Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0144 Three Bowls of Wine

That afternoon, in Chaoxin Square, the 100-man team of the First Regiment was trapped in the supermarket. Captain Chen Qi lit a beacon on the balcony of the supermarket and asked for support from the base. Chen Qi's wife Zhao Xiaomei was also in the team, looking at the vast zombies all around, holding Chen Qi and crying.

"Why cry!"

Chen Qi frowned and spoke in a low voice. Zhao Xiaomei raised her foot and kicked Chen Qi and said:

"Why can't I cry if I'm going to die? I said there are a lot of zombies around here and it's a bit far from the base. If you insist on coming here, come here. What do you think? We can't go back!"

"Shut up, didn't I call for backup?"

"This place is more than two kilometers away from the isolation area of ​​the base. Look, there are all zombies. Do you expect someone to come to support us? Even if someone does come, will it be late?"

Chen Qi's face was ashen as he looked at the zombies below that had begun to pile up. The zombies in the back climbed up the bodies of the zombies in the front row, and then the ones further back moved forward and continued to climb. In some places, the zombies reached the height of the second floor in this way. , if you continue, you should be able to reach the top floor soon.

And some high-level zombies have been able to climb up.

Fuhu appears and quickly reaches the roof.

People immediately gathered around to deal with it.

Kill all the Fuhus and kill two people.

Chen Qi could only hope in his heart, hoping that someone from the base would come to help soon, even if it was to attract attention outside.

Meng Liang was originally fighting monsters and upgrading in another place. When he saw the smoke rising over there, he ran over.

This kind of smoke for help is blue, and some dye is put in the rising smoke, so it is like this.

Other outgoing teams will not go to support. Everyone is scattered around the base to clear out the zombies. Once they run around, the zombies are likely to be linked together.

Therefore, for Blue Wolf Smoke, only the rescue team will be sent from the base.

Baldi Zhengdao personally led more than 70 powerful people to rush there, arriving almost at the same time as Meng Liang, but in different directions. Meng Liang was to the south of the supermarket, and Zhengdao Baldi was to the north of the supermarket.

When he saw his own people being besieged, of course he had to find a way to save him. Meng Liang was alone and all he could do was kill zombies in an alley and kill all the zombies attracted into the alley. It was about 20 meters away from the supermarket. There were zombies piled up in the middle, there should be thousands in number, but the number of zombies surrounding the supermarket was estimated to be over 10,000, it was not easy to kill them all.

Baldi's solution is to send people into small groups to attract the zombies to leave.

This is a relatively orthodox method, but the risk of doing so is also very high.

Meng Liang had been killing in the alley for an hour. The zombie corpses had piled up to a height of one and a half meters and were spread out in the alley. Meng Liang had to stand on their corpses to continue fighting.

Because of the gathering smell of blood, some zombies were already rushing towards us. Meng Liang fought and retreated. It took him almost an hour to finally lure some zombies around the supermarket to surround him.

This is also a very good result. Meng Liang could not stay and let himself be really surrounded by zombies, so he quickly left in other directions and found other rescuers.

Some people were already trapped. When Meng Liang appeared, he rescued them and then evacuated to the outside.

This is not a big battle. Zombies are distributed throughout the city. There are some places where there are no zombies, and there are places where there is a flow of zombies. A large number of zombies gather together. As long as you leave the base, the probability of encountering them is very high. Encounters are inevitable.

Meng Liang worked hard to gather the trapped rescue team together, which attracted more zombies.

The Chen Qi brigade, who was asking for help, finally found a chance to break out.

Finally, the rescue team and Chen Qi's team returned to the outer isolation area.

The people from the first team have already gathered here.

After the two teams returned to the base, a stream of zombies came over. Everyone in the first team used various isolation walls in the isolation area to divert these zombies, and then slowly eliminated them, and the battle was won.

However, there is no victory in fighting zombies.

According to statistics, almost fifty people died.

Of course Meng Liang felt sorry until Zhengdao came running over.

"Meng Liang! Baldi is dead! He was killed by zombies during the breakout, and he turned into a zombie. I killed him! I killed him! The corpse didn't even have time to come back, wuwuwu!"

