Pick up a doomsday safe house at the beginning

Chapter 0456: Master of Confession

Gu Yujie is really sensible. This choice is naturally the best for them now, provided that Wang Jinzhou must put aside his prejudices. He must know that Meng Liang is here to help him, but he has no obligation to help him to the end. Meng Liang can also choose the scale and standard of doing things according to his own preferences.

Meng Liang nodded to Gu Yujie, and Wang Jinzhou had no way to refute it, because he was indeed a waste in the doomsday.

Gu Yujie whispered to him afterwards.

"Husband, the problem now is that we must understand the doomsday better. We have been hiding before, so we haven't killed even a zombie. You see, others are all high-level fighters, but we are fish that can be slaughtered in this doomsday. Now we have such an opportunity to follow a strong man. Although we don't know how powerful he is, he looks really powerful. This is our opportunity."


"Yes, you have to use this opportunity to make yourself stronger and become a man who can protect yourself. Only in this way can you protect me, otherwise we will not be able to survive sooner or later, and things like me being robbed will definitely happen frequently. In fact, Deng Chao is really a good person. He robbed me but didn't move. If it were someone else, he might kill you."

Wu Yujie felt that she was telling the truth, but Wang Jingzhou sounded particularly harsh, and still sneered :

"What's the matter? You've already fallen in love with him. When I just came in, he was hugging you and kissing you. I saw you were hugging him too. Oh, I really didn't realize that you're still a swordsman."

"How can you say that to me?"

"Did I say anything wrong? Did he hug you and kiss you? The key is, did you hug him too?"

"Don't be angry, husband. Just listen to my explanation."

Gu Yujie calmed down and felt that it seemed that the scene just now had indeed caused her husband to misunderstand her. So she no longer minded her husband scolding her and began to explain the situation to him.

At this time, Deng Chao was already organizing the dismissal of personnel on the other side, and wanted these people to join the leveling practitioners in the underground world of the survivors' plain.

Deng Chao first went to the village entrance to see the night watchmen. They had been rescued and told Deng Chao about Meng Liang's powerful strength.

"It's really amazing that he easily avoided bullets and killed all of you. "

After Deng Chao sighed, he felt lucky that he was still smart. Meng Liang was indeed not easy to deal with. If he had taken action, he might not be alive now.

At this time, Meng Liang, Qu Jiaolan and Lu Anke had been arranged to a room to rest.

"Oh, really, why bother with these things. "

Qu Jiaolan expressed her complaints.

Meng Liang was too lazy to explain to her that Lu Anke was here to meddle in other people's business, and he was just helping her out and satisfying her request.

At this time, Lu Anke was already standing behind Meng Liang, massaging Meng Liang's shoulders.

Meng Liang and Qu Jiaolan didn't have much contact during this period, because of Gao Lingyun's presence, and because Meng Liang now had a woman by his side, so the two had no chance or reason to contact.

Lu Anke was different. She was a thick-skinned old woman, but she had a young body, so she pursued Meng Liang relentlessly and did everything she could. She followed him around every day and said bad things about Chen Mei'er and Luo Yuhuan, praising her own daughter.

Meng Liang often disdained what she said, but he enjoyed the feeling of being with her, because Lu Anke was getting more and more sensible now. For example, massaging shoulders was just like Meng Liang's A professional maid, as long as she is next to Meng Liang, she will provide all kinds of services. Massaging shoulders is just one of them. There are also leg massages, back massages, etc.

In fact, one day she saw Luo Yuhuan massaging Meng Liang's back, so Lu Anke came to take over Luo Yuhuan's job and told Luo Yuhuan, this is my son-in-law, you don't have to worry about it.

Luo Yuhuan was helpless in the face of her elders. Since then, Lu Liu Anke has begun to serve her son-in-law specifically, making Meng Liang suffer and enjoy it.

This way of getting along between the two has continued to this day. Meng Liang sat there and found a comfortable position. Lu Anke went over to massage his shoulders. After massaging for a while, Meng Liang fell on the sofa. Lu Anke moved a small stool over and sat beside him to massage his back.

"Son, let's go like this. You must be tired. Let me tell you, actually my calves are also sore. Let me discuss something with you. How about you carry me on your back tomorrow? "

"I was just wondering why you suddenly came up with this idea. Okay, tomorrow I'll get two shoulder poles and put you on the side, and hang one on each side to carry you."

"Really? That's great. How about getting two coffins? We can lie in them."

Qu Jiaolan couldn't stand it anymore and walked out of the room depressed.

Mengzi began to think seriously about what Lu Anke said.

"Yes, coffins are also OK. Uh, I'll study it. ”

Meng Liang left the room and found Deng Chao, asking him to send a few people to him. Then Meng Liang took these people to cut trees and do carpentry work.

It was almost 10 o'clock in the evening when he finally finished the work and made a rectangular structure of 1.5 meters wide, 1.9 meters long and 1.2 meters high.

It looked like a coffin, but it was much fatter than an ordinary coffin.

After finishing, Meng Liang went to find ropes and fixed them to the four corners of the rectangular structure.

The four ropes were very strong and about one meter long.

He found a bamboo pole of about 6 meters long and used tough props on the bamboo pole.

Though this bamboo pole is very long and dry, it becomes very strong and basically impossible to break after using tough props.

Tie four ropes to the bamboo pole in groups of two, and a mobile hanging cabin will be formed.

Meng Liang called Qu Jiaolan and Lu Anke to come, and let them lie flat inside.

Meng Liang walked over, picked up the bamboo pole, and lifted up the small wooden coffin... ah, no, the cabin directly, and carried it on his shoulders.

This would be a difficult task for any strongman before the end of the world, but for Meng Liang after the end of the world, it was like carrying a small schoolbag behind him, and he couldn't feel the weight at all.

Meng Liang smiled, and then asked Deng Chao's people to come and install a few base brackets on the cabin and arrange some handrails, so that two people could carry the coffin and walk.

At night, I felt that it was not comfortable to lie down while traveling, so I made this thing, which could be carried by others or hung by the wooden pole.

For this reason, Deng Chao later asked him to leave two coffin bearers.

The next day.

Meng Liang, Qu Jiaolan, Lu Anke.

Deng Chao, Gu Yujie, Wang Jingzhou.

As well as coffin bearers Zhang Du and Tao Yin, they set off together, and of course their goal was still to the north.

All of Deng Chao's original people were dismissed by him.

When they set out, he proudly raised his head and said to Gu Yujie:

"For you, I gave up everything, because from now on you are everything to me!"

Meng Liang, the peerless master, missed a step and fell directly to the ground, which was very embarrassing, making Qu Jiaolan cover her mouth and chuckle, feeling a little happy.

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