Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0138: Recognize the reality of the end of the world

Bai Na was very reluctant. But at this time, Meng Liang's brutality shocked her. This kind of mass killing was too crazy. Could it be that there was a tyrant living in Meng Liang's body?

Bai Na felt that she needed to think about this question carefully. What was the impact of this incident on the entire Quartet?

First of all, Meng Liang would definitely become the absolute king, and everyone in the base would be afraid of him.

This was his purpose, but a tyrant would not be supported forever.

He was in the name of justice, and he broke out because of the tragic death of five women, which offset the image of a tyrant.

But he himself was not a saint. He killed people without blinking an eye. The image of a demon tyrant had been established. Was this a good thing or a bad thing for him and the entire base?

Not only Bai Na was thinking about it, but everyone was like this.

The people who were most touched were the people living in the villa.

Qu Jiaolan had been petrified.

Is that person Meng Liang?

Is he the son-in-law who had been honest and dutiful since entering the Qu family?

He was too strange, as if I had only seen this person today and knew that such a person existed.

More than 20 lives, all killed?

It's really hard to say.

Of course they are guilty and should be punished by law.

But there is no law now, this is the end of the world.

Can the death penalty be used indiscriminately?

Maybe, at least this kind of thing will never happen again, Meng Liang did a good thing.

But his means of doing good things are too amazing, it's really unacceptable.

Behind Qu Jiaolan, Chen Mei'er clenched her fists tightly, her face was pale, and her lips trembled slightly.

It's really supreme!

If he is willing to help, he can definitely deal with the poisonous insect!

She knew that the poisonous insect was still in the Second Legion, he was incorporated, and the dead grasshopper poisonous insect was still alive, she saw him from afar!

Only Meng Liang could help her get rid of this nightmare, she had to let Meng Liang help her do this, this matter was just a matter of raising his hand for Meng Liang.

Meng Liang was setting rules at this time, he said whatever he thought of, and he made more than 20 rules, which became the guiding ideology of the Four Legions in the future.

Chen Mei'er didn't hear what Meng Liang said, but she was concerned about this person.

Finally, the team was disbanded, and people returned to their respective posts. From that day on, the Sifang Corps became much quieter. People on the street didn't dare to speak loudly, for fear of disturbing the murderous devil, and then dying under the butcher's knife.

Chen Mei'er stood at the window after returning to the villa.

Finally, she saw Meng Liang, followed by a young and beautiful woman. Is this... Lu Anke?

She heard from Qu Jiaolan that Lu Anke had become younger, but she didn't expect that she was so much younger because of the benefits of following Meng Liang.

The world has changed!

She is no longer a noble lady, but a helpless little woman.

Since she is no longer arrogant, why can't she live with humiliation?

Suddenly Meng Liang raised his head and looked over here.

Chen Mei'er hurriedly hid behind the curtain.

Her heartbeat accelerated.

She didn't dare to look at Meng Liang, because this Meng Liang was not someone she could control. For Qu Jiaolan, Meng Liang became a stranger, and so was she.

On this day, Chen Meier felt that time passed very slowly. She wanted to find an opportunity to get close to Meng Liang, but there was no chance at all. Lu Anke was always there. Why didn't she care about her two daughters and son, but followed Meng Liang?

In the afternoon, Qu Jiaolan came and told Chen Meier.

"We have all been assigned to the First Regiment's Supply Team. Mom is already level 18. She will go with us to kill zombies in the afternoon. She is right. We can't keep sinking. We must work hard to upgrade."

What's the use of upgrading?

Chen Meier disdained Qu Jiaolan's words.

The poisonous insects seemed to be level 7, and she was still level 2. She couldn't do anything to the poisonous insects, and it was impossible to get rid of this nightmare that made her hate it!

And an old woman like Lu Anke could reach level 18?

This is too exaggerated. Chen Meier was very jealous of Lu Anke, but she couldn't say it out loud.

"Auntie, it's like a dream."

"Yes, I also feel like a dream. Mom has changed a lot. Mei'er, she has been saying good things about Meng Liang in front of me, but you know I don't love Meng Liang, not to mention that I have someone I like in my heart."

"I know."

Chen Mei'er wanted to say something to comfort Qu Jiaolan, but she couldn't say it.

Qu Jiaolan is her best friend. They were as good as one person before the end of the world, but now it's different.

She has lost her dignity and has been humiliated by the poisonous insects. If she can't kill the poisonous insects, she can't find herself.

How can a person who doesn't even have a self deserve to have friends?

Chen Mei'er's mind has undergone a complex change. She feels that she doesn't deserve to have friends, which means that she no longer regards Qu Jiaolan as a friend.

So Chen Mei'er began to envy Qu Jiaolan in her heart and thought she was a little stupid.

You still don't understand the situation now?

Only by following Meng Liang can you live better in the end of the world. What's the importance of love!

Yes, you must find a way to get close to Meng Liang.

Chen Mei'er didn't think about how to do it, she just knew that she had to do it.

Bai Na had gone into the dark room to reflect on her mistakes.

But she had not lost touch with the outside world.

Near dusk, Zhang Huanyu came to tell her what happened in the camp that afternoon.

"There are no more lazy construction workers, and people who demand human rights and freedom have become honest. This base is completely suppressed by the brutal leader, and people don't even dare to speak loudly."

"The material team and the combat team went outside and killed a lot of zombies. They were very efficient. They didn't bring back any survivors. I asked about them. Their attitude when they met survivors was that they didn't say anything and just walked around when they saw them. , I will not save them, nor will I bully anyone. Just like a gust of wind, I will come back immediately after completing the combat mission and collecting supplies. "

Baina frowned, nodded, and sighed:

"So Meng Liang did the right thing. A group of people living in the pre-apocalyptic era, a group of wastes spoiled by the peaceful era, finally recognized the reality and cruelty of the apocalypse."

Zhang Huanyu nodded and said

"Yes, although I don't like Meng Liang, I have to say that his ferocity finally made the Quartet Army really look like a team. The squad leaders all said that it is easier to manage now, and even the thorns are old To be honest, they don’t dare to disobey the squad leader’s order because they think they are representatives of the management of the Sifang Legion, and behind them is Meng Liang.”

"Hmph, this man! I have to admit that he is really suitable to be a leader! Kindness does not lead the army, and a country is founded by the benevolent. But now is not a peaceful era after all. What he said is very reasonable. He is not asking everyone to be a holy mother, but it is also You can’t be a bad person, he plays the golden mean very well!”

"Baina, do you know about Stockholm Syndrome?"

"what is that?"

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