Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0376: Twenty-four-man team

A bolt of lightning flashed across the clear sky. Eucommia saw a man sitting upright in front of the window. He was wearing a white raincoat and a handsome face. He was absolutely handsome. He seemed to be a little more handsome than his brother-in-law. The key was that he was young. He was probably in his early twenties. His brother-in-law had a lot of talent. A manly type, but he looks to be in his mid-twenties and not as fresh as he is.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

Eucommia ulmoides quickly ran to the door of Meng Liang's room and started knocking on the door.

These people look extraordinary. The horse teams in the apocalypse are all people with status and strength. Otherwise, where would they get so many horses?

It is not easy to get horses. If you want to protect these horses and own them legitimately, that is proof of your strength.

Therefore, Eucommia ulmoides did not dare to underestimate the enemy and directly approached the master.

Meng Liang was about to fall asleep while holding Du Mei in his arms. A knock on the door woke him up, and he stumbled over to open the door.

Meng Liang finally woke up when the knock on the door from outside reached his ears.

It turned out that there was a visitor on a rainy night.

Now the question is simple.

It's raining heavily outside, and people just want to take shelter from the rain, so they either let them in or wait to be harassed by them. They probably won't leave on their own.

Meng Liang made a quick decision and only let the leader of the other party come in and talk first.

After a while, the handsome young man walked into the room alone.

It's very dark here, but Meng Liang can see at night. After comparison, he felt that he was not as good as him, but more attractive than him.

There is no need for Meng Liang to take action personally in this situation.

The other person introduces himself directly.

"I am Li Gangran, from the Daliang City upgrade team. We have been working together to upgrade outside. When we passed by, it was raining heavily, so we wanted to take shelter. There are a total of twenty-four of us here, with an average level of 50. I see that you account for three We will be very grateful if we give you a house and give you five kilograms of rice. Is that okay?”

Meng Liang was squatting in the corner, wanting to laugh when he heard what the other party said.

What a combination of kindness and power.

But in the apocalypse, people can be considered reasonable.

Meng Liang turned on the detection ability. Indeed, these people were all above level 50. They should have rich combat experience. They did not commit robbery but came to discuss. They were absolutely good people in the doomsday.

Meng Liang didn't know whether to sigh or not. It's been more than a year since the end of the world and human nature has not been completely wiped out.

Du Zhong had no idea and stood opposite Li Gangran in a daze.

Meng Liang spoke directly.

"Okay, it's convenient for others and myself. I'll give you a room."

Li Gangran turned his head and looked into the corner, but couldn't see anything.

Hehe smiled and said:

"So the boss is hiding there. It's interesting. I'll give you some rice."

While he was talking, he actually threw out a small bag of rice and wrapped it in a plastic bag to ensure that it would not get wet by the rain.

Eucommia ulmoides acted immediately, went out with Li Gangran, called everyone in the room, and asked Li Gangran's team to move in.

After almost ten minutes, Eucommia ulmoides came running back.

Meng Liang hadn't closed the door yet when he heard Du Zhong say:

"Holy shit, holy shit! There's a girl over there, she's so pretty! Holy shit!"

As soon as Du Zhong's wife heard this, she came out of another room.

"How beautiful can it be?"

She is also a beauty herself, at least much prettier than Du Mei, so she is a little unconvinced.

In Meng Liang's view, Eucommia ulmoides' wife is really good, and she is not bad compared with Luo Yuhuan, Chen Meier, and Qu Guerlain.

That means the beauty next door should be better than the three girls, otherwise why would Eucommia be so excited?

Meng Liang closed the door. No matter how beautiful she was, it was just a passing thing for him. He had seen too many beauties from other worlds, so he couldn't be immune to them, but without something special, they really couldn't attract him.

The heavy rain was still heavy, Meng Liang went to bed, and Du Mei rolled into Meng Liang's arms again.

"What's wrong?"

She was so tired that she didn't wake up despite the commotion outside.

Feeling Meng Liang's body temperature again, he asked while half asleep.

"No, some people are here, go to sleep."

"Oh, hugs."

"You're quite good at acting like a spoiled child. Come on, let's hold you to sleep."


The two found the most comfortable position and quickly fell asleep, no longer caring about the rainy night and the doomsday night travelers.

Meng Liang felt that he had just fallen asleep when he was suddenly awakened by the noise.

When I opened my eyes, my first thought was to look at my watch.

Four o'clock in the morning.

It turned out that I was so tired after sleeping for a while. What happened?

Soon, the noise outside the window attracted his attention.

Meng Liang got out of bed and walked over and opened the window. The wind and rain outside were still there, but the sky was clear and the moon hung round in the sky, illuminating the earth.

Twenty-four figures are fighting hard around a seven-meter-tall giant!

Level 60 Battalion Corpse King!

This is just a unified title.

The attributes and appearance of each battalion zombie king are random.

The guy in front of him was tall and strong. He had no armor or even skin. The muscles on his body were tumbling back and forth, making him look extremely terrifying.

Meng Liang was a little frightened because its blood volume was a full 6 million!

This far exceeded the Corpse King of the Camp Army that Meng Liang had ever seen.

Of course, with the Beast God Reincarnation Slash, Meng Liang can cause 300,000*600 damage to this BOSS, which is 180 million.

If you don't encounter super defensive and evasive zombies, he can basically be killed instantly.

However, the Beast God's Samsara Slash can only be used once a day, and it must be used on the blade.

For example, in order to save people last night, Meng Liang could only kill the enemy quickly. This is the blade.

If Meng Liang doesn't use the Beast God Reincarnation Slash, it will take some time to deal with a big guy with 6 million HP.

Moreover, it also has four major skills: hardened muscles, earth-shaking iron fist, magic blood lotus, and boundless all laws.

Meng Liang narrowed his eyes slightly. Can these twenty-four masters above level 50 deal with this thing?

Meng Liang waited and saw.

The battle was fierce. The twenty-four people had their own battle hair and suitable weapons.

The sky-shaking demon pestle.

Meng Liang had seen this kind of thing.

It has no attack power, and its attribute is fixed.

It can be fixed anywhere at will, such as standing on the ground, such as floating in the void.

In short, it can stay still in one position.

In addition, they also have a weapon called soul chain.

The basic length of this thing is one meter, very slender, and can be extended to fifty meters.

The sky-shaking demon pestle and the soul chain can cooperate with each other.

Let the sky-shaking demon pestle be fixed, and the chain surrounds it, so that a space network can be formed to form a three-dimensional cage.

You know what, they trapped the Corpse King of the Camp Army very quickly.

But their attack power was not good enough. The Corpse King still had 5.8 million HP, but it lost 200,000 HP after fighting for a long time.

The Corpse King was trapped and couldn't get out. He roared and suddenly hit his chest with both hands like a gorilla, and then punched the ground.

This used an ability, the shocking iron fist.

Within a 100-meter diameter range, all people who touched the ground were shocked and jumped up, and their HP was reduced by 20%.

"Be careful! Get out of the attack range!"

Li Gangran commanded, and everyone retreated.

Meng Liang finally saw a beautiful woman, probably the one Du Zhong saw.

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