Chapter 665: Beasts are beasts

After doing all this, Yanyan fell into a deep sleep again. The three of them did not expect this sudden scene. Chen Fan hurriedly ran to Yanyan and looked at Yanyan whose coat was much darker.

Chen Fan also looked heartbroken. Then he slowly picked up Yanyan and placed it in the space ring. Then Chen Fan turned to look at Wind Wolf King. That look was so cold and scary.

"If I don't kill you today, I swear I won't be a human being~"

Chen Fan and Yang Yitan stood opposite the Wind Wolf King.

"The dragon roars in the sky, the tiger roars in the ground." Huang Feng's fists were struck towards the Wind Wolf King as if surrounded by the power of the dragon and tiger.

I saw that the Wind Wolf King did not dodge, but simply tried to resist with all his strength. Thinking about how they provoked the Wind Wolf King, the Wind Wolf King no longer wanted to drag them on any longer. I also want to resolve the battle as soon as possible. The moment Huang Feng attacked, Chen Fan followed closely behind.

"Four punches to destroy living things." I saw Chen Fan's fists following closely behind, hitting the Wind Wolf King. The Wind Wolf King jumped up, and a large amount of wind elemental power quickly gathered on the wolf's claws.

I saw the Wind Wolf King waving the power of the wind element forward fiercely, forming wind blades one after another. The wind blade rushed directly to the native with the sound of breaking wind.

Yang Yitan saw such power and knew that it was difficult for him to compete with this move alone, so he struck out with the two palms of Dragon Roar and Tiger Roar Palm.

"Yang Yi sighed and all the tigers in the world followed." The dragon seemed to be flying in the sky, and the tiger seemed to be chasing after him on the ground. He punched out with two punches to confront the wind blade.

And the Wind Wolf King continued to rush out, and this time he rushed towards Huang Feng again.

When Chen Fan saw this scene, his eyes also had a ruthless look, "Do you think I will still suffer a loss?" The wind of the fist suddenly turned and was directed towards the Wind Wolf King who was rushing towards Huang Feng. I saw the Wind Wolf King turning around in an instant, and the color on his body became much lighter, obviously starting to work hard.

And this time the target was surprisingly Yang Yitan who was still contending with the Wind Wolf King's wind blade. Yang Yitan obviously did not expect that the target of the Fenglang King would be him this time, and it was difficult to defend him for the moment.

Chen Fan, on the other hand, could not keep up with the speed of Wind Wolf King, and was unable to help Yang Yitan for the moment. Yang Yitan could only instinctively protect his vitals, and the Wind Wolf King slapped it with his paw.

Yang Yitan fell directly to the side and fell nearly five meters. Then the Wind Wolf King continued to rush towards Yang Yitan. After Chen Fan saw it, he directly threw the diamond-shaped elemental dart towards the Wind Wolf King.

…Please give me flowers…

Then he immediately ran towards the Wind Wolf King. When the Wind Wolf King was about to pounce in front of the Wind Wolf King, the diamond-shaped elemental dart was also about to catch up with the Wind Wolf King.

The Wind Wolf King suddenly turned sideways, dodged the diamond-shaped elemental dart, and then rushed towards Huang Feng again. It was obvious that the Wind Wolf King's initial target was Huang Feng.

Huang Feng is currently the strongest and can already condense the power of the fire element. If Huang Feng can be eliminated first, the Wind Wolf King's winning rate will be greatly improved.

Obviously, the Wind Wolf King had also thought of it, so this time he made an attack in the east and west, it didn't seem so abrupt. On the other hand, there was no trace of panic on Chen Fan's face at this time.

"I expected you to be like this. A beast is a beast." Chen Fan turned his head, slightly bent his legs, and turned around.

"Five punches will destroy the world." After that punch was released, the fist actually felt like a planet hitting the Wind Wolf King, giving people a feeling of being unable to hide. .

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