Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0478: There is no immortality in war

When Meng Liang was in front of my aunt, my aunt raised her head and looked at Meng Liang, frowning slightly and looking a little pale.

"This old man is quite nice. He is like the man I fell in love with when I was twenty. He is obedient, careful, and sometimes very bad. He looks similar. I thought it was the end of the world. He is only a few years older than me. How old are you? It’s rare to meet someone you like. It’s not easy for a woman of our age to fall in love with a man. Haha, he’s dead.”

Meng Liang could see that he was dead.

Maybe I should comfort my aunt, maybe I should say sorry for being late.

But in the end, Meng Liang said nothing. War always kills people. He had learned this deeply during his seven years in another world.

So Meng Liang joined the battle without any trace. The battle lasted all morning. When someone came back, someone counted and killed 13,000 giant zombies. The entire city was already filled with the corpses of giant zombies.

They failed to reach the fortifications and did not cause any damage to the defensive walls.

The word gets out and everyone knows, we win! Victory in the first battle!

So everyone cheered.

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Meng Liang and his aunt couldn't cheer at all. The aunt brought three thousand people, and Meng Liang brought more than a thousand people.

In the end, only Meng Liang and his aunt returned.

By then, they were exhausted beyond description.

When Meng Liang arrived at the city wall, someone immediately brought water and wiped the dirt off Meng Liang's body.

Of course, there are people who serve my aunt like this.

The two were quiet for a while, and Meng Liang suddenly remembered something and raised his head to look at his aunt.

"Where's Li Xiangyue?"

The aunt, who was feeling decadent and about to fall asleep, suddenly opened her eyes.

"She was with me before?"

Meng Liang's heart sank, and he tried to get up and lead people out again to look for Li Xiangyue.

The search lasted for an hour, and finally I found Li Xiangyue's bloody body. She was dead and her bones were broken. She was very miserable. She didn't know how many times she had been stepped on by giant zombies.

Li Xiangyue's grandfather and grandson have always been with my aunt.

If she follows Meng Liang, Meng Liang will definitely not ignore her or let her participate in the battle.

Chen Meier, Luo Yuhuan, Du Mei, Cui Na.

These people were all following Meng Liang, so although Meng Liang also asked them to train, they were relatively harmless.

Li Xiangyue didn't. She was my aunt's personal soldier, riding in front and behind her.

Looking at the broken body, Meng Liang finally walked up and picked her up.

All the blood and dirt in his body immediately flowed to Meng Liang.

Because the bones were all broken into pieces, Meng Liang couldn't hold her up properly, she was just a puddle of flesh.

This made Meng Liang frown and have mixed emotions.

This girl had a first love who looked very similar to her, so she had always had a close connection with her.

Meng Liang could ignore her because he didn't want to be a substitute.

And there are women around him, so he is not in a hurry to expand his harem.

Until she died.

Meng Liang couldn't tell if he regretted it, but he just felt it was a pity.

This sentiment of course did not last, because other zombies had arrived next.

The abyss defense did not hinder the footsteps of the zombies, because some giant zombies still fell in, and they filled the ditch. The following ordinary zombies stepped on the bodies of the giant zombies in front, and reached the edge of the city wall like climbing over mountains and ridges. .

According to Meng Liang's combat plan, people and zombies started a war based on the city wall.

With the protection of the city wall, casualties are slightly smaller, but people will still die.

Moreover, at first, the contact between humans and zombies was just a point, then gradually became a line, and finally became a large area of ​​more than ten kilometers.

That is to say, the battle with zombies has basically begun across the board.

This is no longer a time for personal heroism. No matter how powerful Meng Liang is, he can't kill all the zombies, so what he has to do now is to stand guard.

After the battle progressed into dusk, the human coalition forces were finally able to retreat, because there were too many zombies piling up behind them, and they were rushing towards them in waves, so they had to fight and retreat at the same time.

The zombies piled up and climbed over the city wall and entered the city.

The offensive and defensive battles immediately transformed into street fighting.

This kind of battle did not last long. After the zombies increased in number, they began to run around and slowly occupied the entire gathering place.

The soldiers can only go underground and into bunkers, and then continue to attack zombies in these places.

Of course, Meng Liang participated in the whole battle and also took command.

Taking a break from his busy schedule, he got Chen Meier and the others into the safe house, and then told Lu Anke and others not to come out, as they were not needed to participate in this battle.

Because of Li Xiangyue's death, Meng Liang knew that it was normal for people to die in this battle.

Since he is the leader, he has such privileges.

He did not ask for the consent of Lu Anke and others. After taking them in, he immediately sealed the space in the safe house so that others could not enter and they could not get out.

After all, there is an underground passage connecting Suogong Mountain in the safe house, which is very safe, so they are not afraid of being trapped by zombies.

The battle continued until the third day, and the entire zombie swarm had taken over the city base.

Meng Liang's troops left the base and entered the defensive fortress on the plain.

This is not considered a defeat, because according to the plan, the entire city is a place where zombies are trapped, including this plain, all of which are battlefields.

When fighting zombies, it is meaningless to defend the city. Using the huge battlefield to hold back the zombies and disperse them is the top priority.

So Meng Liang mobilized 100,000 troops, divided them into 100 teams, and used the ground and underground fortifications built in advance to start a direct confrontation with the zombies.

During this process, Meng Liang was responsible for command and also responsible for dealing with those high-level zombies.

The effort was very high, but it was just a small fragment among the thousands of troops.

The battle between humans and zombies is by no means Meng Liang's business alone. On this battlefield, no one can escape the fate that awaits them.

After the plain war started, in order to eliminate zombies more effectively, people had to fight zombies on the ground.

At this time, the role of various zombie armors came into play.

Wearing these armors will not turn you into a zombie after a bite, giving humans the opportunity to face zombies head-on.

It's just that the strength of zombies is still higher than that of humans. Their so-called level 50 and level 60 are simply stronger than the 1st and 2nd turn of humans.

The human coalition won't gain an advantage, even though humans can deal with multiple zombies.

The Survivor Plains War went on for the 15th day.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of zombies that were eliminated must be more than 200,000, right?

The human army has lost more than 70,000, not counting the more than 20,000 missing.

Those missing people either died in the battle, or may have been unable to withstand the pressure and fled.

It can be said that the Survivor Plains War was much more tragic than the Dingfengshan Battle.

The difference is that at this time, humans have not collapsed, and everyone has a feeling of getting better.

Because their underground facilities have not been destroyed, they have not lost their will, and they can go underground, which proves that their underground equipment is safe.

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