Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0415: Finally a ceasefire

Irritable, extremely irritable. It wasn't that Meng Liang was controlled by the blood-shedding, he was simply angry and unhappy, so he turned into a full of murderous emotions.

Seven years of war life made him understand this truth, fighting means death, what else can he care about on the battlefield at this time?

Even if all his own people die, he must put the enemy to death, this is war.

Qingkong has a lifespan of more than 500 years, and it can be said that she has experienced many things in her life, but she has never seen a person like Meng Liang, let alone experienced things like this moment.

The battle continued.

Aunt Zhu Hong and others have been rescued.

She knew that Meng Liang was definitely not calm enough at this time. No matter how angry he was, it would be no good to continue fighting.

So Zhu Hong stepped forward and shouted.

"Leader Meng Liang is very powerful. Listen to us. All retreat. After returning to the city wall, if Meng Liang wants to fight, then we will leave this battlefield to Meng Liang alone. This level of battle is meaningless for us. Retreat quickly."

Some people still listened to Zhu Hong's order. Chen Mei'er and Luo Yuhuan saw that it was indeed the case. They were obviously not in an advantageous position. Although they seemed to be evenly matched, if one person died on the other side, 10 people on their side would die.

So Chen Mei'er and Luo Yuhuan also let their people retreat.

Klein didn't want to fight on the other side, because the outcome of this battle was that everyone on both sides died, and no one wanted to die.

So when Zhu Hong and the others retreated, no one on Klein's side chased him, and he also retreated behind Qingkong.

There was no way. Meng Liang's attack ability was really too strong. He and Qingkong were inseparable, but once someone went up to support Qingkong, Meng Liang would immediately turn to the supporting person, and the supporting person could not withstand his attack at all.

Meng Liang knew what was happening around him. Reason told him that it was actually a good idea to do so. Both sides retreated and stopped fighting. Only the leaders were fighting, which could reduce the losses of both sides.

And in this way, he could let go of his hands and feet more and deal with Qingkong in front of him with all his strength. At this time, I still wanted to kill Qingkong.

Qingkong had many skills, including her own professional skills and the artifact skills of Panshi, but after using all the skills, Qingkong knew that she could not defeat Meng Liang at all.

As the battle progressed, the time reached two hours, and the situation changed a little. Qingkong was a little exhausted, while Meng Liang was still fierce. This time it was not that he could not defeat him, but he might lose.

It foreshadowed that he would never happen again.

"Okay, okay, okay, don't fight, I was wrong, okay? I know I was wrong!"

This time, Qingkong began to give in. She had lived for so many years. The so-called face and backbone were meaningless to her. How to continue to live was the problem she should think about. Although everything was boring, and although time made him feel that life had no interest, when it was really time to die, she still wanted to live.

The feeling of dying that Meng Liang brought to her at this time was something she had never experienced before.

Meng Liang was also out of breath at this time, and the violent breath in his body finally calmed down a little.

He was mainly angry because Qingkong did not stop immediately. As for the people who died in the battle between the two sides, Meng Liang didn't really care. Just as he thought before, war is to fight desperately. Once the two sides start a war, they must kill each other. So when the battle is over, what hatred will there be between the two sides? In fact, there is no hatred. Everyone is just fighting. For their own position, it is a good thought for each of them.

Qingkong began to avoid at this time, no longer contacting Meng Liang, and began to play a game of catching people with me, Meng Liang. Meng Liang chased him and ran away, and said while running.

"I was really wrong, okay? You killed my son, and I won't bother with you, okay? I was wrong, so let me go, I don't want to fight anymore."

In this way, walking and running, people on both sides were also dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the war would become like this in the end.

Luo Yuhuan, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but ask:

"You said that Qingkong, that is, Zhou Wenhui 500 years later, really doesn't care that her own son was killed?"

"Alas, a woman who has lived for more than 500 years has long been indifferent to life and death. To be more precise, she has been indifferent to the life and death of others, so she may really not care."

This is Zhu Hong's answer to Luo Yuhuan's question.

Chen Meier sighed and said:

"This battle is really meaningless. It's just virtual humans killing each other and wasting each other. We don't have any hatred. Oh, it would be better if we didn't fight just now. Why is Meng Liang so irritable?"

"This is human nature. If everyone can control themselves well, then humans will be perfect. Although the reality is that more people died on our side, now we have defeated the other side, not the other side convinced us. This is a kind of victory. I think we can really stop. If we can sit down and have a good chat and recruit all these people on the opposite side, then we will have a super team. These people are all 2nd and 3rd turn strength. For our main world, they are too powerful. This must be good."

Zhu Hong said such a reality, and Chen Ming'er and Luo Yuhuan nodded.

But is Meng Liang willing to stop?

Meng Liang has heard what Zhu Hong said. Meng Liang agrees with her ideas, which makes his emotions calmer, and then he regrets a little.

Because the Blood-Crying Artifact recognized its master and the Vast Sea Artifact helped him at a critical moment, he changed, so he was emotional and difficult to control.

There is no place to buy regret medicine, anyway, it is refreshing, so you should not think about these, but look forward.

So Meng Liang stopped, stood there panting, and shouted at Qingkong.

"Oh, you don't want to fight with me, I don't agree, unless you agree to a few conditions of mine."

"What conditions did you say?"

"First, obey me in the future, second, you are not allowed to disobey any of my orders, and third, you do whatever I tell you to do, without any hesitation."

Qingkong was really depressed. These three things all mean the same thing. If you agree to these, wouldn't it be equivalent to being Meng Liang's slave in the future? Do whatever you are told to do, and you can't resist.

Qingkong was naturally unconvinced, but the reality was defeated.

This Meng Liang was able to beat her without fighting back after only three turns, and if he continued to fight, he had no confidence at all, and felt that he would definitely lose.

If Meng Liang's level is higher, Qing Kong is definitely not his opponent. Why is that?

The only answer that can be thought of is that Meng Liang is really related to real humans. Having lived for 500 years, but still unable to see through this world, Qing Kong feels that no matter what price she has paid, she must put aside the dispute and have a good chat with Meng Liang.

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