Meng Liang really tried his best. If they didn't kill all the zombies that entered the room, their position would be completely lost. [6] [9] [s] [h] [u] [x] [.] [c] [o] [m] However, the zombies that come in are of all levels. Zombies above level 4, Meng Liang, cannot be killed with a single blow. Killing, and their attack power is also doubled, and their speed and strength are strong. Sometimes Meng Liang will even chop away, or the attack will be dodged by the flexible zombies.

After killing ten zombies, the speed was too slow, and another twenty zombies had already entered the house and rushed towards Meng Liang again.

Meng Liang retreated while fighting, and retreated to the stairs on the second floor with Fang Tangjing.

At this time, other students came carrying various heavy objects and threw them at the stairs on the first floor to block the stairs.

Meng Liang stopped there to deal with the zombies in front of him, and finally killed them.

Unfortunately, the heavy object was thrown too slowly and failed to block the stairs. More zombies came in from the door and rushed up the stairs.

The first floor was completely lost and the stairs were also occupied. Meng Liang could only continue to retreat. Then he missed the second floor, which could not stop the crazy footsteps of the zombies. They knew that there was food in front of them, so they were fearless and tried their best to climb up, even if They are not good at climbing stairs, but they make up for it by increasing their numbers.

Finally, the stairs from the second floor to the third floor were also occupied. This seemed to be a desperate situation, and everyone finally retreated to the master bedroom on the third floor.


The room was filled with the sound of heavy breathing.

At the door, there were constant knocking sounds, and the claws of zombies knocked on the door, which actually fell on people's hearts.

There were seven students left. Cao Bin's death was a huge blow to the Notre Dame teacher, who kept wiping away tears.

There were also red palm prints on his face. It seemed that Fang Tangjing had worked very hard, making the Notre Dame teacher look even more pitiful.

Meng Liang stood on the balcony and looked around. There were too many zombies, more than a few hundred, probably thousands. They were all around. They were piled outside the courtyard wall, and the zombies could crawl directly into the courtyard.

"Brother-in-law, what should I do? I'm afraid."

Qu Jiaoyang looked a little haggard and his body was still shaking. He went to Meng Liang and spoke quietly.

This guy isn't stupid either.

No matter how much I looked down on my son-in-law before, I now know that if I want to survive, I can only rely on Meng Liang.

"There is no way, no way out. Let's go to the house. We can only stay here and bring all the food and drink up. Now we just hope that the zombies will not continue to pile up. If so, we will probably be overwhelmed by the zombies in the end."

He did what he said and moved the table and chairs to the balcony. Meng Liang first climbed up the room with the rope.

Then put the weapons and food in the iron bucket, pull it up with a rope, and others will come up one after another.

As soon as they reached the roof, the bedroom door was broken open. The zombies rushed in howling and quickly filled the room. Then they fell from the balcony and fell on the heads of the zombies in the courtyard. It was a sense of déjà vu. The impact was very strong.

The houses here are all flat-roofed, and everyone looked pale and nervous when they went up.

"Listen up, spread out in all directions and watch the situation below. If there are zombies that can climb up, use weapons to smash them down. If the situation is abnormal, call me!"

At the critical moment of life and death crisis, everyone had no choice but to follow Meng Liang's instructions even if they were afraid.

Zhao Meng'er also went. Although she was a Holy Mother and although she was very sad, as an adult, she also knew that she couldn't just languish like this.

Meng Liang walked around to check the situation.

The most critical thing is to climb up to the roof. The balcony is full of zombies. They also know that there are people on the roof, so they start to climb up to the roof.

Some zombies are below, some zombies climb on top of them, and above their heads, the zombies behind continue to climb up.

This process was not very fast, but after five minutes, the first zombie finally showed up at the roof level.

Meng Liang raised his knife and chopped it to death. The body fell down and fell into the yard.

After a while, the second, third, and more zombies came up.

Meng Liang found an opportunity for a duel in the crisis.

At least it was safe at the moment. He could kill a zombie with two or three cuts at most, without any danger.

But that's not all.

Because too many zombies were killed, a lot of blood stains appeared in the yard, exuding a pungent smell of blood.

This seemed to attract zombies, so more zombies rushed into the yard and piled up, almost reaching the second floor.

If they could fill the yard up to three levels, the zombies would be able to climb right up.

Meng Liang knew how dangerous this was, but he could do nothing but continue killing the zombies in front of him.

Forty minutes later, a terrible situation came. On this side of the house, zombies had piled up on a slope. The zombies no longer appeared one by one, but several appeared together.

Meng Liang went and killed three of them, and the other two climbed to the top of the building.

Others also came to help. They used knives to chop at random, but they could only knock off a little bit of blood from the zombies at once, and they couldn't kill a single one in a long time.


A female student was too close, and the zombie suddenly jumped forward and bit her ankle.

The female student transformed into a corpse in less than three seconds, pounced on and bit another male classmate next to her.

Only then did Meng Liang have time to rush over and kill the zombies with one blow, and then kill the two students who transformed into zombies.

This time, the remaining people were even more panicked. Two of the women were crying and sitting on the ground unable to get up. The two men, including Qu Jiaoyang, backed away with pale faces.

The Notre Dame teacher went crazy and used a wooden stick to hit the zombie corpse that had been killed by Meng Liang.

Meng Liang looked at her coldly, without any emotion in his heart, just holding the steel knife tightly.

At this time, he could not care about others, and it was good enough that he could survive.

More zombies climbed up, and Meng Liang began a real life-and-death battle.

The battle was dangerous, but after all, it was on the roof, and the speed of the zombies climbing up was not so fast that he could not handle it, and Meng Liang was very capable.

In the first half an hour, there was no danger.

Facing ten zombies at the same time, Meng Liang also supported it.

However, as time went by, zombies climbed up from other directions.

"Help! Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law, help me!"

Qu Jiaoyang shouted desperately.

Meng Liang chopped down the zombie in front of him and looked back. There were only three students left, Qu Jiaoyang, Fang Tangjing, and another girl. At this time, the Virgin Mary teacher was holding a wooden stick against the chest of a zombie, guarding the three students behind her. The zombie rushed forward with fangs and claws. Fortunately, the wooden stick was still strong and was not broken.

Meng Lian hurried over and chopped off the zombie's head.

In this way, the five survivors, including Meng Liang, all reached the corner of the roof. At this time, there were seventeen zombies on the roof. The situation was terrible.


Meng Liang's eyes were red.

He chopped at the zombies rushing over.

The shield played a very critical role in the battle.

The four people behind had no fighting ability at all. They could only watch Meng Liang fight desperately, and finally determined that he was the strongest king.

Perhaps it was because they had been in fear for a long time, and they got used to it after a long time.

Fang Tangjing spoke in a trembling voice.

"Idiot Qu Jiaoyang, is this the useless son-in-law you mentioned?"

"Ah? Ah, I don't know, he is really powerful."

"He is now our hope for survival! This man, you must follow him closely, the tall, rich and handsome man in the doomsday world, go back and tell your sister that if she doesn't like him, I want this man."

"Fang Tangjing, what are you talking about, you are my girlfriend, he is my brother-in-law."

"Get out! Coward, who is your girlfriend, shameless!"

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