Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0036 Race system activated

The morning passed quickly, and the four women behind Meng Liang were so tired that their health points were less than 2. So they retreated together, ate to replenish their health points and rested.

Meng Liang's total health points were 90, and now he had consumed 10 points and had 80 points left. He could continue to fight.

The environment around the villa was not good at all.

Too many zombies died, and the bodies of the zombies that died at the beginning began to rot, emitting a pungent smell, which attracted some scavengers to stay here, and they made some shrill cries from time to time, which was the same kind fighting for food.

Meng Liang walked slowly in the blood mist, very cautiously, and checked every step to see if he might be attacked suddenly, and he would not even let go of the bottom of the car.

There were not many zombies within a range of about 50 meters.

But no living people could be seen.

Thanks to everyone coming out to find food last time, the survivors nearby could hide at home and barely survive without coming out.

There are not many people like Meng Liang who actively kill zombies to upgrade. Those who have tried are basically dead. They don't have the kind of walls that are easy to enter and exit as cover, nor do they have a safe zone where low-level zombies can never enter.

So they had a hard time at the beginning, and it can be said that they were struggling.

Meng Liang walked to the outer circle, and at three o'clock in the afternoon, he cleared a circle of zombies within a hundred meters.

However, zombies are mobile, and it seems that the strong smell of blood can attract them.

So even if some places are cleared, it is useless, and soon more zombies will come in from outside.

After killing for another two hours, at dusk, Meng Liang finally heard a pleasant prompt sound.

[Congratulations to the raceless Meng Liang for upgrading to level 10. The ability of the dark attribute "upgrade acceleration" will be improved, and killing enemies will gain higher experience points.

The task system is turned on. Please kill the bronze zombie king in area 156 to get rich rewards.]

What kind of task is this? If he could beat the zombie king, he would have killed it long ago.

Such a big guy is impossible to do.

The zombie's weakness is obviously the head. He can't even reach the head, so how can he kill it?

And he doesn't know where the zombie king has gone. There must be many ordinary zombies around him.

[The race system is turned on. The four major races currently set in the virtual world are the undead, the orcs, the magic, and the war gods. Please choose a race to join]

Ah, the race is turned on.

Can I still choose the undead?

Doesn't that mean I'm a zombie?

Meng Liang curled his lips and skipped it directly.

"What are the characteristics of these races?"

No response after the question.

Meng Liang was very entangled. If he didn't know the characteristics of the race, he would just choose randomly!


Since it's a random choice, it doesn't matter. The magic and war gods sound good, and it's hard to choose one. After thinking about it, I simply don't choose any of them and choose the orcs directly.

[Orcs. Meng Liang will gain the basic abilities of his own race.

Strength is doubled, summoning combat beasts to fight]

Ah, it turns out to be a summoner-like profession.

[Do you want to summon a combat beast?]


As soon as Meng Liang finished speaking, he saw a large gray rat appear from not far away, and quickly ran to his feet, jumping around.

"Oh my god, what is this? A combat beast?"

[Level 1 combat beast corpse-eating rat, skill overeating, can increase energy by devouring corpses and upgrade, and its current combat power is super low]

"How low is super low? Go, attack the zombies over there and let me see."

The rat immediately took action after hearing Meng Liang's command, and went to the zombie's side and bit its feet, but it didn't bite off a few pieces of meat after biting for a long time.

The zombie ignored it at all, and the zombie was wandering around, and suddenly stepped on the rat by accident.

The rat squeaked twice, and the zombie's feet moved away and didn't move.

[Orcs. Meng Liang, your combat beast was attacked by zombies and entered a coma. Please summon it for battle after eight hours]

After saying that, the mouse disappeared. Meng Liang looked at all this stupidly, and then almost rolled his eyes and died.

It seems that I made the wrong choice. Damn it, what's the use of this?

After waiting for a while, the system sound stopped talking.

Meng Liang almost cried out.

Is there no other ability after this?

It can only be said that choice is greater than effort.

Meng Liang regretted his choice.

Choosing one from the magic tribe or the war god tribe should be better than now.

It's a pity that the system sound will not appear again. He seems to have no way to change his race.

He returned home dejectedly, and another day passed.

Meng Liang went upstairs and went back to his room.

I guess Pan Li has prepared food again. She used to be the nanny of the Qu family, but now she is his.

Passing by Zhao Meng'er's room, he suddenly heard crying inside.

Meng Liang went over curiously and put his ear against the door. He could vaguely hear the voices from inside. It was Zhao Meng'er and Fang Tangjing.

"This slap was for Wu Hong! The zombie that bit her to death was originally rushing towards you, but you dodged it. You killed her, you know?"

"Wuwuwu, I'm sorry!"

"Will sorry be useful? Can it bring Wu Hong back to life? Bitch Saint Teacher, I have disliked you for a long time. You are really a troublemaker!"

Meng Liang frowned slightly.

Wu Hong's death cannot be blamed on Zhao Meng'er. At that time, she was holding a shield and fighting a zombie. When another zombie suddenly came, she of course dodged it.

I can only blame Wu Hong for being slow to dodge behind me. This is her fate.

Meng Liang raised his hand and gently pushed the door when he thought of this.

The door was not locked. After opening it, he saw Fang Tangjing sitting on the sofa with a proud look on his face, while Zhao Meng'er was kneeling in front of her in a disheveled state.

Meng Liang's face darkened immediately.

Fang Tangjing, this damn kid, actually treated his teacher like this?

And Zhao Meng'er was also good enough to let Fang Tangjing bully her like this?


Fang Tangjing smiled and stood up, and went to Meng Liang and hugged his arm.

"What are you doing?"

"Hey, teacher training, big brother, I found a secret."

While speaking, Fang Tangjing pulled Meng Liang out of the room, and then whispered to Meng Liang:

"My teacher Zhao Meng'er is a tamed girl. She always thinks she is wrong and guilty. Hey, she needs a master like me to tell her how to redeem herself. Brother, wait, I will help you train her, and then I will let her listen to you."

Meng Liang frowned slightly and looked at Fang Tangjing, then smiled coldly:

"I didn't expect you to be so young and have such evil thoughts. Fang Tangjing, you'd better be honest in front of me. If I find anything wrong with you, I will see how I will deal with you."

After Meng Liang finished speaking, he went into the room and pulled Zhao Meng'er up. A closer look showed that her face was very red, and it was obvious that she had been slapped more than once.

When Zhao Meng'er saw Meng Liang, she rushed over and hugged him and cried.

"It's all my fault. I harmed Wu Hong, wuwuwu."

"Hey, what does it have to do with you? You are such a silly woman."

Meng Liang comforted her softly, and then took her away from the room.

I don't know why, but Meng Liang felt a little bit of pity for Zhao Meng'er, maybe because of her stupidity.

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