Zhengdao was very excited and cried like a child.

Meng Liang's face suddenly turned pale.

Baldi, a straightforward man, the sworn brother of Meng Liang and Zhengdao, the one who knelt down and kowtowed too much, was already level 13.

Meng Liang sighed, what else can be done, people cannot be resurrected after death, and those who are alive will still live.

He couldn't cry because he didn't have the heart of a holy mother like Zhengdao, and he didn't have the kind of sworn brotherhood towards Baldi from beginning to end. The time they knew each other was too short.

This is sad, he likes true nature, but he is not the kind of person with a simple mind.

After comforting Zhengdao, Meng Liang went back to the second floor of the warehouse. It was already dusk when he was lying on the bed. The setting sun came in and looked light yellow. In the dim light, you couldn't see the floating dust, which was different from the morning sun.

Meng Liang's mood became very depressed and full of negative emotions.

He originally wanted to go to sleep directly, but he couldn't fall asleep no matter how much he tossed and turned.

So he got up and went out again.

Leave the camp and go to the place where the afternoon battle will take place.

There are corpses everywhere here, of course they are all zombies. Their teeth are huge, their eyes are pale, and the health bars on their heads are empty.

There are old people, men, women and children.

He looked peaceful with his eyes closed, just like a dead ordinary person.

In the eyes of real humans, these should all be data, right?

Meng Liang took out the Weeping Blood Blade. Under the illumination of the moon shadow, it looked scarleter, with a faint cold light.

Meng Liang ran quickly. There were piles of corpses here. The smell of blood was everywhere. Some zombies were wandering over. Meng Liang waved his weapon and killed all the zombies along the way. In fact, there were only more than ten, and they were not gathered. The number of zombies was not counted. Too many to form a corpse flow.

After running past this side, there was a group of bungalows. Meng Liang jumped on the roof and continued walking until he reached the place where Baldi might have died.

There were still a lot of zombies here. Meng Liang was killing and searching at the same time. He kept killing from nightfall until twelve o'clock at night. Finally, he killed all the zombies and then continued to search among the corpses.

When the sun came out, the northwest wind blew, and the smell of blood was finally washed away, and Meng Liang finally found Baldi's body.

He still looked so honest and honest, and there was a bullet driven into his forehead from the front, which was Zhengdao's final salvation.

Meng Liang picked him up and dragged his tired body back to the camp.

Many people saw Meng Liang returning with a corpse, and finally some people recognized it as Baldi.

Meng Liang took out some wooden boards from the villa warehouse and made a coffin for Baldi with his own hands.

At this time, many people came over, including Zhengdao, Baina, Zhang Huanyu and others.

Zhengdao saw Baldi and went to hold him and cry.

Meng Liang took a shovel and just dug soil in a small garden. Later, Zhengdao also went over to help.

Zhang Huanyu narrowed his eyes when he saw this and said softly to Baina:

"After killing people, he became close to the people, and now he shows friendship again. He killed all the zombies in the surrounding areas overnight and recovered Baldi's body. This will probably completely win over people's hearts."

Baina shook her head and said:

"Maybe he is such a sincere person."

Meng Liangzhengdao finally dug the pit, put the coffin in, placed Baldi inside, and closed the coffin.

"Brother, if we don't talk about the end of the world so much, we won't bury you according to the date. You can go to your grave and start a new life. This world is not that good to begin with, so there is no need to miss it!"

After Meng Liang said this solemnly, he took the prepared wine and large bowl from the side.

A bowl is poured on the coffin to honor the dead,

Put a bowl into your throat to comfort yourself,

Drink from a bowl with the right path.

"The right path in the world is subject to vicissitudes of life. Good brother, don't cry. Who is that? Xu Jiani?"

Meng Liang shouted, Xu Jiani walked out of the crowd, and Meng Liang pushed Zhengdao to her.

"It's so damn unlucky. Today you and Zhengdao will get married and have a bridal chamber. It's the end of the world, so that you don't die with regrets. I will be your witness!"

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