Chapter 642: Give it a try

When Chen Fan saw Yanyan jumping over, he immediately reached out and hugged Yanyan. Yanyan struggled a little, and then let Chen Fan pick her up.

Hearing what Yanyan said, Huang Feng's face was a little solemn, and then he said: "The Wind Wolf King has reached the innate level no matter what. Even if the three of us join forces, we are not sure of victory. You go and provoke , isn’t that a bit reckless?”

"It's okay, she..."

"I want you to say it!"

When Chen Fan was about to explain, he was immediately interrupted by Yanyan. Then I heard Yanyan continue to say: "I have some innate magical powers, which are my innate inherited memories. I have some means to throw away the Feng 26 Wolf King. Although I am not his opponent, he cannot catch up. mine."

After hearing Yanyan's explanation, Huang Feng didn't ask any more questions, and Yang Yitan didn't answer the question either, making the situation awkward for a while.

Chen Fan also didn't understand why Yan Yan was so angry, and didn't ask any more questions for a while. And Yanyan was obviously because when she was talking to Chen Fan, Chen Fan fell asleep and ignored her.

So I was very angry, and now I didn't say anything else. He was just lying in Chen Fan's hands, bulging with anger. Yang Yitan saw something was wrong in the atmosphere, and hurriedly coughed a few times, breaking the sudden tranquility.

Yang Yitan looked up at the sky, and then said: "In less than half an hour, the sky will be completely dark. Let's quietly head towards the top of the mountain where the Wind Wolf King is. It's almost as easy as going back and forth."

"Okay, let's set off. I can't wait any longer." Chen Fan hurriedly answered, then looked at the Divine Emperor Rabbit in his hand, and said cautiously: "It's almost time, let's set off. 11

However, Yanyan just said a faint word of gratitude and lost her voice. Everyone quietly walked towards the top of the wind wolf king's mountain. There was no unexpected situation along the way while everyone was walking.

However, they suddenly heard the howling of the Wind Wolf King. Everyone thought their whereabouts had been exposed and immediately ran back for a distance. Run all the way to the bushes nearby.

"It doesn't seem like they are coming for us?" After a while, Chen Fan didn't notice the Wind Wolf King coming, so Chen Fan said immediately.

"Then why is he howling? I thought it was the Wind Wolf King who has been guarding against us, discovered our whereabouts and howled." Huang Feng explained.

"Let's go take another look. If we find anything, we will take action in advance. Anyway, the clan leader and the two elders are paying attention to us and think we can give it a try." Yang Yichui answered.

"It's really embarrassing to be scared back like this. Let's touch the Wind Wolf King again. Based on his howling just now, I think we can find the Wind Wolf King accurately, which also saves us the time to find him. ." Chen Fan immediately responded.

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and then walked towards the place where the 993 sound had just been made again.

"It should be right in front. There is a very tall tree there. Let's climb up to see what's going on." After Chen Fan finished speaking, he ran over first and then climbed up the tree skillfully. Huang Feng and Yang Yitan followed immediately.

"It turns out they are eating. It looks like they have just returned from hunting, so that's why the Wind Wolf King is howling." Chen Fan looked up and saw the Wind Wolf King nibbling there.

"Wind Wolf King will stop hunting when he's full!" Huang Feng said.

"Well, this prey is so big, it's probably enough for them to eat. In this case, Yanyan's attraction to them will be reduced a lot. In this case, it will be extremely difficult to succeed.

"Yang Yitan said...

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