin Banxia thinks about it too, such a big thing must be very heavy, but Song Qingluo's ability is really amazing, no wonder so many accompanying people at the base are a little afraid of him.

The two helped each other and walked out of the old city. At this time, it was close to three o'clock in the morning, leaving only the police and the watchmen on duty.

When Song Qingluo saw Li Su in the distance, he gently patted Lin Banxia's shoulder. Lin Banxia loosed his hand, slowed down, and silently followed Song Qingluo behind him.

"Li Su." Song Qingluo called him.

"Solved?" Li Su turned his head and saw the blood stains on Song Qingluo's body, and immediately understood, "I will arrange for someone to send you to the base immediately."

"Okay." Song Qingluo said, "Come together, this thing is unstable, I'm afraid of accidents on the road."

"OK." Li Su turned his head and prepared to go.

At the same time, Song Qingluo turned around and made a look at Lin Banxia. Lin Banxia knew what was going on, taking advantage of Li Su's effort to prepare the car, and slipped away quietly. At this time, everyone's attention was on Song Qingluo, and no one found Lin Banxia gone.

Until he got in the car, Li Su remembered something like: "Ah? Why didn't you see Pinellia? Is he okay?"

Song Qingluo said: "Nothing."

Li Su: "Still inside?"

Song Qingluo said lightly: "Just let him be in the aftermath, maybe he has already returned home by this time."

Li Su said: "Do not let him go to the base to see the test?"

"No." Song Qingluo refused.

Li Su noticed something strange from Song Qingluo's performance. He stopped talking, and finally said nothing, but just scratched his hair annoyingly.

Although Lin Banxia successfully slipped out, but at three o'clock in the morning, the place is too partial. He still has strange liquid all over his body. How to look suspicious, he found it for a long time, and added 200 yuan to his teeth. Arrived in a taxi willing to carry him.

Arriving in the car, Lin Banxia found that the driver had been turning his head to look at himself. He couldn't help saying: "Master, what do you think?"

The driver master was asked by Lin Banxia, ​​his hands holding the steering wheel shook, and said in a small voice: "Boy, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Lin Banxia: "Huh?" He looked up at the rearview mirror and found that his eyes were indeed not right. A thin green line appeared in the center of the pupil, shimmering in the dark car, and it looked like a cat at first. With the erect pupils, it is no wonder that Song Qingluofei asked him to go home directly.

"It's okay." Lin Banxia rubbed his eyes, and calmly explained to the driver, "I'm wearing fluorescent lenses."

The driver made a long noise, and didn't know whether to believe it or not. He continued to drive and said no more.

A few hours later, Lin Banxia finally arrived at the house. When he opened the door, he was relieved. The room was quite quiet. Xiaohua and Xiaoku were asleep. He went directly to the bathroom, turned on the wall lamp, and looked at himself in the mirror.

In the mirror, it is a young man who looks a bit strange, although it is still that face, but the green line in the eyes makes this face flat and white with a bit of infamous inhuman taste, just like he once saw Like a heresy, Lin Banxia stretched out his hand and touched the mirror lightly. The cold touch of the mirror pricked his fingertips before letting him pull out of this emotion.

Lin Banxia lowered his head, gasped heavily, turned and unscrewed the hot water.

After washing away the stains, Lin Banxia slowly came out of the bathroom. He wiped his wet hair and went to the kitchen to take a can of cold beer and stood on the balcony while drinking. There is no news of Song Qingluo on the phone, and he should have encountered the same thing as last time.

Lin Banxia became a little irritable in a rare mood, and squeezed the beer can heavily. The beer overflowed his hand, and he didn't feel it.

"Brother." Suddenly came the voice of Xiaohua behind him, suppressing Lin Banxia's irritability. He turned around and saw Xiaohua standing by the wall, showing half of his face, and there was a careful taste in his eyes.

Lin Banxia rarely saw the expression of Xiaohua and cried, "Xiaohua? Haven't you slept yet?"

Xiaohua sweetly said: "Is your brother unhappy?"

Lin Banxia said: "Brother is not unhappy."

"Xiaohua knows that her brother is not happy." Xiaohua said.

Lin Banxia was silent for a moment, without any further rebuttal, he walked up to Xiaohua and picked her up. Xiaohua looks the same as when she was a child, no matter how she looks or how tall she is.

Lin Banxia squeezed her soft cheek: "Go to sleep, it's so late."

Xiaohua leaned on Lin Banxia's chest, sniffing the tip of her nose: "Brother, your taste seems to have changed ..."

Lin Banxia said with a smile: "What has become?"

Xiaohua said: "Sweet, it smells delicious."

Lin Banxia thought so too, and had been pickled for one night. He should have a taste of it. He raised his hand and sniffed it. He did n’t smell anything. I do n’t know if his nose was badly smoked. Special sense of smell.

He sent the little flower to the bed in the bedroom and watched her enter the bed comfortably before returning to the living room.

Throughout the middle of the night, Lin Banxia did not sleep. He was actually a little tired, but because he remembered Song Qingluo, he didn't feel sleepy at all.

At dawn, Lin Banxia was a little hungry and ordered a take-out. As soon as the take-out arrived, the phone rang suddenly. Lin Banxia looked at it and it was Li Su ’s number, and quickly picked it up and fed it.

"Banxia." Li Su called, "Are you at home now?"

Lin Banxia said: "Yes, I am at home."

Li Su said: "Well, I will send Song Qingluo back later."

Lin Banxia said, "Yes, is he all right now?"

