Physical waste? Find out about the Dao of Power!

Chapter 605: Indiscriminate Killing

Chapter 605: Wanton Killing

Without answering Yun Luo's question, he looked at Chen Fan, then glanced at Fang Zhen, and said calmly: "Don't worry about who I am, just give me Chen Fan and Fang Zhen, and I will leave."

"Don't reject me. Since I have been exposed, I must leave, but before I leave, I can kill you."

Chen Fan's expression changed completely, why the hell did I provoke you, and now you want to take me away?


Fang Zhen on the side had a puzzled face.

Yun Luo refused directly: "Impossible.

After saying that, Yun Luo thought for a while and said: "You can leave by yourself now, I won't stop you."

"Father, everyone in the Zhou family died because of Jia Chou, and Yan Che from the Fire Control Sect also died. How could he be allowed to leave like this?" Yun Hua said with an angry look on his face.

Yun Luo didn't respond and stared at Jia Chou.

020 Jia Chou said disdainfully: "Yun Luo, I want to leave, can you stop me? Before I leave, kill everyone here and take Chen Fan and Fang Zhen away by force [What can you do?"

Jia Chou laughed and said coldly: "Based on Jian Tiansi's rules, do you think I dare not kill these people? Ridiculous! I am already being hunted by Jian Tiansi, am I still afraid of killing more people? 11

Yun Luo's face changed slightly, and he said calmly: "You don't want to do it, do you?"

Jia Chou looked at him.

Yun Luo said calmly: "If you weren't afraid of Jian Tiansi, you would just take action, why bother bargaining with me. y

Jia Chou was angry.

Yun Luo continued: "The Supervisor Tiansi is hunting you now, but if you kill a large number of monks, the Supervisor Tiansi will directly pursue you. Even if the news comes out, there will be scholars chasing you. Where can you escape?"

"Escape from the human realm? There is a human venerable guarding the border. Can you get out?"

Jia Chou's momentum exploded, and he said angrily: "Then I will directly kill your children and grandchildren and slaughter all your descendants! Killing one in the supernatural realm and some in the divine realm will not be taken seriously by the Supervisor Tiansi."

Yun Luo's face was gloomy, Jia Chou regained his composure and said: "Chen Fan and Fang Zhen are just two magical powers. Leave them to me and I will leave immediately, otherwise..."

"Otherwise? How else?"

"Otherwise we will take action and start a war?"

Yun Luo changed his previous calmness and shouted: "Then fight."

"Jia Chou, today, we, Yunluo Kingdom, will fight to the last man, and I will kill you here." Yunluo suddenly burst out with momentum (cgfj), which was inconsistent with his previous indifference, and his power was soaring to the sky.

Jia Chou was stunned and stunned for a moment.

Yun Luo burst out with momentum and said loudly: "I, Yun Luo, dared to kill more than ten demon kings when I first gained supernatural powers. The demon king tried to kill me but failed. Jia Chou, do you think I am really afraid of you? Do you think I, Yun Luo, are really afraid of you?" Are you old? You have children and grandchildren and you have more worries?"

At this moment, Yun Luo lost his dynasty nobility and was like a veteran on the battlefield, full of evil spirits: "We, the Yun Luo Kingdom, have been resisting the border for thousands of years, and we have never backed down even if we kill the last person.

"If you don't retreat, then fight.

Jia Chou's expression changed.

Yun Luo flew up, looked around at everyone, and said loudly: "Everyone, I can tell you clearly that this Jia Chou is in the Soul-Split Realm. I am invincible. If there is a big battle, you will probably all die."

"But Jia Chou wants to take away my subjects and people from Yunluo Kingdom, and I don't agree.

"This Jia Chou has lost his humanity and kills wantonly. How is he different from the demons?"

Yun Luo stared at Jia Chou and said angrily: "Even this Jia Chou is more hateful than the demon clan. The two clans are at odds with each other and each has its own master. It is a last resort. But this Jia Chou is a human race and kills his compatriots. He deserves to be killed."


"I know it's not worth sacrificing everyone's lives for one or two people, but I, Yunluo, will not compromise, what about you?"

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