Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0179: Pretending to be cool

Meng Liang was not interested in others. He walked up to Qu Jiaolan and smiled slightly: "I heard Meng Liang said your name is Qu Jiaolan?"

Qu Jiaolan was wondering why this woman who appeared in Mengliang's warehouse yesterday came to this place. When she saw her suddenly coming to talk to her, she frowned and said:


"We both have similar names. My name is Qu Dalan, hello."

Qu Gueran was completely shocked, and then annoyed.

What a nice name she has. Qu Dalan’s name is too earthy!

"Haha, so you should know why I was brought back by Meng Liang. It's not because I'm so good-looking, but because of my name. So I guess Meng Liang must love you very, very much, right? "

"This is wrong. There is no affection between us. Also, don't pretend to be familiar with us. You and I are not familiar with each other."

Depend on!



It seems that I am still a little behind on being a woman.

Meng Liang reflected on himself, so he stopped talking and began to think about how to be a woman who was liked by Qu Gueran.

He wanted to get close to her, but if she was disliked, how could he get close to her?

The team set off immediately, and the 100-person team left the outer isolation area and arrived at Sixth Avenue.

Xu Jiani said:

"Cleaning up Sixth Avenue today is our combat mission. I believe everyone in this city knows that this area is full of construction and building materials stores, as well as many warehouses in the same industry, so as long as we clean up the zombies here, we can get a lot The resources you want have high returns, but the risks are also high. The scouts of the first battle group have already investigated this area and said that the highest level zombies they have seen are level 20 tyrants. Have any of you seen this kind of zombies? "

Everyone shook their heads nervously, only Meng Liang raised his hand.

"Oh? I've seen the new beauty. Okay, tell me what its characteristics are."

"Level 20 Domineering Zombie

With 10,000 points of blood, it can restore 500 points of blood per second. Ordinary combatants have no way to fight when they encounter it. It will restore more blood than it loses, so how to fight?

The overbearing zombies have invincible combat status skills and become overlords. When the blood volume reaches 2000, they will automatically enter a five-minute injury-free state. During this time, people can only run away.

It's a pity that after the transformation, Bameng will attack the zombies from a single attack to a group of zombies. He has the black plum blossom rain skill, and black plum blossoms fall from the sky. He can activate indiscriminate attacks within a ten-meter range, causing the most damage per second. The strength can reach 10,000, which means that after falling into the black plum blossom rain ability, it is basically difficult to escape.

Its weakness is also very obvious. As long as it reaches 2000 blood points, it can be killed instantly with one hit. It cannot transform and it cannot exert its maximum attack power. "

Meng Liang's introduction made Xu Jiani nod her head.

"Very good. The people Meng Liang introduced are indeed not simple!"

Zhengdao smiled and held his stinky feet.

"That's right, don't even look at whose brother that is."

Qu Jiaolan and Chen Meier Fang Tangjing were both a little unhappy.

Although they took the initiative to join the front line, they have long been labeled as Meng Liang. In the eyes of others, they are Meng Liang's people.

Now that Qu Dalan was praised, they were naturally belittled, so it was normal to be upset, especially Chen Meier and Fang Tangjing.

Xu Jiani continued:

"Although what you said is correct, the so-called weakness is indeed difficult for us to achieve. It is difficult for all of us to produce a stable output of 2000+ at the same time. In other words, if the control is not good, let it enter In the ultimate state, it would be too dangerous for us, so our strategy is to quickly gather and retreat when encountering such zombies. Another weakness is its slow speed. As long as we are not surrounded by other zombies, we can do it. Get out of its fighting state.”

Next, Xu Jiani introduced several zombies in the intelligence.

Meng Liang suddenly discovered that Qu Jiaolan was peeking at him.

She glanced over and looked away hurriedly.

Meng Liang smiled slightly and approached her and said:

"What, isn't it a vase?"

"Huh, I told you I don't know you very well."

Hey, hey, look at this arrogant look, he's really cute.

When Meng Liang was young, Meng Liang disdained Qu Jielan's arrogance.

But now that he has become Qu Dalan, Meng Liang's perspective has changed, and his senses are naturally different.

Finally, all preparations were completed, and the large troops set off to leave the quarantine area and advance into the sixth area.

A group of level five zombies appeared in front, including two level 11 ones.

"Listen up, the whole team is hiding in the box. Zhengdao and I will go out and kill Level 11 first, and then you guys will come out and clean up all the zombies together! Move quickly, keep your voice low, and don't attract zombies from further away."

Xu Jiani was always in charge of the command and quickly completed the battle.

Very good, killed all the zombies, about a hundred or so, and killed 2 people.

Fighting inevitably involves sacrifices. Most people on the front line have experienced this kind of thing, so they don't care at all.

From the time we set off to five hundred meters away, it can be said that everything went smoothly.

Meng Liang also felt that it went well and praised Xu Jiani in his heart for his good command and her fierce and courageous conduct.

But at this moment, countless zombies rushed over from where they passed behind.

Everyone turned pale with fear.

"What's going on, wife? Haven't we killed all the zombies here?"

Zhengdao shouted depressedly.

Xu Jiani had no idea what to do.

Meng Liang had already spotted a building nearby.

He thought that he could only hide in the building now.

"Hurry up! Everyone enter the building, close the first, second, third and fourth floors as the barrier line, and the fifth and sixth floors as the checkpoint line! Charge!"

The whole group entered the building.

The so-called barrier line means holding on to the first four floors until the corpses block the intersection.

When the four floors below are full of corpses, it is the barrier layer, which means that the passage is blocked and the zombies cannot come in.

Checkpoints are set up on the fifth and sixth floors, which is equivalent to the camp wall, and the inside of the wall is your own world.

Everyone obviously does this kind of thing often, so it is completed quickly.

Meng Liang is very satisfied, and he also gives a high hat to Zhengdao in his heart. His brother has accumulated virtues to find such a good wife with both virtue and talent, and of course she looks good.

However, the problem was not fundamentally solved. Now everyone was trapped. Zombies had begun to pile up downstairs and came from all directions. Now they could only wait for Bai Na to send troops to rescue.

Xu Jiani sent people to the top of the building and lit a smoke signal for help.

At this time, Meng Liang and Qu Jiaolan were both standing on the fifth floor, which was actually the staircase.

And the piles under the stairs were all corpses, most of which were zombies, and twelve comrades were left there forever.

It was not that Meng Liang did not want to save him, but Meng Liang was busy killing zombies just now and did not see these teammates being killed at all.

Finally found an opportunity to be alone with Qu Jiaolan, Meng Liang tried to make his tone a little colder, and said:

"Girl, are you scared?"

(Sorry for the interruption, I have been accompanying my uncle in the hospital these two days. At about 6 pm on June 1, 2020, my uncle passed away. I hope the world over there is better, without disease and sorrow. I am sorry to my book friends. I will not update for this period of time. There will be funerals at home in the next two days. I will try not to interrupt. Sorry)

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