Li Su: "It's not a big deal, but it's not very comfortable, and I'm asleep in my car."

Lin Banxia: "Okay, I'm waiting for you at home."

Knowing that he was coming back, Lin Banxia went to the toilet again, but to his frustration, the green line in his eyes had not subsided. If Li Su saw it, he must be doubted. After thinking for a while, I just pulled out the sunglasses that hadn't been used in the cabinet for a long time, and put them on my face, intending to adapt to them later.

Li Su came quickly, not long after the phone call, and there was a knock at the door. Lin Banxia opened the door and saw Li Su and Song Qingluo standing beside him.

Song Qingluo's skin was originally white. At this time, it was even more white like a piece of paper without blood color, with his eyelashes half drooping, and a pair that had not yet awoke.

"Come in." Lin Banxia leaned over and let the two come in quickly.

Song Qingluo went to the sofa and lay down directly. He closed his eyes and went to sleep. Lin Banxia did not dare to call him to the bedroom bed. He could only lighten his voice and said, "Let's go out and say?"

"Good." Li Su nodded.

So the two went to the balcony. Lin Banxia was afraid that Song Qingluo would be noisy, and he pulled the door on purpose.

Li Su took a cigarette from his pocket: "Come one?"

Lin Banxia thought about it, took it, and ordered it.

The two did not speak for a while, and smoked quietly for a while.

"Did you know what happened to Song Qingluo's family?" Li Su suddenly started.

Lin Banxia said: "I know a part."

Li Su said: "Which part?"

Lin Banxia: "Knowing where he used to live, and ... his parents."

Li Su suffocated and said, "Then do you know why Song Qingluo is a monitor?"

Lin Banxia, ​​even if she didn't know it before, should know it now. Song Qingluo's surveillance may not be voluntary. Just because he is a concomitant of some kind of heresy, just like Bai Luze, either he is locked in the base with no freedom at all, or he takes his life and fights to become a monitor of dealing with heretics.

"Before you come, Song Qingluo refused to save any money." Li Su said, "All the money is used to buy antiques. There are real and fake ones. Spend all your money. Even eating is a problem ... you know, a person, if he still looks forward to the future, he will certainly make some preparations. "He leaned against the wall and said lazily," But he didn't have any. "

Lin Banxia: "..."

"But I also understand that it is too easy to do crazy in our business. It may be too easy to meet for a day or two, and this person will be gone." Li Su said, "I have known him for almost ten years, He arrived at the base when he was seven years old, five years earlier than me. "

The irritable energy in Lin Banxia's heart was rushing out again. He didn't say a word, smoking a cigarette constantly, looking a little silent.

"I don't even dare to think about how a seven-year-old child survived." Li Su said, "He doesn't talk, and there are no familiar people. The people at the base are afraid of him. Actually ... I also afraid."

Lin Banxia looked up at Li Su.

"After all, if you can be a watchdog, everyone will have some relationship with those things." Li Su said, "I should say sorry to you, if it is not my selfishness, you will not be involved." He proposed at the time Let Lin Banxia be Song Qingluo's partner.

Even if Lin Pinxia is voluntary, can

At its root, he is also a matchmaker.

"No." Lin Banxia smiled, "I should say thank you to you for this matter." Without Li Su, he could not have encountered all this with Song Qingluo, and neither of them would come to this step today. . He has no loved ones, and is similar to Song Qingluo's life experience. It is for this reason that the two talents will be particularly sympathetic.

This is the fate cherished by Lin Banxia.

Li Su: "Actually, I told you so much, I want to tell you something."

Lin Banxia: "What's the matter?"

Li Su said: "Song Qingluo has been looking for something, I don't know what it is, and I dare not ask him ... We are not as familiar as you, do you understand what I mean?"

Lin Banxia naturally understood.

"Although I don't know what it is, it must be a very dangerous thing." Li Su said, "It was that thing that turned Song Qingluo into a companion and killed his father."

Lin Banxia said: "That thing has not been sealed yet?"

Li Su said that it was a dangerous thing, but now that things have passed for more than two decades, it has not been resolved yet? !

"No." Li Su said, "Once we thought the sealing was successful, but recently discovered that it was not." He said, "It is still in the outside world, and it continues to create its own associates."

Lin Banxia: "Song Qingluo ... is it one?"

"Well." Li Su scratched his head, a bit distressed. "How should I explain to you, this thing is not a general heresy, its existence is very special, it will not directly infect creatures or objects, but will They become the source of infection. "

Lin Banxia: "... you mean, it is making heretics?"

"It's so interesting." Li Su said, "again inaccurately." He worries, "Oh, how can I explain it to you, forget it? Just ask Song Qingluo yourself, he knows better than me clear."

Lin Banxia: "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Li Su said, "Then I will go first."

"Well, pay attention to safety." Lin Banxia extinguished the smoke.

"You continue to rest here." Li Su said, "I can walk alone."

"Good." Lin Banxia didn't force it.

It was not until Li Su left that Lin Banxia realized that Li Su did not ask him why he was wearing sunglasses from beginning to end. He seemed to know something, but he chose to help them hide. Lin Banxia thankfully stood on the balcony and looked at Li Su-this gratitude lasted for about ten minutes. After ten minutes, Lin Banxia returned to the living room I found myself having just taken out the barbecue takeaway I put on the living room table.

Lin Banxia: "..." Damn, he said why Li Su didn't want to give it to himself. It turned out that he was waiting for himself here!

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