On the first day of work, Tang Qianqian, wearing the most suitable clothes from the wardrobe, stood at the gate of Beigong group.

She originally wanted to use magic to change some sets of clothes for herself, but Tang Rui said it was too ostentatious. She thought it was right. If she wore a famous brand, it would not meet Tang Qianqian's image, but also attract too much attention.

Now she should concentrate on how to return to the fairyland. Don't make any mistakes in the world. Just bear it and it will pass.

Just how to return to the fairyland is a big problem. Just thinking about it is a headache.

Just wipe your neck and see if you can take a shortcut? Well, this not only hurt Tang Rui's heart, but also a bad example. Suicide will damage his cultivation.

Waiting for other helpers of the Phoenix family to come down to earth? Alas, this is not very reliable. The Phoenix family is now disabled, weak and weak. The only strong person is themselves. We have to wait for their rescue, probably in the next life

But from another perspective, the five spirit beads are likely to be scattered to all walks of life during the integration, and the world is also one of them. Instead of worrying about how to go back, it's better to spend time here to find out if there is any news about the five spirit beads.

She vaguely felt that she would wear it here. It couldn't be a coincidence.

The broken chain was worn into a necklace by Tang Rui's skillful hand yesterday and hung on Tang Qianqian's neck. She subconsciously touched it twice and swaggered into Beigong group.

Just after entering the hall, Tang Qianqian found that the broken screen had been replaced with other works of art. It seems that the price should be higher than the one broken yesterday. Really, is it deliberately to lead people to crime

She walked directly to the front desk and explained her intention to the beautiful receptionist at the front desk. When she knew who she was, the receptionist called the personnel department.

Hang up the phone. The receptionist has a professional smile on his face. "The personnel director's meeting is coming to an end. He will come down and take you in person. Please wait a minute."

"Then wait." Tang Qianqian shrugged habitually and began to observe the surrounding environment.

The receptionist glanced at her curiously. For a position like her, the personnel director doesn't need to go out in person. It seems that it is the young master's explanation.

She wasn't on duty yesterday. It sounded like everything. I didn't believe it at first, but the young master did have a different attitude towards Tang Qianqian and worked for the personnel director. The receptionist said she was not satisfied. In terms of hardware conditions, she had a chest and a face. Tang Qianqian was just handsome. In terms of software conditions, he graduated from a famous undergraduate university. Tang Qianqian only had a high school education. Why didn't such a good thing happen to him?

She wants to cry, she wants to ask God why!

Tang Qianqian looked at the bustling crowd with her head tilted. Everyone was busy going in and out during working hours. Her behavior seemed obviously out of group.

When he almost fell asleep again, a familiar sound came, and the sleepy insect was swept away immediately. Tang Qianqian stretched his neck and probed in the direction of the sound.

Yo, is that he Shuimeng who was right with her yesterday?

He Shuimeng was bright and beautiful. The makeup on his face was as delicate as coming out of the beauty salon. He scolded a girl of their age with a deliberately whiny voice.

"Why is my office on a different floor from master Beigong?"

The girl bowed her head and a small face was oppressed. She kept explaining and apologizing to he Shuimeng.

"Ordinary assistants are on another floor... It's not my decision, it's the company's rules."

"What ordinary assistant, don't you know who I am?" he Shuimeng was domineering, as if he was going to swallow the little sheep in front of him. "I'm the only daughter of his family. You didn't arrange a personal office for me. You also assigned me to other floors. Don't you want to live?"

Why does this woman only know how to bully the weak? Tang Qianqian didn't want to take care of such people. He didn't touch one or another. Quarreling with her just lost his God face. However, when he saw the dog blood scolded by the little sheep, tears swirled in his eyes, but the people around him didn't dare to lend a helping hand. Tang Qianqian finally couldn't help it.

Walking behind he Shuimeng, she said faintly, "who did you just say doesn't want to live?"

Although the tone of this sentence was light, it was dignified. He Shuimeng was stunned. He turned around and found that Tang Qianqian, who made an embarrassment yesterday, was even more angry.

"Tang Qianqian, don't think you were lucky yesterday and arrogant today. I tell you, people born like you have been giving me shoes all their life. Now you want to mind your own business? I tell you, you don't deserve it!"

When talking to Tang Qianqian, she unconsciously raised her eight degrees. Her whine disappeared, and her anger burst.

"Carrying shoes? Can't you carry shoes without hands and feet? If you have hidden diseases in this regard, you should first apply for a disability manual to see if you will get extra points during the interview?"

"How dare you humiliate me!" he Shuimeng angrily pulled her collar.

"Although people are divided into classes, there is no difference between high and low. Haven't your teacher taught them?" Tang Qianqian stretched out his hand and keenly avoided. He Shuimeng jumped into the air and fell directly to the ground.

Alas, I thought I had to use magic to repair her. Unexpectedly, I didn't need to do it myself when I met a pig enemy.

The girl who was scolded just now is Li Xiaoran, a staff member of the personnel department. She was somewhat moved by Tang Qianqian's speaking for herself. After so many colleagues passed by, everyone dared to say more for her because of he Shuimeng's identity. Unexpectedly, Tang Qianqian, who had never met, helped herself.

Tang Qianqian looked at he Shuimeng's embarrassed appearance and suddenly burst into a smile, "Miss He, do you want to go to the bathroom?"

"Why should I go?"

Pointing to her narrow skirt, Tang Qianqian couldn't help laughing, "it's OK not to go, but your skirt... Ah, forget it, the color inside is pretty good. Just go to work like this!"

He Shuimeng touched the bottom of his side skirt and found that the fall just now tore her narrow skirt to show the curve. She was ashamed and angry. She quickly took off her suit and wrapped her skirt.

"What on earth do you have against me?" she gnashed her teeth.

"There's no hatred. You're bothering me from beginning to end, aren't you?" Tang Qianqian started with an innocent face and raised the volume. "You've been bothering me since high school. It's called Feng Shui rotation."

"Hum! I won't turn it on you anyway. Look what you're wearing? I don't want it as a rag for me!"

"At least my clothes are complete, or is this your trick to find a chance to fall in front of the North Palace and tear the skirt?"

Li Xiaoran listened to Tang Qianqian's words more and more fiercely, and his anger dissipated a lot. But when he looked up, suddenly the whole person was not well. She pulled Tang Qianqian's sleeve and asked her to say less.

However, Tang Qianqian was not persuaded by her and continued: "don't be jealous of me. I'm not interested in your North Palace. I see more men than him. I have to consider putting that face on and warming my bed!"

With these words, Tang Qianqian suddenly felt a chill in the rear. When she saw he Shuimeng, she smiled faintly and turned around to meet the four eyes of beigongluo.

"Who did you say to warm the bed for?" the North Palace frowned.

Pit! I was fooled.

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