Physical waste? Find out about the Dao of Power!

Chapter 679: There Is No Way To Avoid Disaster

Chapter 679: There is no way to avoid disaster

Chen Fan seemed to have lost track of time. This is almost a month. Except for eating and sleeping, the rest of the time is spent in seclusion in a secret room. In nearly a month, his improvement was extremely significant.

"The meridians are already expanding in many places. It seems that I am one step closer to the third level of body refining." Chen Fan sank his mind into his body, following the flow of the heaven and earth energy in his body.

Chen Fan also slowly looked around at the meridians in his body. When he discovered that the tendons in many places had expanded, he was obviously excited.

"In almost a month, I have taken another step closer to the third level of body refining. I just don't know how Yang Yitan's understanding of innateness is going." Chen Fan was obviously worried that he was holding back, and he missed the smoke. Yan, so I have been cultivating hard this month and dare not slack off at all.

A month was spent on hard training. Obviously Chen Fan has benefited a lot.

"Has this vortex of heaven and earth energy merged?" As he slowly sat cross-legged on the bed to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, Chen Fan suddenly discovered that there were only two of the three vortexes of heaven and earth energy that had existed in his body for a long time. .

And the one formed by the two is obviously larger than the original three, and it absorbs the vortex of heaven and earth energy very quickly.

Just this vortex of heaven and earth energy, its absorption of the energy of heaven and earth in the air is far beyond the initial powerless vortex. This made Chen Fan puzzled for a while.

"This is still due to the combat skills themselves, not me. Did I go the wrong way? Why is this?" After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure out the reason, so I didn't continue to think about it.

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. I guess my combat skills won't harm me." Thinking like this, Chen Fan gave up thinking.

It would be better to put your time into cultivation. Even if you think about it this way, you can't think of anything. Looking at the current situation, it is obvious that the direction is correct. So Chen Fan didn't think about anything else.

"Compress, compress for me..." Chen Fan entered into intense training again. It was obvious that if he did not reach the peak of the third level of body training, he would not leave the training for a day.

"Get up when you wake up. There is no need to keep pretending to be asleep." I saw the hermitage of the patriarch, and the surroundings were extremely simple. There are still a lot of damages in some places. It was clearly in a state of disrepair.

.........Please give me flowers 0

There was a very simple bed in the middle, and on the table next to it was the robe that the patriarch usually wore. The crutches stood next to the table where the clothes were placed, and Yanyan was lying on the bed. The patriarch was not practicing at this time, but was sipping tea at the table.

"I have blocked the movement of my own heaven and earth energy. How do you feel me?" At this time, Yanyan's words no longer had the naughtiness that she had when she was with Chen Fan, replaced by a kind of indifference. Even the sentence seems to have lost the slightest warmth.

"Your bloodline power is indeed the strongest bloodline power I have ever seen. If you simply compete with bloodline power, even the bloodline power of some dragons cannot compete with you. I searched through ancient books and couldn't find you. The existence of race. What race are you?" The patriarch still spoke unhurriedly, but he did not answer Yanyan's question, but asked instead.

"You haven't answered my question yet. Besides, you don't deserve to know what race I am." Yanyan's words clearly revealed her own pride. .

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