Chapter 623: Flying out

Just now, Kong Lao's attack with his soul failed, but he was swallowed by him. For a while, Kong Lao couldn't react.

Jia Chou took a look and saw that Chen Fan had nowhere to go. No matter where he went, although there were supernatural powers to help him, Jia Chou's cultivation was strong and there was no one to restrain him. Sooner or later he would be caught up and killed by Jia Chou.

In this case, why bother others?

"Why do you have to chase me?" Chen Fan was quite curious, and he was too persistent.

Jia Chou sneered and said: "No, my goal has always been you. I never thought that a young monk in the magical power realm could possess a soul comparable to the spiritual realm."

Kong Lao had woken up at this moment and was shocked when he heard this. No wonder Jia Chou only chased Chen Fan.

Because ghost cultivators control the undead, their souls must be stained with filth, so they need powerful and clean souls to cleanse them.

As for Chen Fan, his Yuan Shen in the Spiritual Traveling Stage is comparable to the Creation Stage, and is almost the same as the Yuan Shen in the Distraction Stage.

However, Chen Fan's strength is low, so Jia Chou naturally uses him to fight for his body. Not only does this have a high chance of success, but it also has many benefits.

"I see, you won't be able to take away little brother Chen Fan anymore, Jia Chou! Don't you look down on my lineage of beast masters? Aren't you aloof and boast that the spirit race is tenth level higher than the human race? Doctor?"

Jia Chou looked at Mr. Kong and sneered: "You old man still want to fight with my soul?"


Suddenly, a wisp of white breath appeared in Kong Lao's mouth and nose at the same time. Jia Chou was horrified. This old immortal Te Ya wanted to fight him for his life.

Chen Fan really couldn't understand that Mr. Kong could have stayed out of the matter and didn't care about his life or death, but now he insisted on helping him. Why?

"Okay! Then come to my sea of ​​consciousness and give it a try."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kong Lao's soul rushed towards Jia Chou's sea of ​​consciousness.

But when he rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness during the distraction period, Mr. Kong clearly had a death wish.

Chen Fan clenched his fists and was extremely annoyed for a moment.

On one side, someone noticed that Jia Chou and Kong Lao were having a battle over their souls. A monk shouted: "There is a battle between Mr. Kong and the ghost cultivator. Whoever cultivates his soul should go in and help Mr. Kong."

"I'm here to help the sect master. The great elder of the Beast Taming Sect flew out.

Here, only his Yuanshen attainments are second only to his own sect, so it is better for him to do it.

Chen Fan on the other hand thought to himself, I am also a soul cultivator, but my strength is not enough.

But anyway.

"Damn it, let's fight."

Chen Fan was determined and began to control his soul to come out of his body. His mouth and nose were bleeding. Someone saw it and exclaimed: "What is Chen Fan doing?"

"Chen Fan, what are you going to do?" Fang Zhen was shocked.

"I went to take control of Yasha." "

At this point, this is the only way. After all, Yasha and the others can't deal with it. The ghost cultivator Jia Chou is the most troublesome to Yasha.

It contained a lot of combat power.

Chen Fan doesn't know how long it will take Yun Luo to break through, but it must take longer than his elder brother to break through the magical power realm. After all, the difference between the magical power realm and the creation realm is like a chasm.

Suddenly, Chen Fan was overjoyed and looked in Yun Luo's direction with great surprise.

"The Great Emperor is Wushuang.

"The Emperor is invincible."


Yun Luo stabbed Yaksha (Qian Qian's son) with the spear in his hand, and suddenly the sky collapsed like thunder. With one successful blow, Yaksha was directly stabbed hundreds of meters away.

Chen Fan took a look and said, "Oh my god, this girl can really cripple Yaksha."

But Yaksha stood up again and roared loudly throughout the sky. Chen Fan had a dark face and black lines on his head. He was not even disabled, so he was really speechless.

"Yunluo's army retreats and surrounds Jia Chou's real body. It can be broken."

Yun Luo's army began to transfer the enemy, but Yasha, who threatened the most, was left with Yun Luo. .

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