This face is very familiar. He must have seen it somewhere before!

Is it

Beigong Yue blurted out, "who else is there in your family?"

Tang Qianqian, who was just relieved, suddenly felt nervous again. Even beigongluo and others nearby also showed puzzled expressions.

Everyone has their own OS in mind.

Beigongluo is a normal version: his father doesn't particularly care about the background of a small staff. Tang Qianqian is really strange. It's right to leave her.

The corners of his mouth curved slightly.

But Shao Quan and Lin Wu don't think so. Shao Quan just thinks that the president of Beigong is too enthusiastic, but the Lin Wu with a girl's heart is full of pink bubbles in her eyes.

Linwu's OS is very excited: does president Beigong happen to like Tang Qianqian's daughter-in-law? I began to investigate my family background at once!

However, there was another voice in the small theater in his heart reminding that Tang Qianqian's status was very different from that of beigongluo. Shouldn't she have lost her check and asked to leave after inquiring about her life experience? Standard dog blood drama plot.

no He shouted in his heart that love is priceless. President Beigong must not be such a vulgar person.

If Beigong Luo or Beigong heard his inner words, he might lose his check and leave. The first is the forest house. Maybe even Tang Qianqian would give him a few palms by magic. It's dangerous that his complexion remained watertight and didn't show his excitement.

Tang Qianqian had goose bumps for a while. Tang Rui didn't make the situation of Beigong too clear that day. Naturally, he didn't mention much about Beigong Yue. Even she could see that Tang Rui was obviously hiding something, just because he was his grandfather in name. Tang Qianqian couldn't bear to use magic to explore it.

Should not

The cold sweat will drop to the floor. The president's special taste is what Tang Rui is hiding! No wonder he told Tang Qianqian not to approach Beigong group.

I knew it was hard to buy a thousand gold. I had no choice but to think of it. If she had expected such a thing at the beginning, even if she stole ye Chengjin's spell from the fox, she would compensate the money of the screen and pay back the interest!

With a difficult smile, Tang Qianqian said, "I'm just a small employee. The president should not be interested in understanding my family background! It's important for you to talk about serious things, so I won't disturb you."

The soles of his feet were smeared with oil. Tang Qianqian waited for the opportunity to rush to his office with a knife.

"Even if you don't say it, I can transfer the personnel information." Beigong said calmly instead of getting the answer.

Is that the feeling of helplessness? Tang Qianqian conceded: "Alas, in fact, I don't have to bother. I have only one grandfather and no other relatives."

"Grandpa?" Beigong couldn't calm down. "Isn't it inconvenient for him to move?"

Eh? This man doesn't know his grandpa. He looks at himself because he looks like Tang Rui. Everything is a misunderstanding.

However, when I knew Tang Rui, I didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend. I didn't have enough time to inquire about Beigong Yue's overall life. I could only quickly detect whether there was hostility on him. Fortunately, Ding dianer didn't.

In this way, it should not be an enemy. If a person has hatred in his heart, he will be angry even if he doesn't do bad things. Even if he hears relevant things, he will be found. Beigong can feel that he has done a lot of good things.

"Yes, I'm lame... President, don't you know my grandpa?"

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