After entering the building and not walking up, Meng Liang found a room on the first floor, and then hid in a corner with his mother-in-law. They are all rough houses, and the windows are not equipped with glass. The sight is very good, and you can see outside.

Although there are no zombies inside the community, the chaos outside can still be heard. The roars of zombies and the shouts of people. The power of the Lotus Garden Community is probably over. Under the leadership of the giant zombies, the people inside are basically unscathed. The giant zombies break through the defenses, and the ordinary zombies rush forward, and people can only die.

Meng Liang looked for a while and found nothing special, so he just lay down on the ground. After all, it was getting late.

"Go and stand at the window and watch. If anything happens, wake me up. I'll take a nap to recover my strength."

"Meng Liang, I'm scared."

Meng Liang ignored her and would become stupid if he talked to stupid people.

After lying down for a few minutes, Meng Liang fell asleep.

It’s not that I’m arrogant, it’s just that my sleep quality has always been good.

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He didn't know how long he had slept for, but when his body was touched, Meng Liang woke up and sat up suddenly.

"There's something going on outside."

Lu Anke's voice sounded a little scary.

Meng Liang jumped up, took out his sword and shield, went to the window and looked out.

"what's the situation?"

"There seems to be a zombie over there."

Lu Anke lay behind Meng Liang and whispered.

After Meng Liang stared for a long time with his eyes wide open, he saw a zombie-like creature about eighty or ninety meters away, and he was immediately speechless.

"Your eyesight is quite good. Okay, go to sleep. This is the end of the world. Is it normal to have zombies? I will keep vigil next."

Meng Liang also looked at the night sky while speaking.

Not a single star was gone, it was probably dawn, and I had probably slept for a few hours.

Lu Anke hesitated for a long time and finally sat her lady's butt on the cement floor.

"It's a little cold."

"Stop talking, I'm tired of hearing you talk."

"Oh Meng Liang, can you respect me a little bit? I am your elder after all."

"Haha, now you remember that you are my elder? Okay, if you go back, let your girl consummate the marriage with me."

Lu Anke was quiet for a while, and then said:

"I have no problem with this. After all, it's the end of the world, but it also depends on Guerlain's own feelings, right?"

"Now that we are out of danger, don't you take it seriously? Have you forgotten how you begged me when Tang Yanping dealt with you just now?"

Lu Anke stopped talking again. Almost half an hour later, when Meng Liang thought she was asleep, she suddenly said something.

"Meng Liang, where are your sword and that shield-like thing hidden? How did you suddenly take them out?"

Meng Liang was speechless and almost rolled his eyes. He didn't know how his father-in-law could spend his whole life with this woman.

"Are you going to sleep or not? If not, you get up and keep watch while I sleep!"

"No, no, let me sleep. I haven't slept all night and I'm very sleepy.

Meng Liang really rolled his eyes, and the room became quiet again.

Dawn is not far from morning, and the day after tomorrow will start to get brighter.

It was safe all night, but the chaos outside had not stopped yet, but no human voices could be heard anymore, all the zombies were roaring.

Meng Liang glanced sideways at Lu Anke.

After all, she is almost sixty years old. Although she looks like a mature woman when she dresses up on weekdays, she becomes very haggard after not getting enough rest, and her face is still swollen. She was beaten a bit badly by Tang Yanping last night.

Well, just think of it as a way to help yourself and teach her a lesson, and understand that the world is not that peaceful.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps. Meng Liang cautiously came to the door and looked out.

This is a three-bedroom apartment. Meng Liang and Lu Anke are in a bedroom at this time. From here, they can see the door of the living room outside.

After a while, a sexy long leg appeared in front of the door. It was very fair.

Meng Liang's head tightened, and he was guessing whether it was a zombie or a human. The person had appeared, a vivid beauty, holding a machete in her hand. The health bar on her head did not show a value, which meant that it was not level 1.

Meng Liang was a little surprised, except that this was the first time he saw a human survivor who was not level 1.

The woman also frowned slightly when she saw Meng Liang for the first time. Two more men appeared behind her.

"Guan Li, what's going on?"

"A survivor."

The woman named Guan Li softly answered the man's question behind her, and then said:

"How many people are there with you?"

This is said to Meng Liang.

"Two, my mother-in-law and I."

"Are there any weapons?"

"Does the iron rod count?"

Meng Liang picked up a steel bar from beside him. It was a remaining building material that was already in the room, almost one meter long.

"This thing is not very effective at killing zombies, unless you are strong enough to bring your mother-in-law out. We are the controllers of this building."

Guan Li's voice was very calm, and Meng Liang saw a hint of caution in her eyes.

In the apocalypse, people lose trust in everyone, which is actually quite sad.

Meng Liang turned around to wake up Lu Anke, but the three people across from him dropped their guard after seeing her.

Perhaps because she is a good-looking old woman, she can give people a non-threatening feeling.

"Do you have any food?"

It was Guan Li who still asked.

"A little bit. What's in the backpack at the back? Do you want to grab it?"

"No, we don't steal things from our fellow human beings. Listen, we have almost dozens of people, and we always go out together to find supplies. You can join us."

"I don't think it's necessary. After the outbreak of the doomsday, I took my mother-in-law to go alone. I don't need to join others."

Meng Liang refused directly. His purpose was to return to the villa area with Lu Anke safely, not to hunt here.

Guan Li was very surprised.

At this time, most people want to keep warm together, and this is how these people finally gathered together.

It turns out that it is indeed useful. They have killed many zombies here.

Why doesn't this seemingly ordinary man want to join?

Guan Li also noticed that Meng Liang's blood bar has no value, which means that he is an upgraded strong man.

It is not strange to call him a strong man. At present, only three of their team are level 2, and their ability to kill zombies is twice that of others. This is an achievement obtained after countless crises, and it can and should be respected by the scum of level 1.

But they have achieved such results by working together. How did this man who went alone with his mother-in-law successfully upgrade?

Guan Li had countless doubts.

"Sister, since he doesn't want to cooperate, let's ignore him. Boy, I just told you that this building is our territory. If you don't cooperate, please get out."

"Well, okay."

Meng Liang spoke very calmly. He didn't want to cause trouble, so he kept a low profile.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside. Meng Liang turned around and saw from the window that the behemoth had flattened the wall of the community with one foot.

It's really bad. The corpse king wandered here.

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