Hong Yue's appearance was expected by Meng Liang, but her lines were unexpected by Meng Liang. What is a sealed place?

Who is she?


Or maybe she's a human too.

Just like in the previous copy of the underground ancient city, Meng Liang and the others belonged to Humanity No. 1, and the little people belonged to Humanity No. 7.

So no matter what her identity is, since she is used to protect the sealed place, what is sealed in this place?

Isn’t it the holy city of the goddess?

Why isn't the goddess guarding here?

Meng Liang had many doubts in his heart.

"Son! Why are you in a daze! Think of a solution! She is coming, coming!"

Lu Anke spoke with a trembling voice.

"Quick! Everyone spread out! Find the Colossus as cover!"

Meng Liang roared out, and everyone fled, including the people on Ding Ding's side.

Meng Liang himself did not move.

Soon, he was the only one left in the open space.

The red-moon giant girl stepped down from mid-air. There was nothing on the soles of her feet, but she seemed to be walking on steps. She walked very beautifully, like a female model's catwalk. She swayed her waist as she walked. She looked very beautiful, but this could not make Meng Liang forget her danger. He was ready to dodge and counterattack, but he did not leave.

In the end, Hong Yue landed five meters away from Meng Liang, and her huge figure covered Meng Liang.

"Son! Come here, come here!"

Lu Anke shouted anxiously.

Meng Liang did not move, raised his head and looked at Hongyue and spoke.

"We came in accidentally. Hey, big woman, what are you?"

Since the other party can speak, of course they should try to communicate.

The woman looked down at Meng Liang, her eyes were cold and ruthless, and there was no expression on her face.

Meng Liang looked at her, and his heart began to beat faster.

Damn, there seems to be some lack of sparkle in her eyes, maybe there is no spirituality. Is that an NPC?

"This is a sealed place. Anyone who enters will die!"

She repeated what she just said, then raised her big foot, stepped in front of Meng Liang, raised her foot and lowered it.

If the feet were put in smaller proportions, they would look better quickly, but now they are so big that they feel oppressive.

Meng Liang moved quickly to avoid the attack, and then ran towards the city.

"Lan Miao! Take care of everyone! I'll take her around!"

After saying that, Meng Liang had already run away. The female giant had already locked Meng Liang and immediately turned around to catch up.

Meng Liang couldn't outrun others by walking in a straight line. She caught up with Meng Liang ten steps at a time. Fortunately, the streets here were very narrow, and there were huge stone statues with a height of 100 meters not far away. Meng Liang used them as cover to move towards her. He ran forward and was not caught immediately.

Lu Anke stamped her feet back and forth anxiously when she saw Meng Liang running away with the grown woman.

"No, no, no! What if Meng Liang lures her away by himself!"

Lu Anke and Meng Liang were inseparable these days, and they almost slept together. It should be said that they also slept together during these days in the dungeon, at least very close to each other. The distance between them when sleeping at night was no more than twenty centimeters.

She has completely adapted to Meng Liang's presence around her.

With Meng Liang here, she didn't need to think about the problem. Although she was actually thinking, it didn't matter even if she was as stupid as a pig. Meng Liang could solve the problem anyway.

Meng Liang will protect her, and she can get the best protection by following him. Although she has experienced several dangers, Meng Liang has saved her. This is a sense of security.

Now that he saw Meng Liang leaving, still taking the monster with him, Lu Anke stamped his feet anxiously. He couldn't describe his feelings, and he took a step forward to catch up.

Lan Miao reached out and grabbed her back.

"Don't move. It's useless for you to go. It will only cause trouble. I don't want Meng Liang to complain that I didn't take good care of you. After all, you are his mother."

"Lan Miao, then go and support Meng Liang."

"He is the leader, and his decision is to take the giant girl out to make money. The purpose is to see if there is an answer to the doubts in his heart. As a team member, everyone should respect his decision, even if it does not seem to be the right decision. , but as long as he is recognized as the leader, it must be implemented.”

"Doubts? What doubts does he have in his mind?"

"You don't know, and I don't know either, so you and I didn't become the leader. The leader is Meng Liang. Anyway, don't leave my sight. I don't want you to be lost when Meng Liang comes back."

Lan Miao spoke very coldly, and Lu Anke could only continue to stamp her feet, anxious, but ran out of ideas and stopped moving forward.

This is Lu Anke, a simple-minded old woman with no social experience or social skills. Of course, she now looks like a young woman, and her frowning and staring look is a bit pretty.

It's just that Meng Liang didn't have the chance to appreciate the moment and appearance of his mother-in-law caring about her, as she was running like crazy at this time.

He had doubts in his heart, but he had no plan at all. This city of idols seemed very big, and he just wanted to know more about this place.

The destination is the thousand-meter-high goddess statue in the middle. He wants to see whose home field is this place, the red moon or the sacred fire goddess.

"Stop! Stop!"

Hongyue chased and shouted from behind.

She doesn't have much spirituality, but she has some consciousness, which is to prevent people from approaching the seal.

Meng Liang guessed this. He felt that the further he ran forward, the more impatient Hongyue's tone became. This was the best proof, and the seal might be in the Kilometer Goddess Statue.

Meng Liang used all his strength to rush forward, but he still couldn't walk in a straight line and had to use the stone statues around him as cover.

Hong Yue didn't use any skills, but her physical attack was strong. Her 20-meter-high body hit the 100-meter-high statues and could break them or even knock them down.

This caused dust and debris to fly everywhere. The good thing was that it confused her vision and provided cover for Meng Liang. The bad thing was that Meng Liang was also trapped in such sand and fog and felt a little dizzy.

"Don't run! Stop!"

Meng Liang certainly couldn't stop. He lifted his clothes to cover his nose and squinted his eyes to run straight to the goal.

After going through many hardships, he finally ran into the 1,000-meter statue square.

This square was so big that it was estimated to be 1,000 meters in diameter. The goddess statue was in the center. It was so close that Meng Liang couldn't see her head even when he raised his head. It was blocked by the dust and fog.

When he stepped into the square, a prompt sound suddenly rang in his ears, but this prompt sound was different from the previous one.

[Dear warrior, welcome to my territory. I am Lankana. You have completed the task of finding the Lord Lankana]

Meng Liang was excited. He found the right place!

[Please complete the task I gave you. There are eight pillars around the square with flames burning on them. Just extinguish them.]

Meng Liang then noticed the eight pillars, which were about ten meters high and burning with hot fire.

Meng Liang was a little happy at first, but then he was suddenly shocked.

What's going on?

The Lord God gave him the task of extinguishing those flames?

That's not right!

Could it be that Lankana was sealed here?

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