Chapter 645: Drooling

"Then let's wait. Although they are slow to hunt, we can steal quickly, so why worry!"

Yang Yitan said with an expression that said he was so angry that he would not pay for his life.

"That's right, just wait a little longer. I hope the Wind Wolf King won't disappoint us." Chen Fan also said with a smile on his face, looking into the distance.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour, the Wind Wolf King did not disappoint everyone. They saw the Wind Wolf King walking arrogantly in front, and the three wind wolves followed closely behind the Wind Wolf King.

The Wind Wolf King was holding a prey in his mouth, and the prey had obviously been caught not long ago, and its legs were still twitching slightly, so it was obviously not dead.

"It seems that a roe deer has been eaten in a while. This Wind Wolf King is quite powerful. He can catch such a big roe deer." When Chen Fan saw the prey in the mouth of the Wind Wolf King, he immediately said with excitement. .

"Look for an opportunity to do it. I also like to eat the roe deer very tightly." Yang Yitan said with the corner of his mouth raised.

I saw the Wind Wolf King finally returning to his territory, and then howling towards the sky.

"You stupid wolf, I think we can take action." Chen Fan looked at the scene in front of him.

As if Yanyan didn't hear it, she continued to walk towards the Wind Wolf King in a swaggering manner.

This time, the Wind Wolf King did not let Yanyan get close, obviously because he was afraid that Yanyan would continue to snatch away the prey that reached his mouth. When the wind wolf next to him saw the swaggering Yan Yan, he did not pursue him immediately. Instead, he roared like the wind wolf king.

Yanyan ignored it and was about to approach the Wind Wolf King. At this time, the Wind Wolf King became anxious and rushed towards Yanyan, but of course he missed.

After Yanyan stepped aside, the Wind Wolf King did not continue to pursue it. Apparently he did not want to lose his prey and hoped to scare Yanyan away. Of course, Yanyan chose to continue provoking the Wind Wolf King.

Yanyan used her hind legs to dig up the soil, then threw it all into the face of the Wind Wolf King. The Wind Wolf King immediately pounced on Yanyan, obviously unable to bear Yanyan's provocation.

Yanyan also dodged and ran to the side. At this time, the Wind Wolf King was obviously furious [How could he tolerate such provocation from a ten-layered rabbit? Lord Wind Wolf brought that

The head wind wolf angrily pursued Yan Yan.

"The Wind Wolf King wonders if he will be so angry when he comes back and sees that his prey is gone. Don't be so angry before the war starts. That would be too embarrassing, hahaha..." Chen Fan obviously Yanyan's behavior made her laugh, and Yang Yitan said to Huang Feng.

…Please give me flowers…

"Go and collect the prey quickly. There will be roe deer to eat at night." Yang Yitan quickly jumped down, and Chen Fan also hurriedly followed.


"This Roe Deer is so fat. The meat is absolutely delicious. I really have to thank the Wind Wolf King this time." Chen Fan was full of praise when he saw the Roe Deer. He must have been salivating over this Roe Deer.

After Chen Fan threw the roe deer into the space ring, the three of them hurried back to the meeting point. The three of them were still waiting for Yanyan, but this time Yanyan obviously came back a little later than last time.

"It's about time, Yanyan should be back soon." Although Chen Fan knew that Wind Wolf King couldn't catch Yanyan, he couldn't help but be a little worried, and still walked around on the ground mumbling.

Yang Yitan and Huang Feng obviously knew that no matter what they said, they would not change the current situation, so they just closed their eyes and adjusted their breath. Absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, striving to break through losses as soon as possible.

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