Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0013: Survival is the most important thing

"Hello, I am the owner of this house, my name is Li Sen. The other three are Fang Lingyan, Zhao Ya, and Mu Xiaosheng. My name is Meng Liang. Is there really no one else? You go to the corner, I want to check."

"This is not good, this is my home."

"I can leave."

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Meng Liang could see that the other party actually wanted to contact him.

Li Sen thought for a moment, finally nodded, and then the four of them went to the corner.

Meng Liang quickly and carefully inspected the house.

The structure is very simple, with two bedrooms and one living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

After checking everywhere to make sure there were only four people in the house, he returned.

The room was dark, but because Meng Liang had 10% night vision, he could see relatively clearly.

The four of them are all around 26 or 27 years old, and the two women are pretty good-looking. Li Sen is considered strong, while Mu Xiaosheng is a bit weak, and his thin legs are not as thick as those of good old women.

"Do you have anything to eat?"

Meng Liang sat on the stool opposite them.

"No more, there is nothing at home."

This time it was Mu Xiaosheng who spoke.

Sure enough, otherwise they wouldn't have let him in at all.

After carefully observing their health bars, the two women still had 3 health bars left, while the man only had 1.

"How much do you know about blood bars?"

Meng Liang asked.

All four of them shook their heads.

"What is your relationship?"

Meng Liang decided to know a little more before telling the answer.

It turned out that these were two couples.

Li Sen and Fang Lingyan, Zhao Ya and Mu Xiaosheng.

Meng Liang sighed:

"The health bar is our lifeline. Once the blood bar reaches 0, you will become zombies or die directly. I have seen both situations."

The two men's expressions changed greatly when they heard this. The room was only quiet for a short while, but Li Sen actually raised his hand and gave Fang Lingyan a big mouthful.

"I told you not to let them in! You just didn't listen! Damn it, you bitch, you're going to kill me!"

Mu Xiaosheng and his wife were originally their neighbors, and they came here because they ran out of food.

At this moment, Li Sen was full of resentment because they gave the few food at home to their neighbors.

Meng Liang walked to the window, opened it and looked outside.

There were zombies everywhere downstairs. He was just running away and didn't realize there were so many of them. He was really lucky to be able to run into this building without being swallowed up by the zombies.

Looking at the four people who were at a loss again, Meng Liang said:

"It's useless to make noise. The most important thing for you now is food. If the two women can hold on, both men will starve to death soon."

Li Sen was quite decisive and immediately bent down to salute.

"Brother, help us. You are the one who dares to kill zombies. Can you help us go out and find some food?"

Meng Lian was speechless. This guy just beat his Holy Mother wife. Now he wants to become a Holy Mother himself?

"It's just as dangerous for me to go out. It's the same for me to go out as it is for you to go out on your own. Why should I be responsible for your life and death?"

As soon as Meng Liang finished speaking, Li Sen's wife Fang Lingyan said:

"Please, as long as you can help us find food, I will agree to whatever you ask for. I will never refuse any request!"

Meng Liang was really surprised. When he saw Li Sen beating Fang Lingyan just now, he thought she was a weak woman, but he didn't expect her to be so transparent.

"Agree to any conditions, including sleeping with me?"

"Brother, if you think so, I agree. The key now is to save people. If people die, there will be nothing."

Li Sen's eyes widened in the darkness, and he probably wanted to beat Fang Lingyan, but because he was weak and on the verge of death, he finally endured it without saying a word.

Meng Liang chuckled, raised his head, and glanced at the moon outside.

Imagine what I have experienced over the years, alas, marriage is like a besieged city.

"Well, you have a good personality. For your sake, I will help you!"

Meng Liang did as he said.

Just looking for food, Li Sen and Mu Xiaosheng's house didn't have any, so of course they had to go to someone else's house.

Meng Liang asked them to find tools to pry the door, and then opened another door on this floor.

Before opening the door, I heard a muffled and low roar coming from inside.

Apparently there are zombies in there.

"You guys stand back."

Meng Liang reminded.

All four people hurriedly returned to the house, leaving the door open and looking at Meng Liang.

The door opened and a zombie jumped out.

Meng Liang raised his shield to block its attack. He moved very flexibly and killed it with 4 blows.

After killing the zombies, Meng Liang did not move. He stood at the door and hit the shield with his ax to make noise.

The moonlight was bright and shining in the room.

No zombies appeared again.

Meng Liang then pulled the body up the steps and threw it to the fifth floor. Then he came down and entered the room. Fortunately, he found some food and a bag.

Put most of the food in the bag behind the quilt, hold the remaining two loaves of bread in your hands, and go back to the house.


The bread was thrown over, and the two men hurried over. Each of them ate it up quickly, and the health volume increased to 2.

Li Sen thanked him excitedly, and then begged:

"Brother, I haven't eaten enough at all. Look, my blood volume is only 2. If I get hungry for a while, it will become 1 again. What's in your bag?"

"Bag? Haha, I worked hard to get the food, giving it to you is a favor. I don't want to sleep with your wife either, this is free, you can only wish you good luck from now on."

Li Sen's face turned bad when he heard this, and Mu Xiaosheng was shaking all over.

They just saw Meng Liang killing zombies with their own eyes.

It was so scary. The zombies roared and pounced on them. It was not necessary to say whether they had the strength to fight against them. The key was that they had no courage to deal with such a terrifying existence.

Even Li Sen, who was a little brave, gave in and realized that if he wanted to survive, he might really have to rely on Meng Liang.

However, he was absolutely unwilling to give his wife to Meng Liang.

So after Meng Liang returned to the room, he began to praise Mu Xiaosheng's wife Zhao Ya for her beauty and charm intentionally or unintentionally. Mu Xiaosheng's courage was not stupid. He heard the meaning behind Li Sen's words and praised Fang Lingyan for being really beautiful.

Meng Liang thought it was a bit funny, so he didn't stop them from talking. He lay on the window and looked down at the zombies to see if there was a way out. Of course, he was also careful to guard against Li Senmu and Xiaosheng.

After thinking for a long time, unfortunately, there was no way out.

Meng Liang felt a little worried.

Luo Dacheng was so stubborn, but what about the nanny Pan Li?

Although she also said some bad words to Meng Liang with Luo Dacheng, Meng Liang still believed that Pan Li was actually a very honest and simple woman, but was led astray by Luo Dacheng, the villain.

At the latest, it would be tomorrow night. If he couldn't get back to the house, Pan Li would probably starve to death.

Meng Liang tried it. He left the safe house, so he couldn't control the isolation division in the safe house and couldn't release Pan Li remotely.

There was actually food in the room, but Meng Liang hid it in the corner under the bed. There was a box outside, so Pan Li might not be able to find it.

Pan Li could die, but if it was because of him, Meng Liang knew that he would probably blame himself.

"Okay, I'm not interested in either of your wives."

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