As a super capable general cadre, I'm not ashamed to say such crazy fans' behavior. Is that really good?

Tang Qianqian suppressed the Tucao in his heart and make complaints about it.

"So it is. Then you shouldn't have a camera?"

"That's not true." ah Cao grabbed his blond hair, thought about it and added, "but I've hacked her driving recorder."

Isn't that illegal? Uncle policeman, catch this man!

But now a Cao is his ally, and then slowly advise him that it should be OK. Tang Qianqian tried very hard not to let the smile on his face break down. He looked like he could understand his behavior. He patted him on the shoulder: "since you like Xu Ruo so much, I'll call you for hot pot today."

A Cao was moved to tears and almost took Tang Qianqian as his reborn parents.

Qin San, who despised a Cao's behavior, couldn't help rolling his eyes, "young people are young people."

"What are you talking about!"

"Xu Ruo is not my dish." then he listed several female stars who took the mature route and said in a cloud light and wind clear tone: "Miss Tang, I really have no other meaning when I say these names, but if you know me, remember to go out and call me. I'm not selfish. I just want to escort you."

Tang Qianqian turned his eyes to Sikong. Fortunately, monks didn't come to this set. He folded his hands and said, "I'm not close to women. I'm not interested in these."

Finally, there is a normal, Tang Qianqian is full of tears.

Then a Cao and Qin San had another conversation. Tang Qianqian spent nine cattle and two tigers to bring the topic back to chaos. However, since he wanted to find someone, he couldn't say nothing. However, chaos was more secret. After consideration, the three main characters stayed and the others were beaten away.

They came all the way and were invited to leave before long. They were not very beautiful in their hearts. Fortunately, Shaoquan took out a pile of soft sister coins. When they made compensation for this trip, they were willing to leave.

When everyone left and changed to a more comfortable conference room, Tang Qianqian finally began to talk about chaos.

"This man's magic power is very superb. As far as I know, he should be a very old member. The motive for coming to me is unknown. Please be sure to find this person for me."

"Live catch or..." Sikong asked smoothly.

"Live catch, live catch, I have a lot of things to ask him." this Sikong is really a complete contrast. He looks harmless. It's hard to accept that he just asks whether to keep alive!

However, at the thought of the way he picked up the long knife just now, Tang Qianqian thought it was not too much for him to ask this question. Buddhism is divided into so many schools. He is probably more... OK! It's not suitable to use grounding gas. After all, who wants to catch alive when he's okay?

Qin San held his face as if he were thinking about something. He sorted out what Tang Qianqian said and said, "I don't know if it's appropriate to ask this question."

"Taoist Shuai, if you have any questions, just ask."

"Ah, don't be handsome, Taoist priest. Just call me Qin San!"

Cut, I'm glad to hear it!

"Well, what's the problem with master Qin San?"

"I'm thinking, if this character is as powerful as you said, why did he find you? There's always some cause and effect. It can't be especially aimed at you."

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