Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0100 Helpless team formation

Lu Anke had been hostile to Lan Miao all the way. Hearing her ask this question made her feel excited. Is your world a feminist society? "

"Of course, women have the highest rights, and men are obedient."

Lan Miao was very arrogant when she spoke. It was obvious that she admired this system very much. It was not surprising, after all, she had grown up in this system since she was a child.

Meng Liang saw Lu Anke's envious look and raised his hand to push her head.

Lu Anke was pushed and ran two or three steps away, pouting in displeasure.

“Our world is a world where men and women are equal, but men are ultimately the mainstream.”

Meng Liang said this to Lan Miao.

Lu Anke thought in his mind.

Damn mainstream, you used to be my little son-in-law, but now you are awesome.

Of course, I just thought about this, but I didn’t dare to say it out loud.

The three of them, along with two dogs and two robots, continued to walk forward against the wall, talking to each other.

The atmosphere is not too tense, because the monsters stick together, and there is almost no danger as long as they are within the range of their activities.

But this way there is no way to continue the task.

"do not move!"

Suddenly a dozen people rushed out from a building nearby.

They were armed with various weapons, including sickles, axes, clubs, and iron forks, all with level 1. They were obviously a group of useless doomsday survivors, and they were unlucky enough to enter this perverted dungeon.

The leader was a young man in his early twenties. He had a handsome appearance and looked like a scholar. He seemed to be a weak person.

The others formed a circle around Meng Liang and the other three, but he was the only one standing three or four meters away from the circle. The word "Don't move" came out of his mouth, so he was guessed to be the leader of the other party.

Meng Liang and the others did not move, but at this moment the young man's eyes fell on Lan Miao and Lu Anke, seemingly attracted by their good looks.

Meng Liang saw Lu Anke as a young old lady and did not regard her as a real woman at all.

However, this is not the case in the eyes of other men.

Lu Anke is very good-looking and looks like a mature woman in her early thirties. It is normal for her to attract men.

Seeing that the situation was under control, the young man continued to speak.

"Yes! Don't move. I see you have guns. We don't have guns, and we are not as high level as you. But level is only useful for killing zombies. It doesn't play much role in human-to-human battles, so Don't move. If anyone dares to move, my people will rush in and kill you immediately. Our number is three times yours. You must recognize this reality."

He also thought that dragons and snakes were humans too.

Meng Liang and Lan Miao looked at each other.

Lan Miao didn't say anything, but Meng Liang saw her intention, which was to let him communicate.

Meng Liang was not polite and looked directly at his mouth and said:

"What do you want to do?"

"Haha, it seems you are their captain. Where are you from?"

Meng Liang told where he was from, and the other party also told him a place, which proved to be from the same world.

The city over there is two thousand kilometers away from where he is, in the northwest.

The people in the dungeon really come from all over the world of Meng Liangzhu, and they are probably only people from the parallel world of Lan Miao.

Of course, he also mentioned his name. This person’s name is Li Changqing.

Since he talked so much nonsense with Meng Liang in the beginning, of course he was not prepared to kill him, so Meng Liang waited for him to continue talking to see what his plan was.

"You should also complete the task, but do you know that this task can be completed together as a team, such as killing those monsters. If we team up, then one person kills one, and the others also kill one. "There are too many monsters. It is impossible to complete this dungeon mission without working together, so you can join us and let me be the boss and lead you to survive until the mission is over."

This kid thought of something similar to Meng Liang.

After all, to be able to become a leader, there is something in his head.

Meng Liang felt that this was just what he wanted.

"We can join you and take on some combat missions, but we must maintain a certain degree of independence and cannot be used as cannon fodder."

Meng Liang stated his request.

Li Changqing frowned slightly, looked at the two women again, and finally nodded slowly.

"Okay, I can't see the value of your health bar. It seems that you are a master. It is good for us to cooperate with masters. But people can't leave without a head, and birds can't fly without a head. Since we want to cooperate, we must There is a leader, and the leader must be authoritative. I will not treat you as cannon fodder, so how can you guarantee that I can enforce orders and prohibitions? "

What this kid said is not unreasonable.

And that's the problem.

The final outcome that people face is to kill each other, and they can never become monolithic.

"As long as you don't want us to die, most of us will listen to you. This topic doesn't need to be discussed too much. Let's see it happen. If you have the mind and ability of a leader, of course I will obey you, otherwise we will break up."

Compared with the other party, Meng Liang was more straightforward.

Li Changqing thought for a while before finally nodding.

He felt that the five Meng Liang people were a bit mysterious.

It's just that three people can't see the health bar value, and two people have no health bar at all.

That's the mystery.

After the apocalypse broke out, all humans had health bars, and he had never seen anyone without a health bar.

Li Changqing wanted to be the boss here, so he naturally didn't want to miss this mysterious fighting force.

The cooperation was so simple, and they continued to move forward.

Their principle was to find a place without monsters and to collect scattered players first.

In a whole day, Li Changqing actually turned this team into 300 people.

With this strength, the survivors around were naturally attracted.

They all understood this truth, and only by forming a team could the task be completed quickly.

For example, the task of killing 10 people, if everyone formed a team, the task would be completed. Now there are only 8 tasks left.

Every time people think of these eight tasks, they can't ignore the last option. Only three people can leave, which is too cruel.

It was dark, and everyone looked for a place to rest.

Li Changqing was already powerful, and not everyone could maintain a little independence like Meng Liang's team. Most of them just attached themselves to Li Changqing, followed his lead, and flattered him.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Meng Liang was responsible for keeping watch.

They were assigned a house on the 23rd floor. The building was full of survivor players.

Standing by the window and looking down, the street was still empty, with no monsters or pedestrians.

Just then, a woman's scream suddenly came from outside the door.

Meng Liang hurried over after hearing it, and when he opened the door, he saw a foreign girl lying in a pool of blood. Li Changqing was only wearing shorts and holding a long knife. It was he who killed the woman.

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