Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0102: Make up for the loss

In the early morning, a ray of dawn shines on the earth, and the air is particularly fresh. Meng Liang got up early, and when he went out, he saw Lan Miao sitting on the balcony, wearing a windbreaker, her slender legs crossed in an elegant manner, her eyes full of laziness, looking at the sun outside.

This woman has a very elegant temperament when she is quiet. Although she also looks like an Oriental, after being in contact with her for a long time, Meng Liang will feel that she has a soul different from his own in her bones.

She was the last one to keep vigil. In fact, Dragon and Snake had been keeping vigil all the time, but Meng Liang didn't trust robots because he didn't understand them after all.

Hearing the footsteps, Lan Miao said softly without turning her head:

"It's another day. I feel bad being stuck here. When can I get out?"

"No one knows."

"Meng Liang, let's have a baby."

"Ahem, cough, what did you say?"

"No, let's just say it. I may be the last woman in the world. I think I should leave descendants first. This is the responsibility the world has given me."

"You have a pretty strong sense of responsibility."

"It's okay, I'm a strong and kind-hearted woman."

Meng Liang didn't take her bragging seriously and decided to explore her.

"Let me tell you something, I want to kill Li Changqing."


"Aren't you surprised?"

Meng Liang didn't expect Lan Miao to be so calm.

"The comfort we enjoy is directly proportional to the responsibility we bear. You chose to join Li Changqing at the beginning and gave up the responsibility of the leader. Naturally, you will not enjoy the comfort of the leader. Now that you have seen through this, you must obtain If you are so comfortable, you can only kill Li Changqing to take responsibility. This is the truth. It doesn't matter. I support your decision. Also, don't do this again next time. Isn't it true that men are respected in your world? . If it were me, and Li Changqing asked me to join him that day, I would kill him directly and not give him the chance to grow up to this moment and become the leader of these hundreds of people. "

Meng Liang was speechless and wanted to take a bite of Lan Miao.

"Then if you had different opinions, why didn't you say it that day?"

"They all come from your world. How do I know how you get along with each other? I'm just speaking from my world view. If it were me, I would definitely crush him to death that day."

Well, Meng Liang was very upset.

He was despised.

And he was indeed wrong.

But everyone makes mistakes. He is not a prophet, a mighty god or a military strategist, just a small figure.

The most valuable thing about people is that they know their mistakes and can correct them, and he can.

The brigade assembled half an hour later, and Li Changqing put on a benevolent and righteous appearance, telling everyone that only by uniting together can we overcome the difficulties. Today's role is still to search for survivors.

In fact, everyone's mood is not high. No one actively chooses to be a player to enter here. They have not forgotten that in the end, only three people can get out.

Almost 70% of the people here speak Chinese, and 30% cannot.

There are people who are good at bilingualism to translate for them. At this time, both Easterners and Westerners are the same, just hanging on in the apocalypse.

Meng Liang didn't move, and Lan Miao was a little curious.

"Aren't you going to kill him? Don't you dare?"

"Shut up, little girl, of course I have a plan."

"What do you mean little sissy?"

There is no such word in a feminist society.

Lu Anke was following beside him. When he heard Lan Miao's question, he said directly:

"It's a term used by men to address women. It means looking down on them. You know, men are stronger in our world."

Lan Miao's expression turned bad when she heard this, but she didn't say anything more.

Meng Liang glared at Lu Anke, but Lu Anke didn't dare to look at Meng Liang at all.

Meng Liang wanted to laugh when he saw her vulgar appearance.

She was still angry because she almost strangled her to death yesterday.

Well, it was really difficult for Lu Anke to ignore her.

At the end of the day, almost 800 people had gathered at dusk.

Li Changqing began to consolidate his power. He selected some very obedient people to form a personal guard around him. There were almost a hundred people. The others naturally belonged to the non-guard camp.

Lan Miao came to ask Meng Liang again.

"Aren't you going to take action? If this continues, by tomorrow he may actually have secured his position. If you want to kill him again, you may not have a chance."

Meng Liang didn't even bother to answer this time and still didn't make a move.

After resting comfortably at night, Meng Liang went out to investigate.

Li Changqing started a life of extravagance and wealth, and kept several beautiful women in his room. He would probably suffer from kidney failure that night.

Meng Liang didn't find an opportunity to attack, so he returned.

The next day, everyone gathered early in the morning, and Li Changqing arrived very late. It seemed that he had not slept well yesterday and was not energetic.

The task is still to find survivors.

Meng Liang knew that there was no need to continue searching.

After wandering around this city for a long time, we have basically collected almost all the survivors. If you want to find them, you have to leave the city.

The world is a big one, and if I keep looking for it, I don’t know when I will be able to get out.

Maybe Li Changqing already has other plans, such as being his local emperor here. Anyway, it would be the end of the world if he went outside, and the world is not as safe as this.

Meng Liang didn't think so.

This is not his main world. Either he completes the mission and goes out, or he ends up dying here.

In this case, it is better to go out early than to go out late.

So I still have to kill Li Changqing no matter what.

In the team, Lan Miao stood next to Meng Liang. When Li Changqing said that she wanted to find survivors, she said with some annoyance:

"I'm afraid he doesn't want to fight the monster at all. Meng Liang, why don't you do it? If you can't, I will."

"Why are you panicking? I told you it's not the right time yet."

"What exactly is the timing you're talking about?"

Lan Miao didn't understand Meng Liang, and Meng Liang actually didn't think about it well.

It was not until noon that Meng Liang saw the opportunity.

That was while searching a neighborhood.

Originally there were no monsters nearby, but when we entered an alley, we immediately found a lot of monsters piled up here.

Some of the unlucky ones were killed directly, while others ran out and returned to the main force.

"Chief! Monster! Monster!"

The man shouted, and Li Changqing and everyone else had already seen a large number of monsters following behind him.

"Damn it! How did these losers attract the monsters! Go back, go back! Now is not the time to fight!"

The leaders all ordered to run away, and the large army was naturally scattered.

This time I ran in a panic and didn't choose the route. After a while, another group of monsters were attracted. Now it was better. The two groups formed a wave and chased people. The slower ones died immediately.

Just when people were running for their lives in a hurry and not knowing what to do, Meng Liang took action and killed Li Changqing directly with an ice arrow.

The guards around him were so frightened that they all screamed.

They originally gathered around Li Changqing, but now they all scattered around and whispered, wondering who killed the leader.

Meng Liang took this opportunity to walk out of the crowd, stood next to Li Changqing, stepped on his body, looked at everyone and said:

"My name is Meng Liang, and I will never give up the initiative to others from now on! You all listen to me, and spread the word to those who come after you. Tell everyone that I am the king now, and you all must listen to me!"

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