But there is no way. Under Gao Lingyun's pull, Guan Yue was still pulled away, crying and looking back as she walked.

After walking out for about five hundred meters, he saw more and more people who stayed there to stop the enemy from dying. Seeing that his eldest brother could not escape, Guan Yue stopped and stood there shouting loudly.

"elder brother!"

"Let's go Guanyue!"

"Don't pull me! Gao Lingyun, I find that you are really selfish. You are not a man! Why can my brother take the initiative to break up his wife, but you only want to escape? Should my brother sacrifice for us?"

Guan Yue shouted, her voice loud.

Gao Lingyun's face changed unpredictably, turning red and white.

Finally, he suddenly let go of Guan Yue, turned around and ran away, as if he was running away.

Guan Yue looked at Gao Lingyun's leaving figure, her eyes full of disappointment.

She turned back, took out the long knife in her hand, and shouted to the people around her:

"Anyone who wants to run, run away. Anyone who wants to save my brothers with me, let's fight back together! Life and death are not that complicated, the worst is death!"

Guan Yue rushed forward as she spoke.

There were many people around her.

Seeing Guan Yue rushing back, they looked around and looked very bad.

Everyone knows that going back will lead to a narrow escape, and most people obviously don't have the courage to die.

Besides, Guan Yue said just now that those who want to leave can leave.

It’s a choice and an excuse to choose.

The leader did not issue an order saying that we must fight, so running away is not considered a deserter.

In this case, who wouldn't run?

I'm afraid it's just fools.

And if you are a fool, it is impossible to survive for more than a year in the apocalypse.

So when Guan Yue rushed out more than two hundred meters and looked back, she found that all the people behind her had run away, and no one could catch up.

This made her feel lost, disappointed, and unimaginable!

She was extremely annoyed and wanted to cry. It was not fear, but a rejection of human nature. She finally lost. There is no Virgin in the apocalypse, and only selfishness can survive. This is indeed right.

Guan Yue's body trembled, she looked forward again, and then rushed forward with long strides.

Well, she's had enough.

If she had to die, she would choose to die with her eldest brother and go together to meet her parents who had already died in the apocalypse.


At the critical moment, suddenly a group of people rushed over.

"Come on, hurry up, what are you doing? Why don't you hurry up!"

The tall man who took the lead came to Guan Yue's side and stopped her progress.

There was also a frail-looking man who led a group of people to meet Guan Zhen.

They all have props and items similar to grenades in their hands. When thrown, they can not only produce a strong explosion effect, but also release a lot of thick smoke, and can temporarily paralyze zombies.

And this has been of great help, allowing Guanzhen and the others to break away from contact with the zombies and escape with the new wave of people.

They ran all the way for two hours without stopping, and then they stopped after there was no trace of the zombies.

Both men were out of breath, but Guan Zhen still walked up to the two leaders of the other side and thanked them.

"If you hadn't rescued us in time, we would have been doomed. We were saved in the apocalypse. Thank you so much. Really, thank you very much."

"Hahaha, you're too polite. We just walked over there and saw you in distress, so we took action."

The person who spoke was the burly man who looked a bit older.

Guan Zhen immediately introduced himself, and the two people opposite him also revealed their names.

One is named Heizi and the other is named Jiang Shu.

Heizi was very generous and asked directly.

"Are you going to Suogong Mountain?"

"Yes, you too?"

"Yes, the place Jiang Shu and I really want to go to is actually the safe house territory in the city. We all heard that the leader of that place is Meng Liang."

"Oh? We don't know that. We only know that the Suogong Mountain base is a safe gathering place for humans in the apocalypse."

"Okay, then let's go together, shall we?"

In this way, the less than sixty people left in Guanzhen merged with the more than two hundred people from Heizi Jiangshu to form a team.

Although everyone was exhausted, they were still unwilling to rest and continued on the night journey, marching through the darkness before dawn, hoping to reach Sogong Mountain at dawn.

It was getting bright as soon as the sky was over, and Qu Jielan curled up on the sofa and fell asleep. When she woke up, she was already in bed, with Meng Liang lying next to her.

Qu Jiaolan's eyes widened and she began to recall what happened last night and how she got to bed.

After thinking for a while, she was sure that she definitely did not climb into bed by herself, which meant that Meng Liang must have picked her up when she fell asleep in the middle of the night.

This was so annoying that Meng Liang finally got her into bed.

If she went back to before the apocalypse broke out, Qu Jiaolan felt that she might be excited to kill Meng Liang.

Although she had this thought at this time, Qu Guerlain did not make any move while lying on the bed.

When she glared at Meng Liang, she realized that the man was sleeping too peacefully, so he lay there, breathing steadily, and there seemed to be a little smile on his face.

Qu Jiaolan could only look at most of her profile, but Meng Liang's profile was so handsome.

Men like beautiful women, and women also like handsome men. However, Qu Jielan never discovered that Meng Liang was so handsome before the end of the world.

Or maybe it's because he has grown older, because he is now a mature man, because this span of time has caused some subtle changes in his appearance, and just such a subtle change has allowed him to upgrade to A man who is absolutely attractive in my eyes.

There were no signs of being touched on her clothes, which showed that Meng Liang had not done anything to her.

Although she has never experienced women's affairs, she is not stupid. She is not the stupid sweetheart in romance novels. She is not sure whether she has been fucked by a man even when she sleeps with him.

Qu Jiaolan was certain that at least Meng Liang had not broken through her final line of defense, and he did not make any small moves when he carried her to bed, otherwise she would have woken up.

Qu Jielan, who was lying on the bed looking at Meng Liang, finally slowly frowned. It was such a strange feeling.

On weekdays, Qu Jielan usually covers herself with a quilt when she lies in bed, because she has a body that is prone to getting cold, and her body is always cold. If she doesn't cover herself with a quilt, she will definitely get cold at night.

Especially in spring, autumn and winter, the bed is basically as cold as ice.

It is said that a man is a furnace. I don’t know how many times I have heard this sentence. Qu Qiulan still couldn’t understand it before. How come men don’t get cold in bed? Will it cause fever?

And now she finally confirmed it in person. She and Meng Liang were in the same bed, separated by a distance, but even so, she could still feel the warmth, as if the inside of the bed was radiating heat, and this heat was obviously It was launched from Meng Liang's body.

It turns out that what people say is true. Men are indeed furnaces. No wonder women need men.

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