Physical waste? Find out about the Dao of Power!

Chapter 627: Can’T Help But Be Afraid

Chapter 627: I can’t help but be afraid

"How many more people have to die just for him?"

"Let's see again."

"Good guy, is this really a space-type magical power?" Chen Fan was also surprised and saw that he was a hundred meters away from Yun Luo and others.

Somewhat surprised.

"Not bad, where is Yuanda?"

Chen Fan said with a dark face: "It has been annihilated by the spiritual attack set by my master.

"Oh? Who is your master?" Emperor Yunluo frowned, a little curious.

"It's inconvenient to reveal the name of my master, and he has been traveling around the world for many years." Chen Erfan could only tell the story of a peerless expert.

Emperor Yunluo took a deep look at Chen Fan, but he couldn't tell anything. Jia Chou must be dead.

"Emperor, if Jia Chou was not dead, his body would have been taken away, so what should Chen Fan do?" Fang Xing asked.

Yun Hua and others also looked at Chen Fan. If this person was taken away and they let him go, wouldn't their previous efforts be in vain?

"I am indeed Chen Fan. If you don't believe it, feel free to investigate." Chen Fan stood upright and let the spiritual consciousness of many powerful people pass by.

Outside the sky, the swordsman on his back slashed through the sky of the spirit world with his sword, ascended and returned here.

The swordsman carrying the sword stood with his hands behind his back. After all, he was a strong man at the level of a ghost general. If he hadn't used his master's treasure, he really wouldn't have been able to defeat the strong ghost general.

Everyone's head is full of black lines:

Such powerful people can't understand it, so what exactly is hidden in Chen Fan's head?

"It seems that your body must not have been taken away. With that kind of soul defense, it is naturally impossible for your body to be taken away successfully." The swordsman also knew that he could set up such a defense.

It cannot be broken through.

Jia Chou must be dead.

But Chen Fan knew very well that Jia Chou was definitely not dead. He could feel that a core of Jia Chou's soul was sealed.

The real soul was not completely swallowed by his lotus platform.

Could it be that this person still has some tricks up his sleeve?

His mind couldn't help but darken, and everyone who had won this bloody battle couldn't help but be afraid.

"Nearly half of the powerful people in the magical realm are dead..."

Everyone lowered their heads, and some even cried bitterly, because among them was the ancestor of his family.

"Don't worry, everyone. I, Yun Luo, swear here that anyone who participates in this incident and dies in this battle will have his family protected by the imperial court for ten years."

"Thank you, Emperor."

Countless people knelt on the ground and began to collect the bodies of the strong men who died in the battle.

"Emperor Yun Luo, please come with me." Chen Fan looked at Emperor Yun Luo, then went to the side, and he directly took out a perfect level 4 creation pill.

"Boy Chen, what do you mean?" Emperor Yunluo was shocked and was not tempted by a fourth-level perfect creation pill.

Even if this thing can suppress his original backlash injuries, it is still not as good as the future favors of a peerless genius.

"This thing is only for the emperor to heal his wounds, because this matter happened because of me, and the emperor did not hand me over in exchange for peace..."

Emperor Yunluo interrupted: "Wrong 620, this is the foundation of our human race's endless survival and inheritance from generation to generation. I am not fighting for you alone, but for the common people of Yunluo."

Chen Fan's brain was shocked. Yes, Emperor Yunluo did not fight Jia Chou for him, but to fight for the patriotic thousands of children.

"If an enemy invades in the future, and he wants you to put down your weapons, and wants you to surrender and let go of your relatives and your people, that's fine.

"But if you are asked to hand over your relatives and the people who love you, are you willing?"

Chen Fan clenched his fist and replied: "I don't want to."

Yun Luo smiled happily, and then walked away without looking back. Those people looked surprised, wondering what was happening over there. .

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