Gao Lingyun heard that this was the case, so that was no problem. Okay, then I'll go in first. "

"Remember not to mention that there are two of us outside the door. I think this person is quite strange. Go and test him."

Gao Lingyun didn't quite understand what Meng Liangliang was thinking, but he did feel that this was not a big deal. He was now at a very high level, and he clearly felt that his body's strength, speed, etc., had become stronger.

The people inside look so ordinary, there must be no danger, not to mention that even if there is danger, there is Qu Jiaolan outside, who can help him at any time.

Gao Lingyun thought that Meng Liang was an absolute master and the boss after all, and he also knew that Meng Liang was decisive in killing and cruel and cruel.

Since the task assigned to him now was not dangerous, he had better obey Meng Liang.

In this way, Gao Lingyun said a few words to Qu Jiaolan, asking her to pay attention to him outside, and then went around to knock on the door.

Qu Jiaolan frowned and watched Gao Lingyun leave, then looked at Meng Liang and said:

"What on earth do you want to do?"

"Nothing. I just vaguely heard someone underground, but I couldn't hear clearly what they said. I can't figure out why only this person is on the ground and everyone else is underground."

"Of course it's to avoid danger."

"Obviously there is no danger in this place. Didn't you see that there is farming and chicken raising outside.


"So on a sunny day, you can go outside for activities, or walk around in the room. Why do you have to live underground? Isn't it nice to go underground when there is danger?"

"Is there really someone underground?"

"Well, there is someone. There is no need to hide it from you. I have hearing that is different from ordinary people. I can hear a lot of noises underground. However, because I am separated by a thick layer of soil, I can't hear clearly what they are saying, but I can be sure. There are at least more than 40 people down here.”

Qu Jiaolan nodded, then frowned and looked at Meng Liang.

"You actually have super hearing. How many secrets do you have?"

"Qu Gueran, nothing about me is a secret, but you don't know me very well yet. Although we are a married couple and have been married for 4 years, you have never understood me, right?"

"Humph, you don't understand me either."

Qu Jiaolan didn't know what to say, so she retorted like this.

Meng Liang didn't even look at Qu Jiaolan, but looked inside the window.

But his mouth didn't stop.

"Don't I know you?"

Qu Jiaolan did not speak. Although Meng Liang used a question, Qu Jiaolan felt that the sentence was somewhat meaningful and seemed to have not been finished.

Sure enough, Meng Liang continued.

"I don't know how to understand someone, but I actually know some things about you.

Everyone has a dual personality, including you.

Outside, you are very capable and can easily take over company management. You are a strong woman.

But at home, you are actually the type of a good wife and mother. Lu An is unreliable. After your father died, your character of a good wife and mother was fully exposed. You take care of your brother, sister, mother, and... With the company.

How old are you, so you are actually very tired all the time.

During the two years that you married me before the apocalypse broke out, you didn’t even see me as your husband in your eyes. Even if you said hello to me every day, it was without emotion, as if I were one of your cats. dog.

You may not have ignored me on purpose, but during that period of time, you were really under too much pressure and had no time to think about anything unimportant. "

Meng Liang's voice was low and his narrative tone was calm.

Qu Jiaolan was stunned. She didn't expect Meng Liang to really understand that what he said was the fact that she had experienced it. She was really in this state during that time.

But Meng Liang didn't stop and continued talking.

"You have a very good relationship with Chen Meier. You regard her as your best friend and you often play together. Your relationship with Luo Yuhuan is a bit worse. Chen Meier has told me about this.

But she didn’t talk about you very much when she was with me. You know, you are best friends, and she never thought that one day she would become my woman, and of course I never thought about it either.

It's just that when we were trapped in the sea of ​​zombies, we were both too lonely. We supported each other, and we also needed psychological and physical comfort, so it fell into place.

This reminds me of you. In fact, you are also a very lonely woman.

Before the end of the world, you only had a serious best friend like Chen Mei'er. However, Chen Mei'er had a flamboyant personality at that time, which didn't match your personality at all, so you didn't really think that Chen Mei'er was very suitable to be your best friend. , you just have no choice.

Then there is no way to choose a best friend, which means that your circle is actually very small. Among the people in your family, your colleagues, and your circle of friends, there is no one who can get into your heart.

So you chose another person for yourself, and that was Gao Lingyun.

I asked about you and him, a senior who was very nice to you, and you even had a crush on him.

But this kind of secret love is just your own guess. You think you might like such a person, but you have never taken the initiative to contact him, and you have never talked with him about the topic of love between men and women.

This means that you don't actually need him, all you need is to get rid of loneliness and just give yourself something to do.

Of course, don't feel inferior. It's not that you have a psychological problem, but you feel lonely. Everyone is like this. People are born lonely. This can be regarded as a truth. "

Qu Jiaolan couldn't say a word. At this time, Meng Liang gave her a feeling of being so strange and mature. He was like a philosopher talking about some very complicated psychological problems, and these problems were so consistent with Qu Jiaolan's current situation, so Meng Liang seemed a little smart.

"I know that you actually like to eat sweets, but you are still afraid of getting fat, so you are controlling it.

You don't like too greasy food, but you like fried chicken, which comes from that Korean drama, so you are like the common women in the world, you are very emotional.

You have a little action that is not easy to be noticed by others, which is to put your fingers together and rub them back and forth. You may think that this action is not very elegant, so you started to control it deliberately a few years ago. You will only rub your fingers when there is no one around. When you rub your fingers, you are actually thinking. This action is probably unchangeable, but you do it really well. I guess few people know about this little action of yours


Meng Liang told Qu Jiaolan what he knew about her for the first time in front of her.

All of this shocked Qu Jiaolan, and she even felt that her heart beat faster.

He really didn't know Meng Liang, so he couldn't imagine that Meng Liang really knew him so well, and almost everything he said was on point.

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