Physical waste? Find out about the Dao of Power!

Chapter 611: The Lineage Of Ghost Cultivators Is Really Strong

Chapter 611: The lineage of ghost cultivators is really strong

The formation instantly shattered.

Yasha wanted to continue killing.


The strong man from the Ling Yu Sect who was assisting Yun Luo's army in killing the ghosts appeared in front of Yaksha on a big tiger and blocked him.

But it was already too late. As soon as the formation was broken, the ghosts seized the opportunity and swarmed forward, tearing each sergeant into pieces regardless of their injuries.

The captain of the magical power realm can still resist one or two, but those sergeants of the divine realm, without the "three, six, three" and large formations, will die instantly if ghosts get close to them.

The strong men of the Yuling Sect tried their best to resist, and after a moment, the formation was formed again.

But in just a short moment, more than a dozen soldiers in the Divine Realm died, and three captains in the Divine Power Realm died.

In addition to a captain who was killed by Yasha's surprise attack, four people in the magical realm fell instantly.

Many sergeants of the Yunluo Army were in danger, but there was nothing they could do. The large formation they formed was already in danger under the attack of nearly forty ghosts.

Yasha is so fast and powerful that he can directly penetrate the defense formation during a surprise attack.

As long as one captain dies, the formation will collapse, and the remaining sergeants can only form a new formation.

Fortunately, the strong men of the Yuling Sect came to their aid, and with the help of the giant beast, they could barely resist it.

As long as Yasha is restrained, other ghosts and monsters do not have the strength to kill them instantly. As long as they are not killed instantly and maintain a large formation, they can maintain their combat power.

A strong man from the Ling Yu Sect riding a big tiger fought with Yaksha, but in just a few fights, the big tiger under his crotch was cut by a sharp blade and cut into two halves.

Yaksha is liberated again.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. Five powerful men from the Ling Yu Sect gritted their teeth and rode giant beasts to meet Yaksha.

Yasha's strength was too strong, and Fang Xing was dragged underground again, and he didn't know what happened.

At the same time, there are holes in the ground.

A large number of ghost hands intertwined with each other to form a large net, trapping Fang Xing in the middle. Fang Xing tried his best to struggle, but the spear in his hand was greatly restricted underground, and he couldn't break free for a while.

Opposite, a short figure wearing a cloak, holding a cane, kept waving it, and the black energy turned into ghost hands and merged into the big net.

Fang Xing was extremely angry and aggrieved. His magical power was very powerful, gravity.

However, the range is very small and can only be used in close combat. It is only with the help of the magical power of gravity that Yaksha can be restrained.

But the short ghost opposite him didn't fight him at close range, making his magical powers useless. Could it be that he was oppressing the ghost hand?

Even if these ghost hands are suppressed by gravity and slowed down, they are still entangled and have little effect.

outside world……………

Five powerful men from the Soul Controlling Sect fought with Yasha and were instantly at a disadvantage. Yasha was very fast and had a ghostly figure. It was difficult for them to hit them and they could only defend passively.

And without the help of the powerful beasts under their crotches, it would be difficult for Yun Luojun and the rest of the Yuling Sect to resist the many ghosts and monsters.

Kong Lao also lost his smile. The giant elephant under his feet raised his foot and suddenly stepped towards Jia Chou. Jia Chou turned into black energy and easily avoided it.

After the blow failed, Mr. Kong's face was solemn. This ghost cultivator was very strong, not because of himself, but more because of those ghosts.

Although he had previously mocked the ghost cultivator lineage, he had to admit that the ghost cultivator lineage was really strong.

It is difficult for them to find a suitable spirit beast for their spirit control, and even if they find it, it is difficult to tame it.

The giant elephant kept trampling on Jia Chou, and everyone in Chen Fan also attacked.

Once again, he broke a bone of the 5.7 Bone Dragon and pulled out, with an illusory magical mark appearing above his head.

far away.


The huge tortoise shell trembled violently, shrank to the size of ten feet, and then grew larger again. The mouth of the shell tilted, and a pile of bones poured out.

The previous bone dragon was squeezed into a ball, the bones were broken and tied together, and the fire in its eyes had been extinguished.

One of the bone dragons died. .

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