Meng Liang was actually surprised at this time. Ever since he met Qu Jiaolan, this woman gave him the impression of a mature and steady big woman, but he didn't expect that she would be so effeminate when she cried.

Qu Jiaolan found Meng Liang looking at her, pouted her lips in grievance, then stood up, cleaned the grass leaves on her buttocks, and ran away.

Meng Liang stared at her movements in a daze until she entered the villa.

Damn, it's really tempting, this small figure.

There's nothing I can do about it.

Meng Liang is not a good person, but he is not a bad person either. He is just an ordinary existence. He has the desires that ordinary humans should have, but he also has self-restraint. After all, he grew up in a peaceful world and a society ruled by law.

In the afternoon, everyone couldn't go out. They were tired. Even if they ate something to restore their health bars, their physical strength couldn't keep up.

Humans are still humans. The health bar is just a thing that restrains humans and doesn't help much with physical strength and combat power unless they upgrade.

Meng Liang certainly won't rest. His ability to kill zombies is nine times that of others, so he is still relaxed at the moment.

Meng Liang continued to go out alone to kill zombies for the whole afternoon, but he still didn't level up at the end.

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When dusk fell, he returned to his residence, still in the same house, where Pan Li had already prepared the meal.

A scrambled egg, some pickles, and a few pancakes.

In the previous week of isolation, Pan Li had completely adapted to Meng Liang's existence and got along well with him.

Seeing Meng Liang come in, she spoke excitedly.

"That's great! I can actually kill seven zombies! Am I very capable of Meng Liang?"

"Fuck... uh, you're okay."

Meng Liang pouted, thinking that Pan Li's words were very confusing.

On the other side of the glass window, Luo Dacheng had lost a lot of weight and had a long beard. Seeing his wife smiling so sweetly in front of Meng Liang, with a flushed face, he couldn't help but feel as if his heart was bleeding.

"Meng Liang, can I send two cakes to my husband?"

"Well, just pass it through the glass window. I'll give you permission."


Pan Li happily passed the cake through the window. Luo Dacheng took it and wanted to say something to his wife, but Pan Li didn't even look at him and ran back to sit down with Meng Liang to eat.

While continuing to talk about how brave she was in killing zombies, he asked for precautions and asked Meng Liang to teach her more skills in killing zombies.

Luo Dacheng ate the cake with a frustrated look on his face. He couldn't be arrogant anymore. He couldn't offend Meng Liang, but he couldn't accept seeing his wife getting closer and closer to Meng Liang.

In fact, the relationship between Meng Liang and Pan Li was really simple.

Eating together simply, talking simply, sleeping in the same bed simply, simply...


Everything was supervised by him, without excessive actions or physical intimacy.

But the problem was Pan Li. She seemed to have adapted to this kind of life. This was the most tangled part.

"Are you going to kill zombies tonight?"

"No, it's not a good idea to go out at night. There are some level 11 zombies now, and their defense is stronger. I can kill zombies below level 10 in seconds, but not level 11. It's too dangerous to go out at night."

"Yes, don't take risks."

"Well, I'm full."

"Okay, I'll clean up now. "

After Pan Li finished speaking, she began to clean up the table, drank some water, and went out to the toilet.

It was actually just after seven o'clock, but it was hard to tell without a timer.

The night in the doomsday was very boring.

Not planning to go out, Meng Liang took off his clothes and went to bed, wearing only boxer shorts and a vest.

After a while, Pan Li came back, also went to the bathroom to take off her clothes, changed into pajamas, and then went to bed.

After all, it was more comfortable this way. The pajamas were short, and the arms and legs were exposed, but the room was dark, and Meng Liang probably couldn't see anything.

The two chatted quietly when they got to the bed.

They had a common language, both from the countryside, and both from the north, but not in the same province.

Occasionally, Pan Li would say a few words to Luo Dacheng, such as:

"Really? Haha, you also pickle vegetables in winter, husband, our family also pickles vegetables, right?"

Luo Dacheng: "Oh, yes..."

"Meng Liang, what vegetables do you pickle? Radish? Cucumber? Garlic and eggplant? "

Luo Dacheng: "..."

Basically, there was no chance to speak. Pan Li didn't want his answer because she knew the answer. She just mentioned her husband in passing and then focused all her attention on Meng Liang.

This situation has been going on for three days. Maybe it was three days ago when Meng Liang told about the time he was trapped.

"I killed a lot of zombies in the corridor of the community unit! In the end, the corpses filled up a family. At that time, I just wanted to come back to bring you food. I can't let you starve to death because of me, right? ”

After that, Pan Li felt that Meng Liang was a really good person.

But she and her husband always laughed at Meng Liang and said bad things about him before, which was really wrong.

So Pan Li began to show enthusiasm for Meng Liang.

After talking, she learned a lot of other things about Meng Liang.

He is not just a son-in-law and a gigolo.

He had a dream, to go from the countryside to the big city alone. Before he entered the Qu family as a son-in-law, he had saved tens of thousands of yuan, but he mailed it all back home. He is a filial son, a responsible man.

Anyway, he is not an opportunistic gigolo.

That night, they talked until very late.

Luo Dacheng's snoring could be heard over there.

Pan Li suddenly sighed, moved closer to Meng Liang, looked over, and her mouth was close to Meng Liang's ear.

"Actually, my husband has a bad side. He likes to say bad things about people behind their backs. Don't hate him. He has said bad things about everyone, not just you."

Meng Liang turned sideways, so he was closer to Pan Li. The two of them were face to face, and there was probably less than five centimeters between them.

"But he didn't just say bad things about me behind my back. You know, he used to be sarcastic and mocking in front of me before. And you! He was very nice to me when he first came, but what about later?"

"I... I follow my husband wherever he goes! Okay, okay, I'll apologize to you once again in all seriousness, isn't it? It's the end of the world, and we might die one day. Don't hold a grudge against me anymore, okay?"

"I didn't hold a grudge against you in the first place. I just don't like your husband. You know, he often peeks at my wife, and his eyes are full of desire."

Pan Li stopped talking. Meng Liang could see her expression with his night vision ability, which was a bit embarrassing.

"What? You know his philandering mind?"

"Oh... Men are like that. He told me that Miss Qu is a stunning beauty and it would be nice if we could sleep together."

Meng Liang glared in anger, then asked curiously:

"Did he say that in front of you?"

"He drank too much, so he said it. The next day he didn't know what he said."

"This damn guy actually dared to hit on my wife. I must cheat on him!"


Pan Li was stunned for a moment and her heartbeat accelerated. She couldn't help but step back a little, away from Meng Liang, and then whispered:

" are you going to cheat on him? Does it have anything to do with me?"

"Huh? It seems to..."

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