Physical waste? Find out about the Dao of Power!

Chapter 694: The Seal In The Body

Chapter 694: The seal in the body

"It happened a few days ago." Huang Feng naturally thought that Chen Fan was in seclusion and did not pay attention to everything that happened outside. Is the exit explained.

"I think Yang Yitan will become very strong if he breaks through the innateness. In this way, the strength of our clan will also become stronger in the future."

"Hahaha, that's for sure. How is Yanyan's situation?" After saying that, Huang Feng also looked at Yanyan. Huang Feng naturally knew that Yanyan saved his life. Although the clan leader and elders would not let anything happen to him. But Yanyan who stepped forward at the critical moment also moved Huang Feng extremely. I also recognized this partner from the bottom of my heart.

"Don't worry, Chief Long helped me break the seal in my body. My situation is much better now." After hearing what Yanyan said, Dong Feng also nodded. Chatted with Chen Fan again. Chen Fan left on the pretext of visiting the patriarch grandfather.

"Are you going to see the patriarch grandpa later?" Yanyan asked looking at Chen Fan.

"Well. I haven't seen grandpa for a long time. I don't know how many times we will see him again in the future. Let's say goodbye to grandpa properly this time." Yanyan also nodded and didn't ask any more questions. Chen Fan walked slowly to the closed door of the patriarch grandfather. The door was closed. Chen Fan knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"It seems that the patriarch is not here."

"Well, I heard that after reaching Xujing, it is difficult to improve the state by simply retreating. What is more important for them is enlightenment."

"Then grandpa must have gone out to understand the world." Chen Fan was also a little frustrated. Then he knelt in front of the retreat door of the clan leader. He kowtowed three times and then left.

"The patriarch is not here, so the two elders went to help Yang Yitan break through. Now it seems that I am the only one left." At this time, Chen Fan felt even more lonely. Looking at the scene in front of him, his eyes were a little red again.

"I'm still here, don't worry. We'll walk the road together in the future."

The sun sets slowly today, and Chen Fan is sitting on a slope at this time.

"It's getting dark." Suddenly, Yanyan saw that the sun was already going down. But Chen Fan was still in a daze. Yanyan reminded him.

"Well. Stay a little longer. The last little time. I want to take a last look at this place."

"Okay. I'll wait for you." Chen Fan looked at Yanyan and said nothing. He gently touched Yanyan's head and sighed slightly. I don’t know what I’m thinking. The night finally drove away the last sunlight.


The earth also began to become calm. The breeze slowly blew the branches, and the rustling sound was very pleasant. The afterimages of the big trees underground are criss-crossed and look very artistic.

"Yanyan, it's almost time, we should leave." Chen Fan jumped down from the tree. He said looking at Yanyan in his arms.

"Aren't you going to say goodbye to Huang Feng, Yang Yitan and the others?"

"Hey, I'm afraid that if that happens, I won't be able to leave."

"What about your patriarch, grandpa, and the two elders? Aren't you going to say goodbye as well?"

"Just leave quietly. I'm afraid they will worry.

"What about your Uncle and Aunt Long Tian?"

"Let's go. It's not a matter of life and death. If I can't find a way to break through, I will come back and stay with my mother. I won't go anywhere."

"Okay, let's go." Yanyan looked at Chen Fan in front of her and nodded heavily. At this time, Yanyan was also very conflicted and entangled. But after all, he didn't express his inner feelings. .

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